What spiderman news?
Spiderman being threebooted into the MCU
What spiderman news?
Oh that, i hope they keep Garfield.
Garfield's out.
Damm shame, as he was the best part about those movies.
Garfield wa contracted for two more spidey movies, can they just break it like that?
Ok, wonder who they will cast in his place.
Better not be tobey
No kid wants to buy a toy of a 40yo Spider-ManWhat if they are going the Batman route and having an old and experienced Spidey.
Ok, wonder who they will cast in his place.
Better not be tobey
I know you cant say much about the movie right now but what can you tell us?
I can tell you that I think its going to be badass! Theyre just such an awesome team. The bits that I was on set for look fantastic; everyone in it is fantastic. Its exciting; its high-energy; its high-action. They are addressing all of the things that they set up in Man of Steel.
I know you cant say much about the movie right now but what can you tell us?
I can tell you that I think its going to be badass! Theyre just such an awesome team. The bits that I was on set for look fantastic; everyone in it is fantastic. Its exciting; its high-energy; its high-action. They are addressing all of the things that they set up in Man of Steel.
I never paid attention to her last name...cooooool
Yeah, that news is/was a bombshell. Hopefully it'll force WB/DC to post a trailer sooner than planned, but far off enough to let the dust settle
she was indeed.
I don't think the launching of DC's biggest property ever is going to be overshadowed by a press release (a confirmation of something that's been long rumored). It would be the other way around... especially if it's a video teaser.
Yeah I'm not quite sure what some people are smoking to think otherwise.
A Batman/Superman teaser would be shared all over the internet within seconds. If anything now is the perfect time to release something.
On that same note, when can I start calling Civil War a clustermuck? Cap, Iron Man, Panther, spidey, Widow, Falcon?
One could say the same for Batman v Superman (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg)
One could say the same for Batman v Superman (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg)
One could say the same for Batman v Superman (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg)
I posted this on the IMDB message board, but I'm curious about the marketing campaign for BvS. I'm getting sick and tired of films just plain posting their trailers on Youtube. Don't these suits have any sense of showmanship?
The Dark Knight had an Augmented Reality Game, where something like 80,000 people dressed in Joker makeup during comic-con, and where deciphering web pages revealed the first official photo of the Joker, and if you dug deeper, you would get first access to the third, FULL trailer. I think they should do something as material as that was; something exciting, interactive, and obviously rewarding for the consumer.
Star Wars had a "Star Wars Weekend" where about 100 theatres across North America showed the trailer in front of every movie, all day, for 2 nights. This was smart, because it didn't matter if you were watching the latest Dreamworks animated film, or a small-time drama, Star Wars made a splash!
Avatar had an "Avatar day" where every IMAX in North America showed the 25 minute Comic Con footage (invitation only), as well as the revelation of the Toy Line, theatrical trailer, and video game trailer. That was huge, and it obviously paid off for the film.
Warner Brothers needs to do a "BvS Day." What was great about Avatar Day was sitting in an IMAX seat with fellow enthusiasts and having a good time, and there's no arguing that the best way to watch a movie is in a comfy theatre. Unfortunately for us who've been dying to get any footage of BvS, Avatar had a marketing campaign of 5 months before release, meaning if WB followed suit, we'd see something at October. But it truly was 5 months of every film magazine, every newspaper, every website saying "You must see this film."
What would you do if you were in charge?
...That's the joke![]()
It's not just Captain America 3. Look at how many characters were actually in Captain America 2: Winter Soldier that got a focus. This is why the complaints about BvS when it comes to the number of characters in it were and are BS and hypocritical and those that pushed it and would praise Marvel right afterward were and are hypocrites.The funny thing is that characters like Cyborg, Flash and Aquaman have been confirmed to be pretty much just cameos. In Cap3 people like Fury, Widow, Black Panther or Spiderman will definitely NOT be regulated to those roles. So Cap3 is more of a "bloated mess" than BvS.
I don't think a "BVS day" would do very well.
You aren't incorrect.I think she's damn hot.
I just don't think WB/DC nor Disney/Marvel care as much about this rivalry as fans want to believe they do.
At the end of the day, they all gonna get paid.
I said this to a friend earlier and he looked at me like I had told him the truth about Santa Clause.
I just don't think WB/DC nor Disney/Marvel care as much about this rivalry as fans want to believe they do.
Word on twitter is that the trailer isn't coming until May with Mad Max. If they're going to wait that long then they should just release the comic con teaser now and have a full trailer then
I just don't think WB/DC nor Disney/Marvel care as much about this rivalry as fans want to believe they do.
At the end of the day, they all gonna get paid.
Of course they don't.
It's not like telling someone Santa doesn't exist. It's like telling a kid that Wrestling isn't real.
Because that's all Marvel vs. DC has ever been. It's a Pro Wrestling work.
I think they only thing WB/DC and Disney/Marvel care about is just trying to schedule release dates around each other so they don't step on each others toes.
I just don't think WB/DC nor Disney/Marvel care as much about this rivalry as fans want to believe they do.
At the end of the day, they all gonna get paid.
Has this been posted or am I late?
Hal Jordan been cast?
Has this been posted or am I late?
Hal Jordan been cast?
I think they only thing WB/DC and Disney/Marvel care about is just trying to schedule release dates around each other so they don't step on each others toes.
Has this been posted or am I late?
Hal Jordan been cast?
Fun fan theory about Hal Jordan casting
I just hope Aquaman, Suicide Squad, Cyborg, GL & Shazam are good enough and perform well enough to warrant sequels. I have a hard time seeing JL, Batman, Supes or WW being rejected by the public. If those films fail it only encourages DC to double down on the trinity, like comic book sales encourage them to double down on the bat family.
Of course they don't.
It's not like telling someone Santa doesn't exist. It's like telling a kid that Wrestling isn't real.
Because that's all Marvel vs. DC has ever been. It's a Pro Wrestling work. Hell, the people involved aren't even working it anymore. it's almost entirely fan/media generated at this point.
It's still real to me dammit.Of course they don't.
It's not like telling someone Santa doesn't exist. It's like telling a kid that Wrestling isn't real.
Because that's all Marvel vs. DC has ever been. It's a Pro Wrestling work. Hell, the people involved aren't even working it anymore. it's almost entirely fan/media generated at this point.
I will just say that I don't think either company cares
Looking at it more from how the internet will react to these things.
Has this been posted or am I late?
Hal Jordan been cast?
Just speculation. Take with loads of salt.
Zack Snyder would prefer Hal Jordan over John Stewart as the founding justice league member.