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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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This was supposed to be a Superman movie with Superman jokes, then Batman came in. It was crowded before they included the rest of the JL.

How the fuck will the jokes be distributed?


Unconfirmed Member
This was supposed to be a Superman movie with Superman jokes, then Batman came in. It was crowded before they included the rest of the JL.

How the fuck will the jokes be distributed?

Dude, you can't just continue skipping things in the cycle.


At least anything's better than Avengers one-liners. Bad jokes are better than predictable cliches making up the entire script.


This was supposed to be a Superman movie with Superman jokes, then Batman came in. It was crowded before they included the rest of the JL.

How the fuck will the jokes be distributed?
Thing is there are no light hearted characters in this movie. No Tony Stark to add a bit of levity, for example. I hope Flash can bring that to the table but that'll depend on how closely they want to follow Barry in the comics.
Ahhh, here we go. A leg of the cycle you all forgot:

The Tornado Scene Bitching.

(it didn't quite work, but it isn't the total fuckup everyone claims it is. It's one of the few things that actually fit, thematically, with what Snyder/Goyer are trying to do with the character)


This thread is imploding. Abort.

Someone needs to take this gif:


...and caption it with "ABANDON THREAD" when Supes takes off. If you want to go the extra mile, as he's building up his will to fly, add some rapid-fire captions of the BvS thread cycle. "Cameos will ruin the movie" "Superman shouldn't have killed Zod" "Superman should have saved more people" "Gadot is too skinny" "Snyder sucks" "Why so dark and gritty?" "Cavill is balding" "#trainwreck" "#clusterfuck" ABANDON THREAD.
Ahhh, here we go. A leg of the cycle you all forgot:

The Tornado Scene Bitching.

(it didn't quite work, but it isn't the total fuckup everyone claims it is. It's one of the few things that actually fit, thematically, with what Snyder/Goyer are trying to do with the character)

I think, for the most part, Goyer and Snyder succeeded in making the Superman film they set out to make. I just don't think the film they set out to make was particularly good.

Anyway... that Tsujihara quote is not encouraging. But I have to keep some measure of hope alive.


Ahhh, here we go. A leg of the cycle you all forgot:

The Tornado Scene Bitching.

(it didn't quite work, but it isn't the total fuckup everyone claims it is. It's one of the few things that actually fit, thematically, with what Snyder/Goyer are trying to do with the character)

eh, i thought it was a pretty stupid scene.


I like how the "he's hot" scene happens IMMEDIATELY following Superman killing Zod.
Yup lol
like no time to reflect on what just happened, or for Superman to actually be Superman to all these people caught in the way of the fight by assisting in rescue efforts or anything...

Nah straight to him smashing a drone and a little joke.


Ahhh, here we go. A leg of the cycle you all forgot:

The Tornado Scene Bitching.

(it didn't quite work, but it isn't the total fuckup everyone claims it is. It's one of the few things that actually fit, thematically, with what Snyder/Goyer are trying to do with the character)
On its own, the scene just feels odd. The real contention I have is the character assassination of Pa Kent in general. The scene itself makes no sense to me as far as why the hell Pa went back to the car instead of Clark.


On its own, the scene just feels odd. The real contention I have is the character assassination of Pa Kent in general. The scene itself makes no sense to me as far as why the hell Pa went back to the car instead of Clark.

Yeah, this is part of the reason I have an issue with that scene. Clark could have made it to the car and back without making it blatantly look like he had superpowers to everyone else. Plus most Smallville citizens (I'm assuming this was likely near Smallville) seemed to be somewhat aware that Clark was different, so it's not like he'd be blowing too much cover. The scene feels like it exists entirely to just kill off Pa Kent.
On its own, the scene just feels odd. The real contention I have is the character assassination of Pa Kent in general. The scene itself makes no sense to me as far as why the hell Pa went back to the car instead of Clark.

This is part of my problem with the film. 1) it's too overstuffed and 2) because of that, it can't really pay attention to the things it NEEDS to pay attention to.

Basically - Pa Kent wasn't character assassinated ENOUGH. They need to make him really stern, and they didn't. He was always wrinkled and kindly and wise. Goyer wanted him to be Obi-Wan but he wasn't, and he couldn't be, not with his entire character based on justified suspicion. They needed to make him less Obi-Wan and more... shit, I dunno, Coach Taylor, I guess. But you'd have to cut some of those flashbacks to fit that in, if it had even occurred to them that they weren't making Pa Kent hard-edged enough to justify their choice of characterization.

You get a sterner, tougher Pa Kent, that fight in the truck plays a lot more strongly (Finally! Clark's standing up to this guy for being unfair!) and then when he finally has his ONE moment of caring/compassion, it's because he knows his son will learn what he's been trying to teach him all this time, and that will keep him safe.

But instead, that moment doesn't land all the way, because they trapped Jonathan in this weird Obi-Wan limbo his character had no business occupying.
There were jokes in MoS, just most of them were misses. I did enjoy the jokes between Bruce and Alfred in Nolan's trilogy.

Marvel's take is a bit overbearing for me in that pretty much any and all tension in avengers is disrupted by a one liner. That being said, I'll be disappointed if Hal and Barry aren't cracking some jokes. I want those flash facts as well.


There were jokes in MoS, just most of them were misses. I did enjoy the jokes between Bruce and Alfred in Nolan's trilogy.

Marvel's take is a bit overbearing for me in that pretty much any and all tension in avengers is disrupted by a one liner. That being said, I'll be disappointed if Hal and Barry aren't cracking some jokes. I want those flash facts as well.

Off the top of my head I can name more jokes from Batman Begins and Dark Knight than I can from Man of Steel, which is kind of funny considering the Nolan movies are generally viewed as the origin of the "dark and gritty" modern movies. Some of the stuff Bruce and Alfred said to each other was pretty good, or stuff like Dent asking Alfred if Rachel has any crazy ex boyfriends.
I'm not saying that.. but these are comics. A few jokes wouldn't hurt? These things are supposed to be fun.

Man of Steel had a couple, only one was good though and that was the sight gag of the impaled big rig. Even Nolan Batman had some chuckles. "It's a black... Tank", GCPD's list of Batman Suspects, Make the pen Disappear, "So that's what that feels like."


"Steeped in realism."

Man if there's any phrase that just makes you think they have no idea what they're doing, it's this one.

Yes, the King of Atlantis, the Amazonian from a magical hidden island of women, the space cop, the super fast guy who got his powers from lightning, and the alien with super everything should TOTALLY be as realistic as possible.

To use the Nolan quote again, what he really means is relatable -- that the movies, while based on unrealistic characters/concepts, are grounded in a world that's familiar and that we can relate to. It's not realistic in the sense that Superman and Wonder Woman can totally exist, but that were Superman and Wonder Woman to exist, this is what they would totally look and act like.


This is part of my problem with the film. 1) it's too overstuffed and 2) because of that, it can't really pay attention to the things it NEEDS to pay attention to.

Basically - Pa Kent wasn't character assassinated ENOUGH. They need to make him really stern, and they didn't. He was always wrinkled and kindly and wise. Goyer wanted him to be Obi-Wan but he wasn't, and he couldn't be, not with his entire character based on justified suspicion. They needed to make him less Obi-Wan and more... shit, I dunno, Coach Taylor, I guess. But you'd have to cut some of those flashbacks to fit that in, if it had even occurred to them that they weren't making Pa Kent hard-edged enough to justify their choice of characterization.

You get a sterner, tougher Pa Kent, that fight in the truck plays a lot more strongly (Finally! Clark's standing up to this guy for being unfair!) and then when he finally has his ONE moment of caring/compassion, it's because he knows his son will learn what he's been trying to teach him all this time, and that will keep him safe.

But instead, that moment doesn't land all the way, because they trapped Jonathan in this weird Obi-Wan limbo his character had no business occupying.

I'm not sure dude, he was given major 'I'm a bully and a prick' vibes throughout the film. I mean shit... his entire thing was 'don't you be who you are boy, or I'll kick your ass.' Then he's all 'don't save me boy, if you do I'm gonna smother you in your sleep.'


Guys cmon, let's stay on track here.

You know who's awesome? Batman and Superman. I'm really looking forward to seeing Batman do some cool Batman shit in BvS. I'm talking gadgets out-the-ass, badass one-liners ("Mine are bigger than yours"), and lots of ass-kicking
(that's a lot of asses).
I'm also interested to see if Superman's powers evolve at all now that he's had a few years to hone them (meaning he has more control over them). I really can't over-state how excited I am for the movie. Usually I'm pretty good at keeping my hype in check...but I'm sorry, four year-old Superman and Batman lovin' Loxley is shining through this time around.
Surprised we're seeing so much of him before the film has even started shooting. I'm hoping/guessing that he's only going to be in the movie for a few short scenes and they'll have that done asap. As much as I like Batman and the Joker I'm way more interested in seeing the squad's uniforms and character poster, though these Joker pictures are probably the best move on DC's part to get people hyped for the DC movie universe for now.


Nah, it works cuz it shows Clark does have a fuse and from time to time needs to vent.

I REALLY hope they don't blunt some of Clark's darker personality traits.

Of the 4 times I saw MOS in theaters some of the biggest pop came from

-The scene above.

-The end where he crashed the spy drone.

-When he broke the handcuffs and gave his little anti-authoritarian speech.

The last one getting applause at least twice.
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