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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Unconfirmed Member
I didn't know anything about Green Lantern other than the Justice League cartoon and assumed he was always a black guy before the Ryan Reynolds movie happened.
Hal is my favorite of the lanterns, but I'd be fine with them to go with John Stewart, even though he's probably my least favorite of the bunch.

It's a smart choice, not just for diversity's sake, but also to distance themselves from the terrible movie they made. Kyle was basically the Peter Parker model, although he's come into his own in recent years. Guy basically started out as a Hal clone, but reimagined in the 80's to give him the "attitude" of the time, but he's also grown into a character with a lot more layers and depth since his inception.

Any of the four main Lantern's could be interesting with a good actor/script. GLTAS got Hal's character down right. And Guy for that matter. The Hal from Green Lantern the movie was nothing like the real Hal Jordan.

Honestly I'm more worried about them trying to get the tone right for GL than who they pick. They need to go more of the space cop angle, and less emphasis on the wacky constructs. It's a tough character to nail in live-action I think.


Honestly I'm more worried about them trying to get the tone right for GL than who they pick. They need to go more of the space cop angle, and less emphasis on the wacky constructs. It's a tough character to nail in live-action I think.

Exactly, GL has always been about the characters, not the rings, no one cares what constructs who came up with.

John Stewart has been the GL for many people for years now. He's already familiar to many who grew up with the JL television renditions.

Ok then, let's say you make the lead guy John Stewart.

You replace Carol Ferris with Katma Tui or Fatality.

You replace Sinestro with..........?????? Black Hand? The Mad Guardian??
Ugh. Still one of the dumbest moves by DC.

Jesus. Should've been in the fall.

People keep bringing this up, and yet no one's provided a good reason for dropping a trailer 14+ months beforehand.

What, for hype?

Zack Snyder dropped an Aquaman picture at fucking 1am and people shit their pants. The first picture he shared was of a tarped Batmobile at noon on a random Monday with no warning and people ate it up. He/WB can drop this at anytime (maybe not anytime) and people will eat it up - they're already hyped. They've been hyped since Comic-Con 2013.
People keep bringing this up, and yet no one's provided a good reason for dropping a trailer 14+ months beforehand.

What, for hype?

Zack Snyder dropped an Aquaman picture at fucking 1am and people shit their pants. The first picture he shared was of a tarped Batmobile at noon on a random Monday with no warning and people ate it up. He/WB can drop this at anytime (maybe not anytime) and people will eat it up - they're already hyped. They've been hyped since Comic-Con 2013.

I agree with all of this. Not having a teaser/trailer out isn't evidence that WB is "dumb" at all. If anything, you'd have to say it's smart because they're not wasting money/resources on the marketing for a movie the audience isn't even going to be able to SEE for another year.

I mean - lord knows if the teaser dropped TOMORROW I'd be all over that shit in one hell of a hurry. But I don't think the absence of one is some huge missed opportunity.

The San Diego Marketing Expo and Advertising Showcase is coming soon enough, all empty "Hype!" targets are sure to be hit and then some.


Let me say that Hal Jordan is a fuckboy and it's Kyle Rayner all day. Would have also rather had Guy, Simon, Alan, or even Jessica.

That said, if you're going to use him, you could do worse than Chris Pine. Good pick if true.


wb is dumb because there turning batman into a robot

and no shazam ongoing still

BatRabbit and Shazam snub aside, I actually like everything I'm hearing about the June relaunch. Much more optimistic going into it than I was the N52 (which I ended up being more moderate on than most).
I'm a Hal guy so if that Chris Pine thing is true then I'm fine with it. But I really like the idea of an older Hal Jordan with white temples who has been off-world for years from that rumour a while back. Either way, if its Hal then I'm cool.


Kyle is the only good lead GL.

Guy's good too, he's just not a leading man type.

(Injustice spoilers)
Amazed how they literally just ripped Kyle to pieces almost right away. Brutal...

Guy is a good asshole character but he's good in the context of being compared to the other GL's. On his own? Eh...
BatRabbit and Shazam snub aside, I actually like everything I'm hearing about the June relaunch. Much more optimistic going into it than I was the N52 (which I ended up being more moderate on than most).

Yeah, I like their direction on canon > continuity. Most of the time continuity ended up being disregarded or hampering the story, Batman Inc and B&R pretty much ignored Flasphoint and still referenced Final Crisis.

I liked the way star wars fans handled canon, with layers. I think Justice League and events should take precedence over individual stories, and if individual stories are popular enough they should be reinforced and kept in canon. I really liked how Earth 2 was going until they steered it toward a weekly and tried to connect it with Convergence and Earth 0.

Basically, if this allows more creative freedom to a degree, I agree with it.


Super Member
(Injustice spoilers)
Amazed how they literally just ripped Kyle to pieces almost right away. Brutal...

Guy is a good asshole character but he's good in the context of being compared to the other GL's. On his own? Eh...
He stood on his own as the last Green Lantern and has been one of the universe's most powerful heroes more than once. In a future told in one GL story, he becomes Space Jesus.

Also he was awesome in JLA.
I guess I have fond memories of John Stewart from the Justice League cartoon. Would be make for a better live action GL than Rayner? Nope, but I'd certainly take him over Hal.

Whenever I think of Hal Jordan GL, I can't shake the memory of Reynolds in that godawful mask. It's just burnt into my memory as a reminder of how bad comic book movies could get...

he had but maybe one episode that was worthwhile?

John Stewart has been the GL for many people for years now. He's already familiar to many who grew up with the JL television renditions.
The only justification I see for Hal Jordan being attempted twice, is that WB feels more comfortable with a white GL leading a movie even though that didn't help much the last time.

Hal has been a Green Lantern Longer, had his own TV show and is the lead in the comic books. John Stewart's only original shtick was that in the 70s he made Hal realize that he paid too attention to the purple skins and the green skins but not the black skins on Earth. that's it. after that the character ran out of steam. oh yeah, he blew up a planet and was moping around for years.
they don't even bring up the fact that he's architect anymore.

why couldn't they use sinestro?

because Sinestro trained Hal, was his mentor and Hal was eventually the one that brought Sinestro down.
He stood on his own as the last Green Lantern and has been one of the universe's most powerful heroes more than once. In a future told in one GL story, he becomes Space Jesus.

Also he was awesome in JLA.

failed to restart the Green lantern corps. Hal has restarted the Corps on his own TWICE. Kyle needs all that power to stay relevant.


Pine seems kind of babyfaced for Hal.

I like him. Really enjoyed his versionof Kirk.

Suicide Squad is starting to boil. Wonder Woman stuff should start spilling in a couple of months.


Yeah, I like their direction on canon > continuity. Most of the time continuity ended up being disregarded or hampering the story, Batman Inc and B&R pretty much ignored Flasphoint and still referenced Final Crisis.

I liked the way star wars fans handled canon, with layers. I think Justice League and events should take precedence over individual stories, and if individual stories are popular enough they should be reinforced and kept in canon. I really liked how Earth 2 was going until they steered it toward a weekly and tried to connect it with Convergence and Earth 0.

Basically, if this allows more creative freedom to a degree, I agree with it.
It's basically what Marvel did with Hawkeye or even what DC themselves were doing with Azz's Wonder Woman. Not stylistically, but in the sense of letting more books stand on their own and be unhampered by whatever is going on in the rest of the line. That they're taking that approach with half the line, coupled with Didio and Lee's new willingness is step outside of what personally appeals to them, is wonderful.

I also like the lessened focus on maintaining synergy with the TV and movie stuff. Like they've finally woken up and realized it doesn't matter. Now obviously, word can come from on high from WB to change this or that, but I like that they're saying "We can all do our own thing and the audience will follow along. Black Canary can be a different character in the book than she is on TV and that's fine."

Now if we can just get a new creative team on Wonder Woman...
Alright let's say I'm a movie executive who wants to use Stewart. What's stopping me from giving that backstory to John?

nothing I suppose. but why so hard on Stewart? he hasn't really been on the radar for ten years. Hal has had a movie, a TV show and 50 years of comics.

what is the burning drive to place Stewart in the lead role? because he was in JL/JLU?
show's been done for years, general public don't care that much.

if you have to steal another character's past to make the other interesting then maybe you don't have a good character as the lead to begin with. by the way, Green Lanterns now operate as a pair so we can have both.
Hal and John. make along the same vein as Lethal Weapon with either John or Hal being the good cop and the other one can be the loose cannon.


I agree with all of this. Not having a teaser/trailer out isn't evidence that WB is "dumb" at all. If anything, you'd have to say it's smart because they're not wasting money/resources on the marketing for a movie the audience isn't even going to be able to SEE for another year.

I mean - lord knows if the teaser dropped TOMORROW I'd be all over that shit in one hell of a hurry. But I don't think the absence of one is some huge missed opportunity.

The San Diego Marketing Expo and Advertising Showcase is coming soon enough, all empty "Hype!" targets are sure to be hit and then some.

They already have that Comic-Con teaser ready to go. I don't know why they never released it to the public.


They already have that Comic-Con teaser ready to go. I don't know why they never released it to the public.

It's certainly the biggest movie Warner ever made, so I'm sure they have a very large communication plan. I'm not even sure that they will use Mad Max for a teaser.


Super Member
failed to restart the Green lantern corps. Hal has restarted the Corps on his own TWICE. Kyle needs all that power to stay relevant.
Didn't Kyle give up being ION, recharge the GL battery and make a bunch of Guardian babies? yeah

and like I said, he was great in JLA. no ION/White Lantern powers needed
They already have that Comic-Con teaser ready to go. I don't know why they never released it to the public.

It's pretty awesome for comic book fans because of TDKR but I don't think it would do much for the public at large. They've got to show more than that.

Chances are the footage in that teaser may not make it into the film itself anyway.
I want a movie that shows Superman being more than just brute force, that shows his intelligence as well, like in Superman II. He defeated Zod and Co. by tricking them, and it was awesome.

Is that too much to ask?

Or, in order to show how Batman is so great, they'll nerf Superman again...?


I want a movie that shows Superman being more than just brute force, that shows his intelligence as well, like in Superman II. He defeated Zod and Co. by tricking them, and it was awesome.

Is that too much to ask?

Or, in order to show how Batman is so great, they'll nerf Superman again...?

It's amazing that we're in a thread revolving around two characters who inspire hope, and people are writing this film off for reasons. Even after a new writers been brought onboard and we've been all but told the film is addressing MOS complaints.


I want a movie that shows Superman being more than just brute force, that shows his intelligence as well, like in Superman II. He defeated Zod and Co. by tricking them, and it was awesome.

Is that too much to ask?

Maybe not an all-out genius, but they should portray Supes as an intelligent guy in a more subtle way like this:


Also, Supes was the first person to discover the location of the Batcave too (way before Bane did)


You're right though....the cartoons and movies rarely portray him as a thinker.
If we can get some shades of all-star superman in the character, I'm good to go.

I can't help but think that in this movie, he'll be well on his way to becoming that.

Man, can't wait to see what everyone's role is come Justice League.


what is the burning drive to place Stewart in the lead role? because he was in JL/JLU?
show's been done for years, general public don't care that much.

if you have to steal another character's past to make the other interesting then maybe you don't have a good character as the lead to begin with. by the way, Green Lanterns now operate as a pair so we can have both.
Hal and John. make along the same vein as Lethal Weapon with either John or Hal being the good cop and the other one can be the loose cannon.

Because he's black, that's all there is to it.

Hal is Green Lantern, period.
one of my favorite Superman stories of all time is "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?". Absolutely loved how Supes was able to outsmart and humiliate the Authority knock-off team instead of just resorting to brute force. Would be great to see something like that on screen.


If we can get some shades of all-star superman in the character, I'm good to go.

I can't help but think that in this movie, he'll be well on his way to becoming that.

Man, can't wait to see what everyone's role is come Justice League.

Since the movies are about Superman near the beginning of his career, and All Star Superman is about the end of his life, it kinda seems unlikely.
I said shades.

I just need to know that Superman is the top dog by setting example, not strength, and that's why he's the leader of the League.

I can see Batman being the leader though due to his experience, and hopefully being a master tactician.

Still no clue what kind of Batman we're gonna get though. One thing is for sure, Snyder is capable of delivering the goods one whatever version they go with in terms of his strengths.
one of my favorite Superman stories of all time is "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?". Absolutely loved how Supes was able to outsmart and humiliate the Authority knock-off team instead of just resorting to brute force. Would be great to see something like that on screen.

Ever watch Superman vs. The Elite? Similar premise, though it sounds like the conclusion plays out a bit differently.
Didn't Kyle give up being ION, recharge the GL battery and make a bunch of Guardian babies? yeah

and like I said, he was great in JLA. no ION/White Lantern powers needed

he was great in JLA that is true. but he has no leadership skills. and he whines too much. "waah Parallax took me over" do something with it Kyle, like, Oh, I don't know, restart the universe and make it a better place!

I want a movie that shows Superman being more than just brute force, that shows his intelligence as well, like in Superman II. He defeated Zod and Co. by tricking them, and it was awesome.

Is that too much to ask?

Or, in order to show how Batman is so great, they'll nerf Superman again...?

if it's against Luthor he won't be able to punch his way out whatever he comes up with. so hopefully we can get a scene or two where they both clash on an intellectual level.

Because he's black, that's all there is to it.

Hal is Green Lantern, period.

it insults me that movie executives think I won't watch a superhero movie because the character is white. I'm a human being and not a "minority" or whatever word they use to describe us with brown skin.
I watch because I want to see the characters I grew up reading about are on the big screen and Hal has been Green Lantern longer than all the other Earth Lanterns. he's the guy. I do hope we get Grey hair Hal though.
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