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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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If that's the case they royally screwed up by picking Ben Affleck to be Batman.......
He's not a good actor but it doesn't take someone especially talented to play Batman. And his name is a hot ticket now due to his recent string of successes. He's a bit of a box office draw in comparison to the people that say, Marvel casts in their movies.


I gotta ask, why? He was great in Gone Girl, and he was great in Argo. He's in a very different place than he was way the hell back in his Daredevil days.
He's also among the most highly regarded people in the business right now. Very successful actor, writer, and director who brings tons of cred to this franchise. People love him. His presence alone will help commercially and critically, no doubt.


He's a very average actor, doesn't have charisma, appeal or a "cool factor".

He has tons of appeal. He's been a pretty large actor for the last three or so years and his writing and directing skills have been highly praised for like half a decade now. He's a box office draw and a critics darling. He's a sound choice.


If that's the case they royally screwed up by picking Ben Affleck to be Batman.......

Why? He's a talented actor and a great director. I'd love for him to direct the next solo Batman film.

What I mean by that is that it doesn't need a trailer this far out. 6 months before release is fine. Of course there will be a big push, but condensing that push into 6 months rather than having the full year hype build up is fine. The film will be huge regardless.

That's fair.


Affleck has the look. He will look amazing in the suit and will look like a buff Bruce Wayne. How well he does when he has to open his mouth is a bit up in the air.


He's a very average actor, doesn't have charisma, appeal or a "cool factor".

Can't be a drive by when the post I replied to was not long before mine :p
You don't have to be a great actor to play Batman. Bruce Wayne will come naturally to him, he's good for that. Charisma, appeal, cool factor, it's "Batman" itself that gives you all that. That and the director's take on the character, which cool factor happens to be Snyder's specialty.


Affleck is going to be a perfectly fine Batman. The cast of the movie (outside of maybe Wonder Woman) isn't going to be the problem, the script and pacing are more likely going to be the problem IMHO.


Affleck is going to be a perfectly fine Batman. The cast of the movie (outside of maybe Wonder Woman) isn't going to be the problem, the script and pacing are more likely going to be the problem IMHO.

This. 100X this.

Batman isn't a guy who's going to get by with his acting/charm... he's going to need amazing lines, dialogue and a great script to work with.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
One of the problems I can see for the film is Snyder trademark abuse of a cinematic gimmick. In Watchmen it was slo-mo, and MoS it was that zoom-in crap. Hopefully there's none of that in BvS.

And Snyder is gonna make the best live-action Batman ever.


He's a very average actor, doesn't have charisma, appeal or a "cool factor".

This is fucking cool:


I'm sure if you put Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney, or Bale in that suit and put him in that picture they'd probably look cool too. So I don't know what you're getting from this.

He said Affleck isnt cool.
I showed a picture where Affleck is cool.
Dont see what's not to get from that.


I'm sure if you put Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney, or Bale in that suit and put him in that picture they'd probably look cool too. So I don't know what you're getting from this.

Affleck is all buff like a gorilla. Those other dudes would look tiny in that suit which would lower their cool factor.
This film is so crowded. Like, why not just call it justice league?

Plus Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg should all have their own individual origin stories before even attempting justice league.

Because as everyone knows, there is only one way to make a superhero connected universe.

I think that about covers the cycle, do we go right back around to Batfleck now?


This film is so crowded. Like, why not just call it justice league?

Plus Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg should all have their own individual origin stories before even attempting justice league.

Because as everyone knows, there is only one way to make a superhero connected universe.

I think that about covers the cycle, do we go right back around to Batfleck now?

I think Gal Gadot being too skinny is next.


I swear the negative discussions about this movie are like a Mobius strip.

It's not even like people's concerns are unfounded. It's just after two years of having the same damn discussions, you have to wonder when people are just gonna accept they don't want what WB is selling and move on.
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