I know Colbert went to Congress in character. Anyone else ever do that?When I first saw Affleck went to Congress I thought he had full method. I was expecting him to mention that his good friend Batman would do his best to help.
He was deliberately nerfed by Odin I can forgive that, however seeing him Bitch slapped by Kurse is way more problematicNothing more disappointing then seeing Thor being taken down by 5 orderlies.
I'd prefer WW to fly because I don't want them to take a grounded approach to JL. I want Hellbat Batman, Supes + WW + GL being able to move the earth. I want to see Diana in space as well. Barry running around the world in a few seconds... etc. If Bats is taking on supes this is how it will have to be. Otherwise supes is going to be massively watered down.
Nothing more disappointing then seeing Thor being taken down by 5 orderlies.
it'll be unfair for her poor villians *WW:" hello Cheetah, let me get rid of my bracelets and go Kratos on you"![]()
Yup. Not to mention Circe, Ares, the First Born, Hades, even Artemis right there. Wondy's rogues will do fine, cuffs or no cuffs.Cheetah is no slouch, she's the Avatar of the Goddess of the hunt, quicker than Diana, and teeth and claws that'll cut anything upto and including Superman.
though if she's gonna fight monsters they can do worse than ape Kratos
Creating the new Batsuit, revealed Wilkinson, included input from Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder, who apparently wanted to address one of the problems with Batmen from previous movies: namely, the Dark Knight's inability to turn his head.
"Its a very important thing to Zack that the Batsuit would be comfortable and very flexible but then would be able to perform in a very natural and forceful way," said Wilkinson, adding that the rigidity of the cowl and neck-pieces was "one of the first things that Snyder mentioned to me in one of our initial meetings." This time around, promised Wilkinson, "a lot of incredible engineering went into the development of the new black cowl."
Just a little tidbit of info regarding Ben's new Batsuit
Seems like attached to Mad Max
Seems like attached to Mad Max
Nice try Lucy, but you can only trick Charlie Brown so many times.Seems like attached to Mad Max
Seems like attached to Mad Max
I figured this was when it would happen.Seems like attached to Mad Max
They might want to keep her ability upgrades for the movies, you know for story purposes.
I want a powerful Wonder Wonam that match Supes in power just like in the comic, I really do but I don't mind this if they are keeping the abilities for her solo movies/JL..ect since it'll awesome to see her get that on screen like Supes amazing flying scene in Man of Steel. I think it's ok to have fully experienced Batman (cuz everyone know Batman) but throwing a full powered super-god Diana will make her movies kinda boring and wont really work in movie introducing her to million of new people.... and it'll be unfair for her poor villians *WW:" hello Cheetah, let me get rid of my bracelets and go Kratos on you"![]()
and she wasn't able to fly in Wonder Woman 2009 (a really amazing animated film) and that worked very well.
Makes sense to release it then. As the article points out - Avengers will have been out for two weeks at that point, so they can ride in with BvS and get people talking about their big film. But really, after Avengers hits, the rest of this year pretty much belongs to Star Wars. Which means that once the New Year comes around, get ready for an onslaught of BvS hype in the three months leading up to its release.
Star Wars Trailer, and Avengers in May = no Batman v Superman anything til June at the earliest, or comic con, which ever comes first.
Heh, I said something similar to this affect earlier and everyone jumped on me saying BvS has no reason to hold their trailer for after Avengers
Seems like attached to Mad Max
Woah, when did this get moved to community. I thought it got locked.
April fools has never felt so cruel.
One little difference to note is that Collider just said it would be attached to Mad Max, while Variety says the trailer will premiere with it. I guess that officially cancels out any chance of it being in front of the Avengers.https://variety.com/2015/film/news/...o-premiere-with-mad-max-fury-road-1201464871/
Variety reporting the Collider story now too.
Variety reporting the Collider story now too.
Are they running with the same rumor... or did they look into their own sources?
Variety tends to um, be reliable to say the least.
I wonder just how much we're gonna see. I wonder if it'll be another teaser.
Posted? No idea if legit but still makes me hyped.
How firm?
I'm going not legit until there is more than "DC Live-Action News" reporting on it.