Suicide Squad trailer. Watch it fast.
What a day
What a day
What a day
Man oh man, both trailers are just ace
I'm sold on Eisenberg Lex.
Some quick observations of the trailer:
There's a lot of cuts spliced together.
-WW is obviously fighting someone they don't want to show, AKA doomsday.
-When Superman "shoots" his heat vision, the back ground is totally fucking ruined. Like absolute devastation. I don't think this shot is from his fight with Batman. I think it's from Doomsday fight. That's way too much destruction from Bruce vs Clark.
-Likewise, the receiving end of heat vision I think is from doomsday. I think this doomsday has heat vision, there's no plausible way that Clark shot something that devastating at Bruce, and if they did they wouldn't have split it so awkwardly.
-When Luthor is "blessing" Clark, the lights in the background look like some sort of vigil. Maybe a memorial service for Metropolis?
-There are US military troops handling Zod's casket, possibly giving to Lex Corp. I'm thinking Lex convinced the senators to give him Zod's casket in order to study Superman. They end up creating doomsday somehow.
-Robin's suit is red but heavily scorched, implying a bomb in his death. Similar to Death of a Family.
-The background of WW's shot with her bracers looks much more full in comparison to the "explosion" shot in the next scene. I don't think she's the one that caused the explosion.
I'll have to rewatch it for more speculation but this is what I picked up.
I'm thinking Doomsday in this context is like a resurrected mutated Zod. His higher brain functions are gone so he's just a primal beast but would retain some kryptonian abilities (such as the heat vision). I could be WAY off though.
Plot rumor:That's the fan theory/rumor floating around right now
I don't like Doomsday much. He just seems like a less interesting Hulk.
Not feeling either trailer. I'll also will say Man of Steel was a terrible movie and I have zero faith in Synder. He fooled me with the Man of Steel trailers.
I've got a feeling its Metallo. That huge Kryptonite rock, the idea of metal suits and Lex rumoured to have a powersuit (which i think is just metallo).
So anyone talented enough to cut some avatars up?
I want to be team superman.
Some quick observations of the trailer:
There's a lot of cuts spliced together.
-WW is obviously fighting someone they don't want to show, AKA doomsday.
-When Superman "shoots" his heat vision, the back ground is totally fucking ruined. Like absolute devastation. I don't think this shot is from his fight with Batman. I think it's from Doomsday fight. That's way too much destruction from Bruce vs Clark.
-Likewise, the receiving end of heat vision I think is from doomsday. I think this doomsday has heat vision, there's no plausible way that Clark shot something that devastating at Bruce, and if they did they wouldn't have split it so awkwardly.
-When Luthor is "blessing" Clark, the lights in the background look like some sort of vigil. Maybe a memorial service for Metropolis?
-There are US military troops handling Zod's casket, possibly giving to Lex Corp. I'm thinking Lex convinced the senators to give him Zod's casket in order to study Superman. They end up creating doomsday somehow.
-Robin's suit is red but heavily scorched, implying a bomb in his death. Similar to Death of a Family.
-The background of WW's shot with her bracers looks much more full in comparison to the "explosion" shot in the next scene. I don't think she's the one that caused the explosion.
I'll have to rewatch it for more speculation but this is what I picked up.
David Goyer, who sucks.
Shawn Madden ‏@smichaelmadden 12 minHá 12 minutos
By the way...bit late but all the concept art for THE FLASH, GL CORPS & CYBORG looks great. Get very excited for those. #HallH #SDCC
Shawn Madden ‏@smichaelmadden 2 minHá 2 minutos
@JasonVerve Looks similar to INJUSTICE suit mixed with NEW 52.
Plz. You look at anyone's top 10 Comic book movies list, then compare Writing credits, Goyer's name will appear more than anyone else.
Still weird to see complaints of no-color after that trailer.
Some clearly.. well-lit shots
Man of Steel is for me a 7/10.
I can't believe that on Gaf, there is only 1/10 or 10/10. So much hyperbole about how bad MoS is.
Can't bring myself to watch the Suicide Squad trailer until a better quality release. BvS was amazing and was one of those "holy shit this is actually happening" moments.
Man of Steel is for me a 7/10.
I can't believe that on Gaf, there is only 1/10 or 10/10. So much hyperbole about how bad MoS is.
I don't even know if we'll see a trailer of that officially released before BvS hits the cinemas.
So anyone talented enough to cut some avatars up?
I want to be team superman.
That is what I'm waiting for also, want some type of batman, but by the time someone makes them and the time I see it, it will get taken.
I have my issues with MoS but it is not the pile of shit that some people make it out to be.
Hopefully WB releases something before March or it is going to be a long wait.
From the trailer? I could crop some out of it if ya like. Any suggested timestamps?
Also I wonder what the 2 minute public trailer will run like? I'd imagine a cut down version but I wonder if it'd sneak in any other scenes not in the CC one?
Something like :23 mark on the youtube video, when Clark is addressing the hearing, please.
Something like :23 mark on the youtube video, when Clark is addressing the hearing, please.
These ok?
Support than man who ran into the rubble not the alien who caused it!
Plz. You look at anyone's top 10 Comic book movies list, then compare Writing credits, Goyer's name will appear more than anyone else.
Man of Steel is for me a 7/10.
I can't believe that on Gaf, there is only 1/10 or 10/10. So much hyperbole about how bad MoS is.
Here you go! I just went through the trailer and cropped a bunch of stills for use as avatars.
Here you go! I just went through the trailer and cropped a bunch of stills for use as avatars.
Nicely done, but I'm going to miss your Max avatar.Here you go! I just went through the trailer and cropped a bunch of stills for use as avatars.
Here you go! I just went through the trailer and cropped a bunch of stills for use as avatars.