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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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They usual submit edgier films early so they can make cuts for lower ratings. Like Event Horizon did 29 times, but even that was a month before release. Seems strange


It's been in post for a long time. This movie finished shooting last November. They did some reshoots recently but those were finished fairly quickly and nothing that looked like it required any major CGI in post.

It's a possible maybe they are getting ready to start showing the movie around to some select people and start generating some early positive buzz about the movie itself.


Batman v. Superman got its MPAA Rating: "Intense sequences of violence and action throughout, and some sensuality." PG-13



It's been in post for a long time. This movie finished shooting last November. They did some reshoots recently but those were finished fairly quickly and nothing that looked like it required any major CGI in post.

It's a possible maybe they are getting ready to start showing the movie around to some select people and start generating some early positive buzz about the movie itself.



The statue is pretty sweet... sans the hair, but ha feel like DC is really hammering home the point that yes WW will have merch for this film unlike Black Widow
I'm digging the war torn look on WW & Bat's suit. More and more I'm getting the feeling that the trinity will be the senior members of the league and the rest are newer. Aquaman might be an exception but Flash, Shazam, Cyborg & maybe GL seem like they'll be younger, more inexperienced.


I'm digging the war torn look on WW & Bat's suit. More and more I'm getting the feeling that the trinity will be the senior members of the league and the rest are newer. Aquaman might be an exception but Flash, Shazam, Cyborg & maybe GL seem like they'll be younger, more inexperienced.
Sets up an decent dynamic between the Trinity and the rest because Batman and Wonder Woman can be distant Daddy and scary Mommy, but Superman is the Big Brother you idolize.

Batman's been in the traditional superhero trenches the longest, but he's probably never saved the world or done it out in the light where he'd get the fame and the credit. Wonder Woman has walked the Earth the longest but is likewise dealing with magical monsters hidden away. Superman's the youngest, the greenest, but he's already saved the planet on the public stage... he's why the new heroes are stepping up and he's only a few steps ahead of where they could be too.

So Superman would be like the Nightwing (ish) of the DC movies... the old fogies have to respect his power and going public, but the new heroes identify with him as an aspirational target, "I want to save the world too!" And someone like Flash would sooner run to Clark than Bruce for superhero advice (maybe the reverse for science / detective stuff).
Sets up an decent dynamic between the Trinity and the rest because Batman and Wonder Woman can be distant Daddy and scary Mommy, but Superman is the Big Brother you idolize.

Batman's been in the traditional superhero trenches the longest, but he's probably never saved the world or done it out in the light where he'd get the fame and the credit. Wonder Woman has walked the Earth the longest but is likewise dealing with magical monsters hidden away. Superman's the youngest, the greenest, but he's already saved the planet on the public stage... he's why the new heroes are stepping up and he's only a few steps ahead of where they could be too.

So Superman would be like the Nightwing (ish) of the DC movies... the old fogies have to respect his power and going public, but the new heroes identify with him as an aspirational target, "I want to save the world too!" And someone like Flash would sooner run to Clark than Bruce for superhero advice (maybe the reverse for science / detective stuff).

Yeah I can definitely see that. Superman is the first actual "superhero" to the public, in that he's publicly running around doing super hero stuff. Batman being more of an urban legend (possibly closer to vigilante giving the branding) and WW doing fantastical things rather than assisting the world of men.

I kind of liked the idea of Hal being a grizzled vet who's been off planet for like years that was being tossed around. I wouldn't mind all the GLs being established except Kyle and him playing the role of a rookie. So desperate for that casting news though. JL shoots early spring, I guess they don't have to cast for quite a while but I'd love to have some names for GLC & Shazam already. Could be Hal & Billy don't show up until JL2.


I feel like it's DC woke up recently and were like wait... Wonder Woman is super popular and people love her, we should do something with that.



I just like that she is getting a ton of stuff, and more than just like.. "girl stuff"
I feel like it's DC woke up recently and were like wait... Wonder Woman is super popular and people love her, we should do something with that.
I just like that she is getting a ton of stuff, and more than just like.. "girl stuff"

More like some one showed the WB/DC execs, the ButNotBlackWidow Tumblr.
Wouldn't it make sense for it to leak somewhat soon? If these are being sent directly from WB?

Not sure if this has been reported but Miller had this to say about Man of Steel 2 rumors:


Damn that's unfortunate. Doesn't sound like has any plans for mad max either with the no stunts line.


I feel like it's DC woke up recently and were like wait... Wonder Woman is super popular and people love her, we should do something with that.



I just like that she is getting a ton of stuff, and more than just like.. "girl stuff"


It's a new line from DC that targets girls and they're making a big push with merchandise. LEGO will introduce a theme dedicated to the line along with dolls from Mattel. TV specials, direct to video, books, and every other kind of merchandise you can think of is set to be released.
I probably wouldn't wear a Wondy shirt but I hope this means she's added to some JL shirts. The ones I see at major stores are like all male leaguers.



“There is this trove of stuff about this guy. A lot of it’s repetitive, like he always winds up on the roof of his building giving some faux benevolent talk about how he’s going to change the city,” [Eisenberg] said. “It’s fun to take that campy cartoony stuff and try to put it into a real person and try to reconcile the two.”

Eisenberg went on squash any comparisons to Gene Hackman’s character in the 1978 film, saying:

“This movie is so different … it has real psychological underpinnings, and this movie character feels like a real scary person.”
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