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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Wired has a new interview with Lex Luthor, guess that LexOS stuff is picking back up




RON TROUPE: You’ve been very vocal about that. About the new superhuman threat.

LEX LUTHOR: Well I don’t know where you got that term. I think to be a super human, one should begin by being, you know, from this planet.

RON TROUPE: Bad choice of words?

LEX LUTHOR: We should all be careful when we elevate anyone, human or alien, to “super” status.

RON TROUPE: Because we’re all equal.

LEX LUTHOR: Well that’s just absurd. No – I’m saying we need to be selective and elevate the right people. The right human people.

RON TROUPE: I’m sorry, can we— what is Argus?

LEX LUTHOR: What. Is. Argus. Spelled A.R.G.U.S.

(At first I think he’s asking me; then Luthor’s assistant hands him a phone and he reads off search results.)

LEX LUTHOR: The name of five different warships – all sunken or broken up; a pheasant-like peafowl hunted for sport; an automobile that went extinct; Greek mythology’s favorite faithful mutt… LEX/OS lists seventeen hundred entries. I’d go on, but they’re all pretty much the same.

Best quote
LEX LUTHOR: My father would say that offense wins games. But he’s dead and I say you’re only as good as your defense.


What are the chances that either this movie ends or the teaser to Justice League opens with Russell Crowe:

You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.

I want that small Batman in the background.

EDIT: Stealth edit on the name, thanks to Icon haha
It's how much each company is expected to invest in military contracts

Makes sense that Bruce doesn't do much with arms

There's a slight bit of suspension of disbelief when the article goes "I mean, who R&Ds a stealth plane and all these gadgets but never uses them?" It's almost like Wayne is funding Batman!


There's a slight bit of suspension of disbelief when the article goes "I mean, who R&Ds a stealth plane and all these gadgets but never uses them?" It's almost like Wayne is funding Batman!

I think that's the point. It's heavily suggested that Luthor knows who Batman and Superman are.


Dig that little viral promotion.

As for the posters. Superman is meh, Batman is bad, and Wonder Woman is fucking killer. Those Batman figures look great though, and he looks perfect in footage.

I'm not too worried honestly.


Just saw on twitter somebody saying that WB attached the comic con trailer to SW instead of the newest one. Anybody know if this is true?
Just saw on twitter somebody saying that WB attached the comic con trailer to SW instead of the newest one. Anybody know if this is true?

It might be at the discretion of the theater. I know at my theater, if a movie is on multiple screens, one of them usually has a full compliment of trailers and the others usually have what is "physically" attached to the print, which is usually just one or two instead of four or five. I'm not speaking as an employee or former employee, just something I've noticed over the years of going to the same theater.
It wasn't Luthor that said it, it was "Wired". Bit on the nose for my liking.

There's a slight bit of suspension of disbelief when the article goes "I mean, who R&Ds a stealth plane and all these gadgets but never uses them?" It's almost like Wayne is funding Batman!

It doesn't really say that part, though. Does the writer of the article/graphic even know Batman has an "exoskeleton"? We're assuming that he does, even though (supposedly) there is no actual picture of Batman taken.
It doesn't really say that part, though. Does the writer of the article/graphic even know Batman has an "exoskeleton"? We're assuming that he does, even though (supposedly) there is no actual picture of Batman taken.

I know the article didn't say that, that's why it's not in quotes :p I'm simply saying that the part of the article really touches on what the audience/reader knows about Batman, and seems far too pointed to be a general observation, like it should be read as. Just my personal opinion.


That Wired article is great, just the sort of marketing I like. It's a shame WB haven't embraced viral marketing quite as strongly as they did for The Dark Knight & Rises, I think that style really helped people get hyped for those films more than the current, more direct method.


That Wired article is great, just the sort of marketing I like. It's a shame WB haven't embraced viral marketing quite as strongly as they did for The Dark Knight & Rises, I think that style really helped people get hyped for those films more than the current, more direct method.

Who knows what they have planned for next year. It could be big. It could be small.

But there will be marketing.
Lol A hundred million in Defense R&D and they have no Defense Contracts, that's not weird at all.

It says right there that it's strange. The weirdest thing is seemingly nobody is able to put two and two together. Well, other than Lex and Supes apparently.

edit: I should have clarified this is not an attack on the movie. I just think it's funny that's all.


It says right there that it's strange. The weirdest thing is seemingly nobody is able to put two and two together. Well, other than Lex and Supes apparently.

edit: I should have clarified this is not an attack on the movie. I just think it's funny that's all.

You're looking at this wrong

This is before the movie so Batman probably hasn't even unveiled the plane or the Batarmor yet... even then they say that Wayne hasn't shown any prototypes so no one even knows if its production or what it looks like!
LEX LUTHOR: Let’s just say I ran into a wall. I’m not going to go into a lot of detail here. Suffice it to say the dangers we’ve been talking about are very real. And they’re not just limited to a couple of alien brawlers able to level tall buildings in a single bout. I’m ready to sit down with whatever task force the government has assembled — in the interest of sharing intelligence and building solutions together. If she… they… Argus… the government, whatever you want to call it, has a real interest in fighting for the future, they ought to work with those of us who are already on the front lines.

Less of a wall than a Wall, methinks.


I don't know if I would call guek a closet Marvel fanboy. He's been pretty open about it.

Guilty! Though the definition of fanboy changes depending on who you ask. Most of y'all in here are pretty big fanboys.

Probably guek or father brain? One of those closet Marvel fanboys that concern troll all the DC threads.

I love those guys. lol

What in the world is concern trolling?

Anywho, I don't recall ever using the words "persecution complex." Maybe at some point, but I don't think I coined it for DC fans or used it recently. Some of you guys get really sensitive though and are quick to cry about a collective bias that's out to tear down DC. There are a select few who just shit on everything DC but you can find people that do that for pretty much anything. There are a few posters that do nothing but incessantly bitch about Marvel, for example. Other than that, there's just a genuine tendency for gaf members to not find DC films appealing.

I think DC-gaf has just been on the receiving end since the dust from the Nolan trilogy finally settled. DC hasn't had a similar overwhelmingly praised film for 3 years, and the only other film of note in that time is constantly bashed over and over ad nauseum.

All that said, don't pretend like some of you guys don't make a habit of vindictively troll Marvel-gaf with bullshit either.


Insane how close it is to not only this movie but the DC films actually being allowed to cross pollinate.

The previous regime really did have their head up their butts. But then supposedly their boss didn't like division helping each other.

One thing I'm hopeful for is underneath all the fear and uncertainty it's shown that Bruce is plain JEALOUS of Superman. He's getting old and fighting a losing battle against crime and blight for decades, losing partner(s), his hometown doesn't exactly embrace love/him. And then this giant throbbing muscle that can level cities in a street fight saves the entire planet in and one day and is seemingly adored the world over.

Don't make him too petty but at least show Batman isn't that disconnected from his lizard brain for all his training and smarts.


Guilty! Though the definition of fanboy changes depending on who you ask. Most of y'all in here are pretty big fanboys.

Yea I've been a DC fanboy since I was like 8, haha. I don't dislike Marvel though. You'll never see me shitting up a MCU thread.
You're looking at this wrong

This is before the movie so Batman probably hasn't even unveiled the plane or the Batarmor yet... even then they say that Wayne hasn't shown any prototypes so no one even knows if its production or what it looks like!

Ah, that makes sense. I had assumed the bat plane had already been seen flying around and when they talked about exoskeleton I thought bat suit, not bat armor. Fair enough.

edit: wait... Penguin... hmmm.
THAT looks much better, although I'm still concerned about neck articulation.

The armored suit figure looks ok but it looks like they used Keaton's likeness instead of Affleck. lol

Here's the Knightmare figure:

Interestingly, this doesn't use the previous Knightmare branding. Reads Apocalypse Version? hard to tell what the second word is.


I've read a ton of interviews with Affleck but you don't really hear much from Cavill. I think even Eisenberg has had more published interviews about the movie.
Guilty! Though the definition of fanboy changes depending on who you ask. Most of y'all in here are pretty big fanboys.

What in the world is concern trolling?

Anywho, I don't recall ever using the words "persecution complex." Maybe at some point, but I don't think I coined it for DC fans or used it recently. Some of you guys get really sensitive though and are quick to cry about a collective bias that's out to tear down DC. There are a select few who just shit on everything DC but you can find people that do that for pretty much anything. There are a few posters that do nothing but incessantly bitch about Marvel, for example. Other than that, there's just a genuine tendency for gaf members to not find DC films appealing.

I think DC-gaf has just been on the receiving end since the dust from the Nolan trilogy finally settled. DC hasn't had a similar overwhelmingly praised film for 3 years, and the only other film of note in that time is constantly bashed over and over ad nauseum.

All that said, don't pretend like some of you guys don't make a habit of vindictively troll Marvel-gaf with bullshit either.

As the one who actually has used the term "persecution complex" recently, pretty much this.

Is there a lot of negativity about BvS? Yes. Is all of it well-argued and well-reasoned? No.

Complaining about those things is not, in itself, a persecution complex (though I do think it means you need to grow a thicker skin). Where it becomes a persecution complex is the not-universal, but frequently expressed, sentiment that all or most of said negativity is driven by MCU fanboyism.

Said it before, I'll say it again: If Marvel Studios had only released one film to date, and that film had been as polarizing as MoS, they'd be in the exact same position with Internet fandom.
Guessing if we follow that interview article, DCEU Batman doesn't endorse killing, given his lack of military contracts. People say they know everything about the film from the trailer but we still don't know exactly what kind of Batman and WW we're actually getting. There's so many scenes in the movie that could be attributed to Lex framing Batman. I'm assuming knightmare Batman is him pushed over the edge and not how he usually acts.


I know Affleck isn't going to admit if Batman v Superman is a shit movie but I can't help but feel his comments about Eisenberg are genuine. Yea there are going to be some people who just can't get past that casting no matter how well he does but I really think he may be the standout. Which is saying a lot considering the other talent he's surrounded by.


Man, I have no reservations about Affleck as Batman since I think he's a decent actor and Bats looks great in motion but for some reason, he comes out so damn goofy looking in stills.
I was already sold on Lex but this is a fantastic interview.
Just finished reading Lex's newest interview. I'm really loving these viral marketing bits. Love that they're slowly giving us a glimpse into the DC world. Also love the mention of Kord Industries... maybe a hint of a (Jaime) Blue Beetle movie?!


That last line in Cavill's interview, amazing.

Excited to see Lex, even more after what Ben said. Also, I really liked what Cavill has said about how is his Clark Kent.
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