The Flash is DC's Spider-Man, that is why I love him.
Merry Christmas, y'all
Merry Christmas, y'all
Merry Christmas, y'all
LEGO Minifigs
LEGO Minifigs
Two things...
1) Superman is smiling, that's totally not accurate to the film.
2) You can remove Lex's hair and make him bald.
why are there 2 supermen?
one with blue pants one with red?
How do you hold conversations at attoseconds when sound doesn't travel that fast?
an attosecond is to a second what a second is to about 31.71 billion years.[2][3]
I found the Batmobile at Toys "R" Us.
They said they had some figures, but they sold out fast. Gonna check the Target here to see if they have anything.
Are you from Earth Two?Marvel Universe Batman figures.
Are you from Earth Two?
...anyway, it's designed for 6-inch figures.
Customs(DC didn't have a great line going at the time so I just started doing every Batman character I liked using Marvel Universe parts)
Figure on the left was the intended 5'+ figure at the time, right is a 4' figure released last year which is almost true to scale.
Oh, customs. Okay. Cool stuff.
Amyway, I didn't find any figures at Target...but I'm still having some fun.
Merry Christmas BvS-GAF, officially 3 months today!
And here's a treat from Funny or Die, BatmanVSanta
There's a video review of him in my previous post. Maybe I should screencap it.Another look at Aquaman figure
Hopefully there's a DC Multiverse series figure, too. This is just the basic figure.
Really curious about Aquaman's role in all this.
Really curious about Aquaman's role in all this.
Aquaman figure pics from that video review I posted earlier.
Hopefully there's a DC Multiverse series figure, too. This is just the basic figure.
Is Jason Momoa that pale?
Really curious about Aquaman's role in all this.
why are there 2 supermen?
one with blue pants one with red?
The 12" Armored Batman figure looks pretty sweet. It's $29.99. There's also Superman and Wonder Woman, apparently.
So the boots have the spikes too? Yeah, Clark is probably getting stomped in this movie.
Knowing the spikes are there makes this part a whole lot more devastating. Ouch.
It still bothers me how long Supes is just laying.
Are we going to see Batman do the splits and punch Superman in the nuts like Van Damme did to that big dude in Bloodsport?
Well if the person on IMDB that supposedly saw a screening is to be believed thenSuperman let's Batman win this fight (which is apparently their second battle in the movie). If that is true that would explain why Superman just let's that hit happen. Maybe to let Batman think he has the upper hand.
I know it's just a rumor but do not click the above unless you absolutely don't care about possible spoilers for the movie.
I see Batman v Superman is listed on the new EW First Look magazine, I wonder if we'll get anything new?
Theres nothing new left, it was all in the last trailer. Allof it.
If you slow the trailer down to 1/128 speed, you can see the scene where he uses the infinite mass punch on Darkseid.We even saw The Flash, but he was too fast for our eyes :/