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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Just got a scoop on this movie. Someone I know works for a furniture company and they just sold a bunch of chairs that are going to be used for this movie. I know what chairs are gonna be used in some scene at some point in this movie somewhere that I'm not sure of.

Nice chairs too.

I've said too much about the chairs.
Marvel Movies are more comic booky, while DC movies seem to be more like actual translations into cinema lately.

I like both universes for different reasons. One area where I feel marvel falls short is animation, for some reason I just can't get attached to any marvel animation lately.


Just got a scoop on this movie. Someone I know works for a furniture company and they just sold a bunch of chairs that are going to be used for this movie. I know what chairs are gonna be used in some scene at some point in this movie somewhere that I'm not sure of.

Nice chairs too.

I've said too much about the chairs.


Darkseid confirmed!

It's fascinating to watch, yeah? I wish I could pinpoint what it is about this movie and the context in which it was released that causes people to have such extreme reactions to it.

The narrative that dropped a couple weeks later regarding "Mass Murderer Superman" was catchy. That's basically it. It's an easy means to establish some sort of nerd superiority, which is what a metric fuckton of discussions about pop-culture are often about. :)

So with a couple critics providing how-to manuals on being "the best Superman fan," it's easy to grab up half-thought-out criticisms and take them into conversations as a means to prove to anyone watching (because it's sure as fuck not about exchanging ideas at that point) that you GET IT and other people are TOTAL RUBES

At which point it's not about the movie anymore, it's about defending nerd honor and needlessly elaborating very simple pre-packaged points as a means to personalize your righteous dork uniform of choice.


no superheroes in the movies are going to wear briefs/undies/one piece suits featuring brief like appearance.

None of them, the women are not going to wear leotards or whatever. (Women superheroes in movies? Weird).

None of them. Spandex jokes will be passe as the 80's


The narrative that dropped a couple weeks later regarding "Mass Murderer Superman" was catchy. That's basically it. It's an easy means to establish some sort of nerd superiority, which is what a metric fuckton of discussions about pop-culture are often about. :)

So with a couple critics providing how-to manuals on being "the best Superman fan," it's easy to grab up half-thought-out criticisms and take them into conversations as a means to prove to anyone watching (because it's sure as fuck not about exchanging ideas at that point) that you GET IT and other people are TOTAL RUBES

At which point it's not about the movie anymore, it's about defending nerd honor and needlessly elaborating very simple pre-packaged points as a means to personalize your righteous dork uniform of choice.
This might be it. Especially when you consider how much of the rhetoric revolves around what Superman et. al. "should be doing" and debating events that may or may not have actually happened in the movie.

no superheroes in the movies are going to wear briefs/undies/one piece suits featuring brief like appearance.

None of them, the women are not going to wear leotards or whatever. (Women superheroes in movies? Weird).

None of them. Spandex jokes will be passe as the 80's

Supergirl, Catwoman, Elektra. Just think: if just one of these had been a hit, we might have some more female superhero movies without all the handwringing and cries of "it's too tricky!"

Still probably wouldn't have Wonder Woman, tho. :p


Holly Hunter, Callan Mulvey of “300: Rise of an Empire,” and Tao Okamoto of “The Wolverine” have joined the cast of the upcoming Zack Snyder untitled Superman/Batman film starring Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck.


I don't know how we speculate off of this, but actual news!


The narrative that dropped a couple weeks later regarding "Mass Murderer Superman" was catchy. That's basically it. It's an easy means to establish some sort of nerd superiority, which is what a metric fuckton of discussions about pop-culture are often about. :)

So with a couple critics providing how-to manuals on being "the best Superman fan," it's easy to grab up half-thought-out criticisms and take them into conversations as a means to prove to anyone watching (because it's sure as fuck not about exchanging ideas at that point) that you GET IT and other people are TOTAL RUBES

At which point it's not about the movie anymore, it's about defending nerd honor and needlessly elaborating very simple pre-packaged points as a means to personalize your righteous dork uniform of choice.

That narrative always drives me crazy. I mean I get what people are saying but still. It was such a non-issue.

Count me as one of the people that don't understand the hate for this movie. I thought it was pretty great personally. The only other criticism I've heard is that people thought it was really boring. I can't really argue against that one. Different strokes and all.

I can understand not liking the movie based on these things but the white hot hate it gets baffles me.
I had a bit of this once. I got over it by rewatching the films and reminding myself why I liked them in the first place. Well, the ones I actually did like. Still don't much care for either Thor movie, Incredible Hulk, or Iron Man 2.

It's fascinating to watch, yeah? I wish I could pinpoint what it is about this movie and the context in which it was released that causes people to have such extreme reactions to it.

I am a huge Superman fan - have been since I was a wee lad - and even I don't catch feelings over MoS like some folks do. I figure one poor Superman flick does nothing to detract from all the good Superman material out there. I mean, my copy of "All Star Superman" didn't exactly burst into flames when MoS came out. lol

actually your copy of "All-Star Superman" was crushed by Superman when he was thrown by Zod.

Just got a scoop on this movie. Someone I know works for a furniture company and they just sold a bunch of chairs that are going to be used for this movie. I know what chairs are gonna be used in some scene at some point in this movie somewhere that I'm not sure of.

Nice chairs too.

I've said too much about the chairs.

chairs from Krypton?


I don't know how we speculate off of this, but actual news!

can't tell red haired lady. guy is John Corven (AKA Metallo) and Katana. she is a member of the outsiders and an ally of Batman.



God I want to see him build that, just for the material he makes it out of

lol Wolverine and Black Panther combined couldn't take the Supermobile

I'm still tripping over the fact that the ship punches things.
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