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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Again, it's also possible that Whedon fucks the dog on Avengers 2.

(I don't THINK that will happen, but it's still possible.)

But as pointed out, Iron Man 2 wasn't very well received, but that lukewarm reception didn't really harm the movies that came afterwards, so Marvel might have built up enough of an immunity that even financial failures here and there don't really damage the brand.
If they have to move they should move up. Another delay I think would be detrimental.
Release-wise the earliest they could move it up to would be March. January and February are pretty much dead-zones for a film this scale and moving it into 2015 is not an option. Even in December they'd be up against Star Wars: Episode VII and that's not a fight they want to get into. Either March 2016 or another delay, no other options.
Release-wise the earliest they could move it up to would be March. January and February are pretty much dead-zones for a film this scale and moving it into 2015 is not an option. Even in December they'd be up against Star Wars: Episode VII and that's not a fight they want to get into. Either March 2016 or another delay, no other options.

Nah, they could drop it Thanksgiving...

...well, wait, that's Bond, isn't it?

Star Wars is the 18th - if they put it out the first weekend of December, it could fit there. 2 weeks of headstart on Star Wars. Or they could push it to mid November, and get 2 weeks of headstart on Bond.


Release-wise the earliest they could move it up to would be March. January and February are pretty much dead-zones for a film this scale and moving it into 2015 is not an option. Even in December they'd be up against Star Wars: Episode VII and that's not a fight they want to get into. Either March 2016 or another delay, no other options.

March sounds good. It's not like they'd have to rush. They are filming it nearly a full 2 years in advance.
Star Wars is the 18th - if they put it out the first weekend of December, it could fit there. 2 weeks of headstart on Star Wars. Or they could push it to mid November, and get 2 weeks of headstart on Bond.
2 weeks isn't much, and to be honest they're gonna need as much breathing room as they can get to stretch out the theatrical run without losing too much screens.

March would have them face off against Prometheus 2 and WarCraft, which it will be able to handle the competition of, along with about 2 months of breathing room unless another huge production gets announced for April.


BvS will undoubtedly, imo, do better than Cap 3. Even if Cap 3 does better opening weekend who is NOT going to go see Batman and Superman on screen together for the first time in live action at some point during it's run?

As said already, it's not about which will "do better".
2 weeks isn't much, and to be honest they're gonna need as much breathing room as they can get to stretch out the theatrical run without losing too much screens.

You only really get like 2 weeks of "breathing room" if you're lucky in either Winter OR Summer. 2 weeks is actually about as good as you can expect, unless you're at the ass-end of August.
Looking at the tentative slate for 2016, it could be another ridiculously packed summer.

Star Trek 3 (if Paramount can lock a director already). TASM3? Independence Day sequel was pushed to 2016, right? The next Planet of the Apes? Mummy reboot? Finding Dory. How to Train Your Dragon 3? WarCraft. Another Ice Age film.

Gonna be a packed goddamn May - July when you add X-Men Apocalypse, BvS and Cap3.

God forbid Disney get their Star Wars spinoff bullshit off the ground, which I don't see happening at this point.
Looking at the tentative slate for 2016, it could be another ridiculously packed summer.

Star Trek 3 (if Paramount can lock a director already). TASM3? Independence Day sequel was pushed to 2016, right? The next Planet of the Apes? Mummy reboot? Finding Dory. How to Train Your Dragon 3? WarCraft. Another Ice Age film.

Gonna be a packed goddamn May - July when you add X-Men Apocalypse, BvS and Cap3.

Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Strange, Avatar 2, Prometheus 2 and Star Wars?
You only really get like 2 weeks of "breathing room" if you're lucky in either Winter OR Summer. 2 weeks is actually about as good as you can expect, unless you're at the ass-end of August.
Well "breathing room" also depends on what's on the other end of those 2 weeks. For instance I'd rather be facing Warcraft after 2 weeks than X-Men: Apocalypse, The Amazing Spider-Man 3 or Captain America 3. (Btw holy sh*t, we've got 4 superhero movies in a single month that May.)


Is it unusually that almost nothing has leaked out about this film?

None of the casting rumors have come true and those that have been cast weren't on anyone's radar. I really like to know how Snyder and crew are managing this. While as it's amazing that Marvel's ship is still afloat with as many leaks it has. Shouldn't the fact that information has been so controlled lessen some of the negative assumptions. These people clearly have things under control if nothing at all is getting out.
Is it unusually that almost nothing has leaked out about this film?

None of the casting rumors have come true and those that have been cast weren't on anyone's radar. I really like to know how Snyder and crew are managing this. While as it's amazing that Marvel's ship is still afloat with as many leaks it has. Shouldn't the fact that information has been so controlled lessen some of the negative assumptions. These people clearly have things under control if nothing at all is getting out.

Has any of Snyder's works been leaked major stuffs really early? I only know of the Watchmen ending being leaked but that was like very close to movie release day.


Man that Justice League movie was going to be an abomination. Probably would've done irreparable damage to the DC brand.


Is it unusually that almost nothing has leaked out about this film?

None of the casting rumors have come true and those that have been cast weren't on anyone's radar. I really like to know how Snyder and crew are managing this. While as it's amazing that Marvel's ship is still afloat with as many leaks it has. Shouldn't the fact that information has been so controlled lessen some of the negative assumptions. These people clearly have things under control if nothing at all is getting out.

I remember at some point it was "confirmed" Gene Hackman was in MoS. Like as a bank teller or something.

The only major leak I remember from MoS was the Black Zero from the toy line. Apart from that nothing else really hit as far as rumors.


Is it unusually that almost nothing has leaked out about this film?

None of the casting rumors have come true and those that have been cast weren't on anyone's radar. I really like to know how Snyder and crew are managing this. While as it's amazing that Marvel's ship is still afloat with as many leaks it has. Shouldn't the fact that information has been so controlled lessen some of the negative assumptions. These people clearly have things under control if nothing at all is getting out.

I feel like Nolan's Batman was similar

Maybe, they learned from him?
Gosh I get so excited when I see this thread bumped. So filming starts proper in May, any chance we get a glimpse of costumes before that? I heard rumours that something may hit in the form of magazine covers at the end of April but I've been burnt before.


Gosh I get so excited when I see this thread bumped. So filming starts proper in May, any chance we get a glimpse of costumes before that? I heard rumours that something may hit in the form of magazine covers at the end of April but I've been burnt before.

My bet would be C2E2 in 2 weeks? May be our first possible glimpse

They will do it before filming
Man that Justice League movie was going to be an abomination. Probably would've done irreparable damage to the DC brand.

If Batman & Robin couldn't, nothing will.

It wouldn't be a single bad movie or TV show. It would have to be sustained mediocrity over the course of a couple decades in order to ward people off fully...

(looks at the publishing division.)

...which is entirely possible.


Is it unusually that almost nothing has leaked out about this film?

None of the casting rumors have come true and those that have been cast weren't on anyone's radar. I really like to know how Snyder and crew are managing this. While as it's amazing that Marvel's ship is still afloat with as many leaks it has. Shouldn't the fact that information has been so controlled lessen some of the negative assumptions. These people clearly have things under control if nothing at all is getting out.

I think the lack of leaks is causing a lot of the negative assumptions. We're so used to getting leak after leak and having damn near entire movies fed to us during prerelease hype that now we don't know how to react to information being drip fed.

We know next to nothing about World's Finest beyond it's cast, a logo, and some kind of influence from "The Dark Knight Returns." The movie still doesn't have an official title! So now we, the internet collective, are digesting the bits of news through the lens of what we think a World's Finest movie and a potential DC movie-verse since we have no idea what the actual vision for the project is.

Think about how much of the conversation about the casting of Gal Gadot and Jesse Eisenberg wasn't about trying to discern what direction they were going for with the actors' respective characters but instead how Gadot and Eisenberg aren't like Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor. A lot of the criticism for this being a teamup movie revolves around the idea that it should be like the MCU; because since that's the only way we've seen it work, we assume it's the only way it can work.

So now we're bothered that WB is going in a different direction. Add in the disappointment still felt from TDKR and the still going backlash against MoS already having folks suspicious of WB/DC, the readiness to believe just about any rumor related to this movie, and not knowing anything about the film beyond it's casting is probably more likely to have people default to negativity, as we are seeing.


I think the lack of leaks is causing a lot of the negative assumptions. We're so used to getting leak after leak and having damn near entire movies fed to us during prerelease hype that now we don't know how to react to information being drip fed. We know next to nothing about World's Finest beyond it's cast, a logo, and some kind of influence from "The Dark Knight Returns." The movie still doesn't have an official title! So now we, the internet collective, are digesting the bits of news through the lens of what we think a World's Finest movie and a potential DC movie-verse since we have no idea what the actual vision for the project is. Think about how much of the conversation about the casting of Gal Gadot and Jesse Eisenberg wasn't about trying to discern what direction they were going for with the actors' respective characters but instead how Gadot and Eisenberg aren't like Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor. A lot of the criticism for this being a teamup movie revolves around the idea that it should be like the MCU; because since that's the only way we've seen it work, we assume it's the only way it can work. So now we're bothered that WB is going in a different direction. Add in the disappointment still felt from TDKR and the still going backlash against MoS already having folks suspicious of WB/DC, the readiness to believe just about any rumor related to this movie, and not knowing anything about the film beyond it's casting is probably more likely to have people default to negativity, as we are seeing.

Paragraphs, man!

But I find this to be the case for everything, if we aren't being constantly fed information (especially information we want to hear), people always assume it must mean they are hiding something or its terrible.

And never that they have a game plan and doing their damndest to stick to it.

Like yesterday or day before, I believe Goyer came out and stated that they don't have a game plan for films beyond Man of Steel sequel. Which on face value, might be a huge negative. At the same time, I assume if they have one its probably not in the cards for him to discuss before they make it official.

But of course, every website ran with it and fans started to freak out!


WB will probably push up to April. March 2016 has some shit going on (Warcraft, Prometheus 2) and that's probably too soon for a big summer release anyway. Cap and Fast & Furious have shown that there's plenty of big money to be had in early to mid-April.


Paragraphs, man!

But I find this to be the case for everything, if we aren't being constantly fed information (especially information we want to hear), people always assume it must mean they are hiding something or its terrible.

And never that they have a game plan and doing their damndest to stick to it.

Like yesterday or day before, I believe Goyer came out and stated that they don't have a game plan for films beyond Man of Steel sequel. Which on face value, might be a huge negative. At the same time, I assume if they have one its probably not in the cards for him to discuss before they make it official.

But of course, every website ran with it and fans started to freak out!

I'm telling you, I stared at it for a minute trying to figure out a good place to put a break, but I just couldn't do it. lol

I can see how Goyer's statement can come across as worrying to fans, especially in this post-MCU world where everyone is making it clear that they want to build to larger universes and more sequels and all that. It's got to be weird seeing Marvel Studios treated like mad rock star strategists for their movie-verse and then looking at their direct competition (or their perceived direct competition, since I don't think Marvel and DC compete with each other in this space anymore than all movie studios compete with each other) and seeing them being all "We..we really just want to get World's Finest out the door."

I do believe the ultimate goal is a Justice League movie, but I think they're still building the roadmap on how to get there.* Whether that involves a solo Wonder Woman film, folding the CW Arrow and Flash shows into the movies, or saying "Fuck it" and just making their damn JLA movie right after World's Finest remains to be seen.

*Or they have the roadmap and just don't feel like telling us. Which is totes cool too.
Ben working out hard, has 17-inch biceps according to Jennifer Garner

I'd like to see Snyder aim for a brute, Frank Miller style Batman. Would be a nice contrast to the boyscout, and the wholesome Diana.


I'd love to see this Batman on the big screen. No messing about, he gets shit done.
If Batman & Robin couldn't, nothing will.

It wouldn't be a single bad movie or TV show. It would have to be sustained mediocrity over the course of a couple decades in order to ward people off fully...

(looks at the publishing division.)

...which is entirely possible.

I think the lack of leaks is causing a lot of the negative assumptions. We're so used to getting leak after leak and having damn near entire movies fed to us during prerelease hype that now we don't know how to react to information being drip fed.

We know next to nothing about World's Finest beyond it's cast, a logo, and some kind of influence from "The Dark Knight Returns." The movie still doesn't have an official title! So now we, the internet collective, are digesting the bits of news through the lens of what we think a World's Finest movie and a potential DC movie-verse since we have no idea what the actual vision for the project is.

Think about how much of the conversation about the casting of Gal Gadot and Jesse Eisenberg wasn't about trying to discern what direction they were going for with the actors' respective characters but instead how Gadot and Eisenberg aren't like Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor.
A lot of the criticism for this being a teamup movie revolves around the idea that it should be like the MCU; because since that's the only way we've seen it work, we assume it's the only way it can work.

So now we're bothered that WB is going in a different direction. Add in the disappointment still felt from TDKR and the still going backlash against MoS already having folks suspicious of WB/DC, the readiness to believe just about any rumor related to this movie, and not knowing anything about the film beyond it's casting is probably more likely to have people default to negativity, as we are seeing.

only among internet shut-ins who like to nitpick to death.
Man even if they keep the costumes secret even from set pics next month,
no way they can keep the new Batmobile a secret.

Still remember that was the absolute first thing that leaked from Begins, got me so hyped seeing spy pics of the Tumbler for the first time.
they can keep everything secret if it's all computer-generated. the car, the costumes, everything

They learned their CG costume lesson with Green Lantern..

Batmobile unless its some absolute ridiculous design will be made imo.

surprised Nolan actually made The Bat but it looked like crap so, eh kinda wish it was full CG and we might have ended up with a better design.
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