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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Yeah her arms definitely aren't twigs anymore going by the most recent pics of her from 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Can you post em?

edIt: March 27:


She's definitely not going to lose her supermodel figure but she is looking a bit more fit now.


I can see why people would dislike, not hate, but dislike Sucker Punch. I happen to like it after finally seeing it for myself. However I went in with low expectations after I heard pretty much all hate for the film save the action but even some were hating that. I don't love it, it has issues, but I don't understand the hate some have for the film though.

Toddimus Prime

Neo Member
I'm all for the title World's Finest and I don't think there will be any incorrect interpretation of it. However, it does imply, to me, that Superman and Bats are going to be pals in the film. I've had the impression from the get go that, in this film, there is going to be conflict between the two. I imagine this is all assumed at this point?

Perhaps World's Finest the title for the inevitable sequel
after B&S patch up their differences at the end?


Zack Snyder Reveals Why They Decided on Batman for the Man of Steel Sequel

"After Man of Steel finished and we started talking about what would be in the next movie, I started subtly mentioning that it would be cool if he faced Batman. In the first meeting, it was like, “Maybe Batman?” Maybe at the end of the second movie, some Kryptonite gets delivered to Bruce Wayne’s house or something. Like in a cryptic way, that’s the first time we see him. But then, once you say it out loud, right? You’re in a story meeting talking about, like, who should [Superman] fight if he fought this giant alien threat Zod who was basically his equal physically, from his planet, fighting on our turf… You know, who to fight next? The problem is, once you say it out loud, then it’s kind of hard to go back, right? Once you say, “What about Batman?” then you realize, “Okay, that’s a cool idea. What else?” I mean, what do you say after that?"


"The thing also that’s really fascinating for me is that, even just in the tests we’ve been doing, the costumes, right? You basically have Batman and Superman — and this is without Ben [Affleck] and Henry [Cavill] in the costumes, but just like the stand-ins, just testing to see what the costumes look like. And you have them standing there and they’re standing in the same shot — and then we have Wonder Woman, you know, all three of them in the same shot. Even just for a test, you really have to go, “Wow, that’s crazy!” Not only is it the first time that I’m seeing them, it’s the first time they’ve ever existed together on screen in a movie. And that’s kind of a huge deal.....Unfortunately, I don’t even know the timeline… Because the movie takes place so far from now, it’s hard to know exactly. That all gets tied to marketing and strategies for the movie. It’s not just a free-for-all, which I’d love it to be. Because I take a picture of the suit with my camera– I’m actually staring at one right now in my office. And it’s just massive on my wall in my office and it’s epic, let me tell you! And I’m like, “God, I want to send this to the Internet immediately.” But I know I’m not allowed to!"
I'm glad he suggested it. Just get to the fucking point I say. Another standalone Superman film would've been rather pointless especially with how epic the first film was.


I am only worried about Wonder Women. I have faith Bat and Supes will work out fine, and I look forward to them trading blows.



I am only worried about Wonder Women. I have faith Bat and Supes will work out fine, and I look forward to them trading blows.

I think they're gonna fold her into Supermans story. There was an open pod in the ship he was investigating. I doubt they're gonna use that for Supergirl. I wouldn't be surprised if "Amazons" end up being the lost Kryptons or something.
I think they're gonna fold her into Supermans story. There was an open pod in the ship he was investigating. I doubt they're gonna use that for Supergirl. I wouldn't be surprised if "Amazons" end up being the lost Kryptons or something.

That would be interesting. Was htis ever explored in the comic universe?


If Wonder Woman is "kryptonian" then I would be really angry. Wouldn't stop me from seeing the movie though but it would hamper my enjoyment.

Also, I would like to see them follow through with Supergirl being on Earth already. She doesn't need her own movie and you kill her off if need be (in fact, do that to give a Supes a reason to cut loose on Darkseid/Doomsday) but I'd still like to see a modern Supergirl on the big screen.
I think they're gonna fold her into Supermans story. There was an open pod in the ship he was investigating. I doubt they're gonna use that for Supergirl. I wouldn't be surprised if "Amazons" end up being the lost Kryptons or something.

This was floated as a "rumor" awhile ago and got shot down by someone in production, if I remember correctly. Not to say that a) they weren't lying or b) that idea was folded into the rewrites after that rumor hit.

But the idea that "Amazons" are the half-human/half-kryptonian descendents of a handful of Kryptonian colonists from 10,000 years ago isn't necessarily all that bad.


Super Member
It could happen, but they showed that the scout ship had only one survivor. Dev-Em killed everyone except Kara, and she killed(?) him. Who knows? Maybe she herself founded the Amazons, or she used the Genesis chamber to create a race of super-powered women.

I'd rather just appreciate the characters for having their different origins though.


That would be interesting. Was htis ever explored in the comic universe?

Not entirely sure. I don't really read comics personally which leads me to my next question...

This was floated as a "rumor" awhile ago and got shot down by someone in production, if I remember correctly. Not to say that a) they weren't lying or b) that idea was folded into the rewrites after that rumor hit.

But the idea that "Amazons" are the half-human/half-kryptonian descendents of a handful of Kryptonian colonists from 10,000 years ago isn't necessarily all that bad.

...what's the source of Wonder Womans power anyways? Is she DC's Thor in that it's all based on mythology?


I think they're gonna fold her into Supermans story. There was an open pod in the ship he was investigating. I doubt they're gonna use that for Supergirl. I wouldn't be surprised if "Amazons" end up being the lost Kryptons or something.

I know some Wonder Woman fans hate that idea but it's really the most straight forward and direct way of explaining where the Amazon's come from if they do not want to touch greek gods as being real. Especially if they want to keep the scifi feel Man of Steel had for the entire universe they're building. The other option would be to make those "gods" actually advanced aliens. However that's not far removed from having the idea that Amazons came from Kryptonians that landed on Earth in the past. Maybe many of them were birth naturally but Wonder Woman was birth via the tech that was in the scout ship and that explains why she's so powerful.

Though I kinda want them to dive head first into magic. Not actual advance science that looks like magic but embrace pure magic for Wonder Woman. Straight magic based powers and characters. That way we can get Shazam, Black Adam, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, etc in the films.


Jumping head first into magic would be awesome. Has the MCU hit that or are they still going the advanced science route? I don't remember if they touched on that in Dark World.


Super Member
Though I kinda want them to dive head first into magic. Not actual advance science that looks like magic but embrace pure magic for Wonder Woman. Straight magic based powers and characters. That way we can get Shazam, Black Adam, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, etc in the films.
Indeed. Maybe it doesn't change the narrative much, but it would impact other things like art direction. I liked Thor 1 but hated how Asgard looked.


Not entirely sure. I don't really read comics personally which leads me to my next question...

...what's the source of Wonder Womans power anyways? Is she DC's Thor in that it's all based on mythology?

She's half god. Two different origins have her made of clay and brought to life by Zeus or the old-fashioned way by her mother and Zeus.

Though the latter described the "clay" origin as actually being this big ruse used to protect her from Zeus' super vengeful wife, Hera. Zeus sleeps around alot, and Hera has made a habit of murdering all his mistresses and their children. WW's mother, Hippolyta, came up with this "made of clay, gift from the gods" story to protect herself and her daughter. It's a ret-con, but an interesting ret-con.

I know some Wonder Woman fans hate that idea but it's really the most straight forward and direct way of explaining where the Amazon's come from if they do not want to touch greek gods as being real. Especially if they want to keep the scifi feel Man of Steel had for the entire universe they're building. The other option would be to make those "gods" actually advanced aliens. However that's not far removed from having the idea that Amazons came from Kryptonians that landed on Earth in the past. Maybe many of them were birth naturally but Wonder Woman was birth via the tech that was in the scout ship and that explains why she's so powerful.

Though I kinda want them to dive head first into magic. Not actual advance science that looks like magic but embrace pure magic for Wonder Woman. Straight magic based powers and characters. That way we can get Shazam, Black Adam, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, etc in the films.
I understand why people are fascinated by the Kryptonian origin, and it pushes the DC Universe into a bit more of a pure sci-fi direction, but at the same time, it would only delay the inevitable if they ever want to introduce more magic characters.

But yeah, I want a totally crazy Greek mysticism origin. I want her fighting Ares, taking on a cerberus, bargaining with gods to save peoples' lives.


"After Man of Steel finished and we started talking about what would be in the next movie, I started subtly mentioning that it would be cool if he faced Batman. In the first meeting, it was like, “Maybe Batman?” Maybe at the end of the second movie, some Kryptonite gets delivered to Bruce Wayne’s house or something. Like in a cryptic way, that’s the first time we see him. But then, once you say it out loud, right? You’re in a story meeting talking about, like, who should [Superman] fight if he fought this giant alien threat Zod who was basically his equal physically, from his planet, fighting on our turf… You know, who to fight next? The problem is, once you say it out loud, then it’s kind of hard to go back, right? Once you say, “What about Batman?” then you realize, “Okay, that’s a cool idea. What else?” I mean, what do you say after that?"
Interesting... Makes me wonder how Batman will be presented in this movie.

If we'll see him mostly through Superman's perspective, treating him almost as if he's a villain until the inevitable teamup... Or if the movie will share each point of view from the start.


WonderCon has a DC Entertainment panel tomorrow... a possibility

Though I honestly don't know which conventions are big or meaningful anymore outside of SDCC


Interesting... Makes me wonder how Batman will be presented in this movie.

If we'll see him mostly through Superman's perspective, treating him almost as if he's a villain until the inevitable teamup... Or if the movie will share each point of view from the start.

I'd honestly prefer the first. That'd be an amazing take on it that I never thought of.
Interesting... Makes me wonder how Batman will be presented in this movie.

If we'll see him mostly through Superman's perspective, treating him almost as if he's a villain until the inevitable teamup... Or if the movie will share each point of view from the start.

That's a really interesting perspective, but the problem is that it puts Superman behind the 8-ball AGAIN in terms of audience appreciation. Coming off Man of Steel where the narrative is that he's a careless murderer, asking viewers to come into the sequel and root for a Superman who considers Batman a bad guy, and doesn't find out til halfway through the movie that he's a good guy?

People are going to be like "What a fucking ASSHOLE Superman is! Look at him! How stupid. Why can't he figure out that Bruce is a good guy, too?"


I understand why people are fascinated by the Kryptonian origin, and it pushes the DC Universe into a bit more of a pure sci-fi direction, but at the same time, it would only delay the inevitable if they ever want to introduce more magic characters.

This is my other big problem with the "Wonder Woman being a secret Kryptonian*" thing: it's solving a "problem" they don't really need to solve. If anything, it's creating an even bigger problem because rather than introducing the mystical elements upfront with your most famous mystical character, you delay them to go in this hard sci-fi direction. Which works for now, but is going to make things pretty awkward when you want to introduce, say Zatanna or Deadman, and have to explain this stuff anyway.

Might as well get it out of the way with Wondy now that you have her.

*My major problem being that it essentially turns Wonder Woman into a Superman supporting character instead of making her own thing with her own mythos. It's the same reason I don't like the "Faora as the WW movie villain" that gets thrown around on here. WW has her mythos that's been around almost as long as Supes and Bats; let me see that on screen.
Jumping head first into magic would be awesome. Has the MCU hit that or are they still going the advanced science route? I don't remember if they touched on that in Dark World.

I believe Kevin Fiege has brought up magic with regards to a Stephen Strange movie. He mentioned something about mastery of quantum probabilities as being their equivalent of magic.
Something, finally.

I know right.

I have a feeling Snyder Batman is gonna be a complete take over, the same way Ledger kinda wiped Nicholson out of everyone's minds.

This will be the definitive version of Batman in pop culture moving forward. Its just gonna look too much better than any other version on film, I can feel it.

Unless they go with some super ultra armor cause he's going one on one vs Superman.

Otherwise I see no reason why we shouldn't get some peak potential ultra slick unstoppable Batman from Snyder.


So, again, a fight between the two is implied so I have a question for you all.

Which happens: Batman huge buff or Superman huge nerf?
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