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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Bruce will hit that (maybe Lois too) and Clark will get salty. Batman vs Superman.

He already did.



Excellent news!!! Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Looks like Cavil is getting his wish as he said he would like Cyborg to be used. I wonder if they'll give us at least one "booyah". I'm also super happy about this news as it's likely gong to mean some diversity among the JL when it comes time to showcasing the team or the Justice League film when the time comes. Something that Marvel is not going to have when pushing the Avengers films. There is Falcon and War Machine but they aren't the stars or are going on the posters. Cyborg likely will be up there next to Superman and Batman with WB/DC's push of him in animation and comics over the recent years.

I just wish people would calm down and wait for more information before pulling out the tired "just name this Justice League" comments. It's really annoying seeing that on twitter and you just know those saying it think they're being clever. All the while ignoring that this is said to be a cameo. The idea that that WB/DC likely isn't going to be doing a a lot of solo films seems to be completely lost on a ton of people. If they aren't copying Marvel they're failing or rushing, etc. It's getting to be beyond annoying.
Alight, I'm stoked! Though I'm sure that it will be a small cameo like role since this movie is going to have basically the entire Justice League in it. But still, exciting news.

I will be singing this to celebrate.
I just wish people would calm down and wait for more information before pulling out the tired "just name this Justice League" comments. It's really annoying seeing that on twitter and you just know those saying it think they're being clever. All the while ignoring that this is said to be a cameo. The idea that that WB/DC likely isn't going to be doing a a lot of solo films seems to be completely lost on a ton of people. If they can't copying Marvel they're failing or rushing, etc. It's getting to be beyond annoying.

WB is trying something completely new by shoving all these characters into one movie with barely any setup and hoping it all works. That is what is making people skeptical about the movie not to mention Zack Snyder is directing the movie after a luke warm reception to his version of Superman. If someone did not like Man of Steel why should they have faith in Zack Snyder's version of a DC universe?


Momoa could also be Metallo. I think that character was rumored to be in the film at one point.

WB is trying something completely new by shoving all these characters into one movie with barely any setup and hoping it all works. That is what is making people skeptical about the movie not to mention Zack Snyder is directing the movie after a luke warm reception to his version of Superman. If someone did not like Man of Steel why should they have faith in Zack Snyder's version of a DC universe?
It's one thing to skeptical because you didn't enjoy MoS. Hell, I wasn't so hot on MoS so I'm a little skeptical myself. It's another thing entirely to constantly claim the movie is "bloated" and can't work despite knowing nothing about the plot, treating every rumor as true to support the idea that the movie will be a trainwreck, or thinking it's DOA just because WB isn't following Marvel's approach. We see far more of the latter three than the first one when discussing this movie.
WB is trying something completely new by shoving all these characters into one movie with barely any setup and hoping it all works. That is what is making people skeptical about the movie not to mention Zack Snyder is directing the movie after a luke warm reception to his version of Superman. If someone did not like Man of Steel why should they have faith in Zack Snyder's version of a DC universe?

They dont' have to. But if they don't like Zack Snyder's version of a DC universe why would it matter if we got solo Aquaman and WW films first or a Justice League film first?

We don't know shit about the set up. For all we know Wonder Woman and Aquaman's roles could be as light as Nick Fury's was in Iron Man 1. Everyone is just jumping to conclusions and deciding already that they aren't going to like the movie.
He could probably look cool as Aquaman, but if the guy indeed isn't able to act for crap, maybe it is best he be someone like Metallo or Doomsday or whatever.

Point is, I'm so glad all of this is finally happening. Casting casting casting.

How many more days til comic con?
They dont' have to. But if they don't like Zack Snyder's version of a DC universe why would it matter if we got solo Aquaman and WW films first or a Justice League film first?.

Because Snyder likely would not be involved with those movies just like Joss Whedon does not direct all of the marvel's movies.


Based on all the fun... and samey discussion we've had the past 24 hours, wrote this little piece on my blog as to why this movie doesn't need to be a "bloated mess" that some fears it will be.


Good write up. I cringe every time I see a new Man of Steel 2 thread pop up, because it's the same tired posters posting the same tired "this is going to be a mess" and other equally shit posts.
It's one thing to skeptical because you didn't enjoy MoS. Hell, I wasn't so hot on MoS so I'm a little skeptical myself. It's another thing entirely to constantly claim the movie is "bloated" and can't work despite knowing nothing about the plot, treating every rumor as true to support the idea that the movie will be a trainwreck, or thinking it's DOA just because WB isn't following Marvel's approach. We see far more of the latter three than the first one when discussing this movie.

Where did ever say the movie was bloated at all go back in my post history and find where I said the movie would bloated? I have complained about Wonder Woman not getting her own movie and about Man of Steel being not so good. So yes I am skeptical about the movie. I never once said they should follow marvels foot steps.

So when you find where I "constantly claim the movie is "bloated" and can't work" I'll apologize. Shockingly I like the casting for Cyborg and the rumored casting for Aquaman despite being skeptical about the movie.


Where did ever say the movie was bloated at all go back in my post history and find where I said the movie would bloated? I have complained about Wonder Woman not getting her own movie and about Man of Steel being not so good. So yes I am skeptical about the movie. I never once said they should follow marvels foot steps.

So when you find where I "constantly claim the movie is "bloated" and can't work" I'll apologize. Shockingly I like the casting for Cyborg and the rumored casting for Aquaman despite being skeptical about the movie.
I didn't mean you specifically, but more the general tone these conversation take on. Apologies.


Sidhe / PikPok
Based on all the fun... and samey discussion we've had the past 24 hours, wrote this little piece on my blog as to why this movie doesn't need to be a "bloated mess" that some fears it will be.


I personally think the bigger looming (possible) trainwreck is the JLA movie proper. But I do believe the more WB tries to shift the burden and lay the groundwork for that in WF, the more challenging it is going to be to pull this movie off.

I guess we'll all see eventually.


All I really care about at this point is that they fulfill the promise of Supes being a symbol of hope for mankind and the other heroes falling in line with that. Hopefully in a non-forced way but I may be asking too much.

But if they nail that one aspect before the JL movie hits I will pretty much forgive all other shenanigans. To a certain extent anyway.

I'm still sour at just the thought of a Kryptonian Wonder Woman, lol.
All I really care about at this point is that they fulfill the promise of Supes being a symbol of hope for mankind and the other heroes falling in line with that.

I really hope so too. I think they will though.

The day will come when we're watching a trailer for the 3rd movie in this series, and I have a hunch it'll have Superman taking center stage in a conflict that demonstrtaes why he is the greatest hero of all time.

Man, I can't even comprehend how epic the 3rd movie in this series will be once its actually a full blown Justice League movie.

I think Snyder rides this trilogy out to the very end. No way he only makes one more movie, setting everything up for the big showdown, and then walks away.

Only thing I'm wondering now is, knowing what we know about these new cast members, do you guys think this adds weight to the rumor about BvS having a massive cliffhanger?


I'm fairly certain he'll do JL. Actually, wasn't that already confirmed? I know WB hasn't officially confirmed a JL movie but I'm sure I read that Snyder was on board to do the MoS sequel and JL.

In another note, the wait for the costume reveals is driving me crazy. So many questions. What alterations were made to Superman's costume? Will Batman have white lenses? Pants or war skirt for Wonder Woman?
Star Wars is always gonna be there for him. I'm sure Disney will be happy to work on something with Snyder when he's good and ready.

Snyder being so big on comics though, I can't see how he doesn't finish what he started. Especially when you consider everything else he's made, this must all be the hardest orgasm ever to him.

I guess it all depends on what's going down in Worlds Finest.

If they don't film the next two back to back, and keep going at this rate, we won't get Justice League til 2019. Kinda sad and insane to think about. Hell, they might even wrap up a GotG trilogy by then.

God I hope they just shoot the next two back to back.


I don't think I care that much about Batman in this movie. I mean, it's not my focal point of anticipation. I'll be excited to see the new suit and all, but I'm most excited simply to see what happens with Superman.
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