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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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I'm more of a Marvel guy, but consider myself pretty aware of DC stuff. But I'm confused about the title. The movie isn't really called "Batman vs. Superman", right? That's got to be a placeholder title, and a tongue-in-cheek joke about the occasional (utterly stupid) lopsided comic book face off, right? RIGHT?

Would it make sense to reveal the costumes during WonderCon this weekend?

I think it's possible.

leondexter said:
But I'm confused about the title. The movie isn't really called "Batman vs. Superman", right? That's got to be a placeholder title,

It's a placeholder, yeah. Although the fact Fong is also calling it Batman vs. Superman kinda sucks. But it's the title everyone's using for a couple reasons:

1) Goyer said "we're thinking of either Batman vs. Superman or Superman vs. Batman, I dunno, we haven't gotten a title yet." and everyone ran with that.

2) It makes the movie sound fuckin dumb (as most blank vs blank titles tend to do) so it's easier to affect the appropriate bullshit tone when writing your 20th blogpost about a movie that has no real news on it yet at your entertainment website of choice.

I just call it "World's Finest" because that's what you call a fucking Superman/Batman team-up.


Batman vs. Superman sounds too damn fanboyish to me. This is a movie, not a youtube video.

I know it's a placeholder but still.


Super Member
I'm more of a Marvel guy, but consider myself pretty aware of DC stuff. But I'm confused about the title. The movie isn't really called "Batman vs. Superman", right? That's got to be a placeholder title, and a tongue-in-cheek joke about the occasional (utterly stupid) lopsided comic book face off, right? RIGHT?
Nope. It's the title they want to use to market to guys going through midlife crises. When you get as old as Batman, everything has to have significantly greater meaning! Just like when Frank Miller wrote Dark Knight Returns.

They should go with Man of Steel 2: In the Dark of the Knight


I think either "World's Finest" or "Superman/Man of Steel: World's Finest" are likely options at this point. If they wanted to get ballsy, they go with "Trinity", "Superman/Man of Steel: Trinity" or even "Justice League: Trinity". I guess it depends on whether or not WB is planning on ditching the Man of Steel branding.
I bet they are, especially if their plan post-Justice League is to simply release a DC Universe movie every year, featuring whatever heroes they want to team up according to the stories they feel like doing.

So maybe one year you get a standalone Wonder Woman movie, and the next year you get a Wonder Woman/Flash/Batman movie, then the next year is another Justice League adventure, and then the next year it's Batman/Green Arrow/Green Lantern or whatever.
I still think they should've went with this

Man of Steel

Man of Tomorrow (Or Batman and the Man of Tomorrow)

Last Son of Krypton (Last Solo Supes film)
With how much they have riding on this film, they're going to want to make sure there isn't a chance anyone won't know this is a movie with both Batman and Superman in it. Therefore, Worlds Finest: Batman and Superman are both in this at the same time Part I
We all know it's going to be called "The Dark Knight vs The Man of Steel"
WB is going to cash in on those poor souls who think it'll be the same Batman from the Nolan movies.


Superman 3000

Superman wakes up from cryosleep almost 1000 years after Man of Steel and has to fight cyborg Batman
I dislike Worlds Finest as a title. It sounds incredibly 1940's and lame. Worlds Finest what? Is what your average man in street will think. I have no idea what else I would call it but that sounds dated and obscure. In my opinion of course.


I think it will just end up being something dull like,

Pretty much, it informs the general public and stands out.

"Worlds Finest" as a title might've been possible if DC were on a roll like Marvel and could afford to slap any name they wanted. But to most movie goers, "Worlds Finest" comes off sounding pompous.
Pretty much, it informs the general public and stands out.

"Worlds Finest" as a title might've been possible if DC were on a roll like Marvel and could afford to slap any name they wanted. But to most movie goers, "Worlds Finest" comes off sounding pompous.

"World's Finest" laid over the Batman/Superman logo they've already unveiled will make perfect sense. The title is obviously referring to the quality of the superheroes, not the quality of the movie.

It's the same reasoning they used with Man of Steel. You put those words over the logo, you don't need the word "SUPERMAN" in the title. You know exactly what the title is referencing.


I know it won't happen, but part of me really hopes they meet on the cruise ship like they originally do...

Stupidest. Team-up. Ever.
Pretty much, it informs the general public and stands out.

"Worlds Finest" as a title might've been possible if DC were on a roll like Marvel and could afford to slap any name they wanted. But to most movie goers, "Worlds Finest" comes off sounding pompous.

I don't know. It doesn't seem that far off from calling a Superman movie "Man of Steel". I think with how big comic movies have gotten, studios can get by with giving their audiences a little more credit than to have to beat people over the head. People are going to see Superman and see Batman and be inundated with tons of media (especially of Bat-fleck). There's no need to worry that people won't "get it" if the movie's title is World's Finest.
I dislike Worlds Finest as a title. It sounds incredibly 1940's and lame. Worlds Finest what? Is what your average man in street will think. I have no idea what else I would call it but that sounds dated and obscure. In my opinion of course.

Why call a group of superheroes Avengers? Who do they avenge? Coulson (lulz)? It's like Stan Lee couldn't come up an alternative name to Justice League. :p

But nobody complained about it when the movie come out, didn't they? I certainly had no problem with it. But that's just my opinion as well.


Why call a group of superheroes Avengers? Who do they avenge? Coulson (lulz)? It's like Stan Lee couldn't come up an alternative name to Justice League. :p

But nobody complained about it when the movie come out, didn't they? I certainly had no problem with it. But that's just my opinion as well.

Exactly. The Fantastic Four is also a pretty lame group name in the 21st century, it sounds like a circus act. Justice League even sounds cheesy as hell when you hear it out of context. What's a super hero without a hardy helping of cheese and ham though?
I dislike Worlds Finest as a title. It sounds incredibly 1940's and lame. Worlds Finest what? Is what your average man in street will think. I have no idea what else I would call it but that sounds dated and obscure. In my opinion of course.

Which is why you stick the Batman/Superman logo behind it, and maybe throw a "Man of Steel" title above it.

Odds are the title is gonna be on a poster that's featuring the three heroes on it. No one's gonna wonder who the World's Finest are when they're staring you in the face.
I dislike Worlds Finest as a title. It sounds incredibly 1940's and lame. Worlds Finest what? Is what your average man in street will think. I have no idea what else I would call it but that sounds dated and obscure. In my opinion of course.

Let's be real, guys calling themselves "Bat-Man" and "Super-Man" and running around in tights and capes is also very "1940s and lame".


I dislike Worlds Finest as a title. It sounds incredibly 1940's and lame. Worlds Finest what? Is what your average man in street will think. I have no idea what else I would call it but that sounds dated and obscure. In my opinion of course.
Batman... Superman... "World's Finest." I like the name... Anyone who knows these two characters and sees the title will get it. It's bold and it speaks for itself.

Sometimes we overestimate how dumb the general audience is. You don't need "Batman" or "Superman" in the title to create the right awareness for this movie. It just needs to be marketed right.

The movie will generate buzz regardless. So if its good, the World's Finest name could have a big payoff when Batman & Superman live up to it. But if they don't, well... Failure is not an option for this film.
Batman... Superman... "World's Finest." I like the name... Anyone who knows these two characters and sees the title will get it. It's bold and it speaks for itself.

Sometimes we overestimate how dumb the general audience is. You don't need "Batman" or "Superman" in the title to create the right awareness for this movie. It just needs to be marketed right.

The movie will generate buzz regardless. So if its good, the World's Finest name could have a big payoff when Batman & Superman live up to it. But if they don't, well... Failure is not an option for this film.

Yup. Hell a movie with the subtitle "Winter Soldier" ("WTF is that?" says Joe Q. Public) just opened to nearly $100 million weekend. Audiences are smarter than we give them credit for somethings. Nobody is going to be put off or confused by the name "World's Finest"


I'd very much love for it to be called Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest

Or they could just use World Finest along with whatever crossover logo they are going to use.
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