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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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My younger brother just got me these from his Target store!
Why does the trailer have to be rated anyway ? I thought we saw the whole movie with the latest trailer and that was rated.

Last stupid joke about that, sorry.
If they show Doomsday again, I hope it's a different shot

what difference would that make? he would still look ugly as hell. though to be honest i think it's not a shocker on how doomsday looks. that's more or less what i expect a live-action version of the character to look.

i hope we get more bruce/alfred and also a nice shot of superman saving people without the weird god-like aura to it. like more donner or spider-man esque.

i get why they're framing superman as this messiah figure in the trailers it makes sense considering the plot but they should bring him back down to earth too hopefully.


what difference would that make? he would still look ugly as hell. though to be honest i think it's not a shocker on how doomsday looks. that's more or less what i expect a live-action version of the character to look.

Meh. I don't disagree, but since that cat's out of the bag, I'm curious to see more of him.
what difference would that make? he would still look ugly as hell. though to be honest i think it's not a shocker on how doomsday looks. that's more or less what i expect a live-action version of the character to look.

i hope we get more bruce/alfred and also a nice shot of superman saving people without the weird god-like aura to it. like more donner or spider-man esque.

i get why they're framing superman as this messiah figure in the trailers it makes sense considering the plot but they should bring him back down to earth too hopefully.

Clark has shades of amiability amid the grim circumstances of MoS. He's loosens up when he's with Ma Kent. When he saves Lois, he is gentle and friendly. He jokes with the General. All that is vastly overshadowed by the origin quest first half and alien invasion second.


Looks like Civil War and Deadpool got the most positive buzz from their superbowl ads. BvS actually did really well too though considering how low key the Turkish Airline spots were.

Gawd damn Gods of Egypt

And yeah considering Warner didn't pay nor did the spots air during the actual Superbowl, I consider it a big win for BvS.

Great for Civil War. Good for Deadpool. Sad for Ninja Turtles.

Also some new BvS variant covers

This one is a connecting cover

^ I love supergod. Mos was the most human of Supermen and see how people reacted to it. He's too... Idealized, so it makes sense to turn it into that ideal character.

people are a mistake, nothing but trash...etc. etc. lol. the fishing and the trucker scenes were great imo. i would like more of that in here, though with him showing more restraint now that he's seasoned.

a superman 1-2 years in wouldn't even touch that guy's truck, but the fact that he did in man of steel showed that he was still human and had a lot to learn. which is cool.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
So, ScreenJunkies does more than just the Honest Trailers and Movie Fights. They have their own website and cover some of the news. Regarding the Turkish Airlines promos:

Two tickets to Gotham City please, the world’s best new tourist destination!

It’s Batman on a plane! In a new tie-in promo commercial for Turkish Airlines and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice spokesman / millionaire Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck trying hard not to laugh) assured us that Gotham is "a city that's risen above its past to become a thriving, urban center.” With the help of Wayne Enterprises, the city has returned to its former glory with fancy opera houses, flashy nightclubs and gruesome murders in back alleys. Considering that Gotham is a seedy breeding ground for crime and violence, I wouldn’t be caught dead there (or would I?) But who knows, maybe you’ll run into a local celebrity.

Or would you rather go to Metropolis?
Two tickets to Metropolis please, the world’s best new tourist destination!

Now Lex Luthor is on a plane! Coincidentally saying the exact same things that Bruce Wayne did. Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) also spokesman and millionaire formally invited us to Metropolis - a growing tourist hotspot and a city that's "reborn, rebuilt and stronger than ever proud of its heritage and heroes” with the help of LexCorp. In this tie-in viral commercial Metropolis does seem like the better destination of the two – with all of those happy people dining outside as Superman does a fantastic fly-by.

Wait a second… didn’t Superman basically help destroy Metropolis in Man of Steel? During his last battle with General Zod, both of them were carelessly crashing through buildings full of helpless civilians. I sure as hell don’t want to risk my life in Metropolis either. Take all of my tickets.

And the interview Snyder gave recently:

'Batman v Superman' director Zack Snyder talks DC's Multiverse approach, what Justice League cameos we'll see, and defends his controversial 'Man of Steel' Ending.

If the DC Multiverse and Man of Steel were done right, why does director Zack Snyder feel the need to be on the defense? Think about it - there’s no need to defend anything unless there is something wrong with it. But just because DC didn’t follow in the footsteps of Marvel (like every other shared universe did) doesn’t mean the DC Multiverse won’t be successful. It’s just a different approach that most fans aren’t used to yet.

While the DC Multiverse does seem rather scattered and confusing right now, there is a good reason for it; for now, movie projects and TV shows will remain separate, giving creatives the ability to tell different superhero stories, in different worlds, at the same time, without being held back by a specific continuity or timeline. For example, there are now two different versions of The Flash – cinematic Flash and TV Flash who are completely unrelated. What’s next…two Batmans? That would REALLY throw fans for a loop.

Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be the jump off for DC’s own cinematic universe, so let's just sit back and see how it goes. He has already confirmed that his characters including, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are being kept close to their comic book roots. Huh? That might be true for Batman and Wonder Woman, but he ALREADY changed Superman in Man of Steel. Did he forget about the backlash?

On the same podcast, Zack Snyder also defended his version of Superman saying he was ready for the fan’s divided response:

Get ready again, Zack – there may be some additional “divided response” with Batman v Superman. Because Zack Snyder has basically been handed the keys to the DC cinematic universe (or "DC Extended Universe"), we REALLY hope he can open the damn lock.

Part of opening that lock will be introducing the Justice League characters to the masses; after all, part of the film's title is Dawn of Justice. We've already heard a bit about which Justice League superheroes will appear in Batman v Superman - now Snyder explains just how much we'll see of them in the film:

Those are a lot of quotes all basically centered around the same purpose: trying to kill the negative stigma of a Zack Snyder DC Universe. Unfortunately, until Batman v Superman comes along to close the divide created by Man of Steel, Snyder is going to have to ride out a LOT of continued criticism of his approach. Thems the breaks in the game of superhero movie making...

They really don't seem to like what WB is doing with their cbmovies.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Zack Snyder is a visual director first and foremost, when was the last time he was paired with an Oscar winning writer? That's something this movie has going for it than none of his previous ones did.

Sure he has some input in the story as I'm sure Ben Affleck did, but Snyder usually has good ideas that end up getting subpar execution. MoS had neat ideas (the whole first contact feel, humanizing superman etc...) but the script brought it down, and that's mostly on Goyer, the shaky came was on Snyder though (good thing Fong is back).

I'm pretty sure this will be a substantial improvement over MoS. Snyder is divisive though, so we'll see.

The hate for this movie mostly stems from how MoS was recieved, specially on this forum. And the fact that WB isn't wasting time with solo movies to introduce this universe, as oppossed to Marvel. Because what worked for one company must somehow be copied ad infinitum. Both approches are fine with me, I like the idea of an universe with a established history already and for it to unraveled little by little.


Zack Snyder is a visual director first and foremost, when was the last time he was paired with an Oscar winning writer? That's something this movie has going for it than none of his previous ones did.

Sure he has some input in the story as I'm sure Ben Affleck did, but Snyder usually has good ideas that end up getting subpar execution. MoS had neat ideas (the whole first contact feel, humanizing superman etc...) but the script brought it down, and that's mostly on Goyer, the shaky came was on Snyder though (good thing Fong is back).

I'm pretty sure this will be a substantial improvement over MoS. Snyder is divisive though, so we'll see.

The hate for this movie mostly stems from how MoS was recieved, specially on this forum. And the fact that WB isn't wasting time with solo movies to introduce this universe, as oppossed to Marvel. Because what worked for one company must somehow be copied ad infinitum. Both approches are fine with me, I like the idea of an universe with a established history already and for it to unraveled little by little.

Thing is, Snyder might resort to over-use of slo-mo this time around. I don't want that. MoS had some visceral action scenes with zero slo-mo


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Not believing it. She's the only witness in 2 hours. Nah.

Seems legit from her replies.

Thing is, Snyder might resort to over-use of slo-mo this time around. I don't want that. MoS had some visceral action scenes with zero slo-mo

I honestly prefer Zack Snyder's slow-mo to JJ's lens-flare. At least the slow-mo isn't an assault to my eyes.

Good thing JJ's has toned-down on that shit in his most recent movies.


I don't know that I would say Screen Junkies is Marvel biased. I don't think that's the case. They just don't really like DC. At all. It's not even a movie thing. They just really don't like DC.
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