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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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I've been thinking about it since it was announced. I still expect it to be just a small cameo. Like we see him in the dark with his cape blowing in the wind as he talks to Supes with his gruff ass voice about his jurisdiction and how he'll make him squeal if he pisses him off. It's called Batman VS Superman so far tho so who knows. Maybe they really do duke it out.

I expect the rest of the cast to just be a thing where they all run towards the screen in slowmo Batman and Robin style before the credits however
or was it Batman Forever? I forget.
Yeah so do we have any plot ideas? Is superman trying to be stopped by Batman and for what reason

Absolutely all we know is that supposedly its still mainly a Superman movie, Batman is the co-star, Wonder Woman is supporting, Cyborg is likely a cameo and Lex is a villain.

Well what's been the reason in the comics.might give an idea
No way to tell, its different all the time and this is a weird Worlds Finest, Trinity and Justice League mix.

In the Worlds Finest cartoon Joker had like 20 pounds of Kryptonite so Batman went to Metropolis to investigate and as usual Lex is up to some shit.


They should really change the name if it's mainly a superman movie, even though I know they want to sell tickets.


They should really change the name if it's mainly a superman movie, even though I know they want to sell tickets.

It has no name

Though I still think it's funny/sad

Most people call it Batman vs Superman

Dude can't even get top-billing in a fake name
Yeah so do we have any plot ideas? Is superman trying to be stopped by Batman and for what reason

There was a rumor I heard making its rounds on the internet a while back saying that this movie would include a version of the Justice League consisting of Batman, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and the John Stewart Green Lantern.

I could sort of see a plot line loosely based on Batman/Superman: Public Enemies.

The random, completely pulled-out-of-my-backside plot I could see happening:

Lex is appointed to some oversight committee to deal with the Superhuman presence on Earth (or simply within the US borders). Throughout the movie, there's a looming specter of a Kryptonite meteor crashing toward Earth. Lex plans to let the meteor strike Earth for some reason (maybe to farm the Kryptonite as a new, marketable energy source?) and instead focuses his attention on bringing Superman under his thumb. He already has a collected group of capes, under Batman's leadership, working to bring him in. Over the course of the movie, Batman begins to realize he's being played, and switches to side with Superman.

Victor Stone could play the role that Toyman played in the original story line- the brilliant young scientist who figures out how to stop the meteor, but is being blocked by Luthor. Stopping the meteor could even be the event that damages his body to the point of needing cybernetic replacement parts.
There was a rumor I heard making its rounds on the internet a while back saying that this movie would include a version of the Justice League consisting of Batman, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and the John Stewart Green Lantern.

The Nightwing rumor was a total dead-end. People thought Adam Driver was going to be playing him.

Turns out Adam Driver was reading for Luthor, which Jesse Eisenberg got.
There was a rumor I heard making its rounds on the internet a while back saying that this movie would include a version of the Justice League consisting of Batman, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and the John Stewart Green Lantern.

I could sort of see a plot line loosely based on Batman/Superman: Public Enemies.

The random, completely pulled-out-of-my-backside plot I could see happening:

Lex is appointed to some oversight committee to deal with the Superhuman presence on Earth (or simply within the US borders). Throughout the movie, there's a looming specter of a Kryptonite meteor crashing toward Earth. Lex plans to let the meteor strike Earth for some reason (maybe to farm the Kryptonite as a new, marketable energy source?) and instead focuses his attention on bringing Superman under his thumb. He already has a collected group of capes, under Batman's leadership, working to bring him in. Over the course of the movie, Batman begins to realize he's being played, and switches to side with Superman.

Victor Stone could play the role that Toyman played in the original story line- the brilliant young scientist who figures out how to stop the meteor, but is being blocked by Luthor. Stopping the meteor could even be the event that damages his body to the point of needing cybernetic replacement parts.

As it gets less and less likely that Nightwing is in this season of Arrow im starting to think he might be in this in a very small role.
The rumors started the same week as each other and I thought Arrow seemed most likely but imstarting to think it actually started from the movie.



People lining up for casting


That crowd seems really male heavy. However good to see black faces. That's always been a huge problem for me in films where they show a city yet there is no diversity in the crowd. I hope overall WB makes sure to address that in general.

Absolutely all we know is that supposedly its still mainly a Superman movie, Batman is the co-star, Wonder Woman is supporting, Cyborg is likely a cameo and Lex is a villain.

No way to tell, its different all the time and this is a weird Worlds Finest, Trinity and Justice League mix.

In the Worlds Finest cartoon Joker had like 20 pounds of Kryptonite so Batman went to Metropolis to investigate and as usual Lex is up to some shit.

There is a bigger question that should have been asked in that cartoon but wasn't from what I remember. Joker had a very large chunk. How he got it is questionable. However it was sculpted into a Chinese dragon statue. Where the hell was the rest of it!? Even as a kid I was wondering about that.


It has no name

Though I still think it's funny/sad

Most people call it Batman vs Superman

Dude can't even get top-billing in a fake name
Nothing sad about that. No one gets top billing over Batman. He's the Batman. Every other superhero is below him.

What would you say if in a dinosaur movie, the main dinosaur wasn't the T-Rex? You probably wouldn't like that.
It's Superman's sequel, damnit!

It should be Superman vs Batman or

it should be clark's sequel tbh. man of steel was ehh, but the end scene promised of something better to come. we'd finally see cavill doing the dual identity thing and becoming a superhero.

and now they decided to throw in batman, aquaman and wonderwoman in instead....

my ideal man of steel sequel would be similar to spiderman 2. and just with a small cameo by batman if needed.


I think Batman vs Superman feels better because short names feel better to say first before long names.

Also, Batman is better than Supes. Just saying.


Nothing sad about that. No one gets top billing over Batman. He's the Batman. Every other superhero is below him.

What would you say if in a dinosaur movie, the main dinosaur wasn't the T-Rex? You probably wouldn't like that.

Triceratops > T-Rex

Superman > Batman



I'm hesitant to believe that Momoa rumors -- as Aquaman or otherwise -- just because he's been batted around for months, when all of the other casting for this movie came out of left field. Affleck, Gadot, Irons, Eisenberg, dude playing Cyborg -- nobody guessed these actors, much less their characters (sans Lex), would even be in this movie in the first place. So it seems kinda odd to me that suddenly we definitely know one guy who will be in, and the character he's playing, despite everything other bit of casting news being a complete surprise.


Really has nothing to do with who is better. B better leads into S than S does into B. Just flows better naturally. Let's not start downplaying characters based on how you order their names in a speech pattern.


World's Finest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superman/Batman > Batman/Superman as far as possible titles go.

If Wonder Woman has a big role, Trinity would be a good one too.


World's Finest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superman/Batman > Batman/Superman as far as possible titles go.

If Wonder Woman has a big role, Trinity would be a good one too.

World's Finest>>>>>Superman/Batman>>>>Batman/Superman>>>Trinity>>>>Superman vs Batman>>>>Batman vs Superman

(I don't like the idea of a versus film since we know they'll end up on the same side)


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
the plot is going to be that after the destruction caused by Supes and Zod at the end of MoS, Batman will see Supes as a menace to humanity and will try to stop him at all costs only later to realize that the true menace is Lex as he unleashes Metallo on both Batman and Supes, they decide to team up to stop Metallo and defeat him thus planting the seeds for the eventual superhero team up for the JL movie. The movie will end with Lex salvaging Zod's world building machine and recovering Brainiac from it.


I'm hesitant to believe that Momoa rumors -- as Aquaman or otherwise -- just because he's been batted around for months, when all of the other casting for this movie came out of left field. Affleck, Gadot, Irons, Eisenberg, dude playing Cyborg -- nobody guessed these actors, much less their characters (sans Lex), would even be in this movie in the first place. So it seems kinda odd to me that suddenly we definitely know one guy who will be in, and the character he's playing, despite everything other bit of casting news being a complete surprise.
Warner Bros. won't comment on Cyborg even though Variety confirmed him. The Justice League characters could be something they're trying to keep secret until a certain point.
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