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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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One thing I never understood is why people scoff at the idea of batman vs superman, but always accept Lex Luthor being superman's main villain.


One thing I never understood is why people scoff at the idea of batman vs superman, but always accept Lex Luthor being superman's main villain.
It's because Batman has issues which make it impossible for him to resist physical confrontation, whereas Luthor has disposable underlings for that kind of stuff.


I found this video on Youtube, you guys probably already watched it but here it is for the rest.

Batman vs Superman: Movie Stars Pick Their Favourite

Batman vs Superman: Movie Stars Talk - Part 2

EDIT: LOL@ Natalie Portman trying to dodge that question because they are in the Marvel movies.
To be fair, this is what would happen when you put any superhero against Batman.

You've had campy Batman with Adam West, Tim Burton Batman, the animated Batman for kids and the Justice League, successful comic books and video games, then Nolan came along and pretty much schooled the entire comic book movie genre with The Dark Knight and broke a billion with a comic book movie. It's just decades of relevance with different generations. Batman's reached his own level now.
I see alot of them picking batman because he's human & relatable but also a few of the celebs saying superman is invinsible and would completely dismantle batman

they should never really fight in my opinion unless batman somehow makes superman human for a few minutes lol


One thing I never understood is why people scoff at the idea of batman vs superman, but always accept Lex Luthor being superman's main villain.

For me, it's a couple things. One, Luthor rarely engages Superman in physical confrontation. He always uses some creature or creates an impossible situation for Supes to overcome. When it does get physical, Luthor is aided by a powersuit or something that evens the odds and he always loses anyway. With Batman, it's almost always a physical confrontation and many of Batman's plans boil down to "throw Kryptonite at him." Which is crazy, considering how many of Superman's enemies use K on him and he overcomes fine. But somehow, it suddenly works for Batman?

Also, it's a matter of story. With Luthor, he's meant to represent a problem Superman can't punch away, the problem he was originally created to fight: corrupt business men and political types who use their power to hurt others. Not only that, but he represents so much of the worst of humanity (vanity, greed, pride, obsession) that holds us back and what Superman is supposed to inspire us to rise against.

With Batman, yeah there's the "human vs a god" thing, but you already get that with Luthor plus the other themes I mentioned. Beyond that, getting Batman and Superman to fight (not just argue, but actually exchange blows) usually involves "breaking" one of the characters (9/10 it's Superman) and is often just an excuse for writers to show us how much cooler Batman is than dumb ol Superman. It's just not as interesting as the dynamic between Luthor and Supes.

Not to say B v S hasn't been done well. I think it fit the themes of The Dark Knight Returns and Red Son, for example. But for the most part, it's an idea with very few good stories backing it up.


I love Batman as most do but my reasoning has nothing to do with him being "relatable" which I feel is a copout answer a lot of the time. Batman is not relatable to me. I'm not rich, I'm not peak physical condition, I'm not a expert tactical strategist and I'm not a paranoid schizophrenic. Other then being a male human I share nothing in common with him.

Still love him as a character though it just doesn't have shit to do with him being human. I prefer Superman though. Just a more interesting character in my opinion.


So was thinking it's odd we haven't gotten any casting choice for a villain aside from Luthor in this film.

I mean he is cool and all, but he won't be the only threat with Superman and Batman (and Wonder Woman) in the film, I hope anyhow.

And just a random bit of fan speculation on the side, someone mentioned not wanting to see Darkseid as the first baddie in the Justice League movie, and I kind of agree. But then I remembered Holly Hunter being cast, and then going out of their way to name her along with the principals, and it made me wonder if she could possibly be like Granny Goodness on Earth.

Doubt it, but just food for thought


So was thinking it's odd we haven't gotten any casting choice for a villain aside from Luthor in this film.

I mean he is cool and all, but he won't be the only threat with Superman and Batman (and Wonder Woman) in the film, I hope anyhow.

And just a random bit of fan speculation on the side, someone mentioned not wanting to see Darkseid as the first baddie in the Justice League movie, and I kind of agree. But then I remembered Holly Hunter being cast, and then going out of their way to name her along with the principals, and it made me wonder if she could possibly be like Granny Goodness on Earth.

Doubt it, but just food for thought

I've said this before but there was an interview with Snyder not so long ago that implicated that Batman is actually the villain for Superman in this one.


I've said this before but there was an interview with Snyder not so long ago that implicated that Batman is actually the villain for Superman in this one.

The problem is... at least to me is you can't have two heroes fight for the entirety of the movie. Especially when there is such a gulf in power and abilities.

I suspect it should be the 2nd act climax and then they work together against a larger threat.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
The problem is... at least to me is you can't have two heroes fight for the entirety of the movie. Especially when there is such a gulf in power and abilities.

I suspect it should be the 2nd act climax and then they work together against a larger threat.

Wasn't it rumored to be Metallo?


The problem is... at least to me is you can't have two heroes fight for the entirety of the movie. Especially when there is such a gulf in power and abilities.

I suspect it should be the 2nd act climax and then they work together against a larger threat.
It's possible.

There's a lot of ground you can cover in the first act of this movie. They'll reintroduce us to Clark/Superman -- the progress he's made since we last saw him in Man of Steel, life at the Daily Planet, the Lois relationship, his mother, etc. We'll meet Lex and get an idea of his plans and motivations... Move to Gotham, where we could see this Batman in action before he heads to the batcave and speaks with Alfred about going to Metropolis to find out more about Superman... Sprinkle in some Diana, and that could already be the first 45 minutes or so of the movie -- without any of the major players meeting yet.

Superman's new costume ?
What did everyone think of Superman's suit in MoS? I wish it had a little more vibrant colours, specifically the shield. I'm tired of dark approaches to heroes.

I like the design overall. As for the color, I'm not really sure. In some part the shield really stood out, but in some other part it looked... hidden. Maybe it has something to do with the gritty realistic visual Snyder used in MoS as opposed to his other works. I like the shade of blue of the suit though.


What did everyone think of Superman's suit in MoS? I wish it had a little more vibrant colours, specifically the shield. I'm tired of dark approaches to heroes.
The design is perfect. A lot of the darker shade had to do with Man of Steel's tint.

Wouldn't surprise me to see them go more vibrant with everything Superman (including Metropolis) now that Batman and Gotham will be involved.


The Henry Cavill twitter is saying there's a leaked photo making the rounds supposedly from BvS that they cannot confirm is real or fake. Does anyone know what that is?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
ben affleck looks huge, i hope there's lots of nice scenes of him mostly naked to make up for the fact that zack snyder is directing it
I don't mind that costume

but Zack Snyder & the more Greek-inspired armored skirt costume seemed like a no-brainer, to me.

But I imagine WB has it drilled into their heads that people would be pissed if Wonder Woman didn't wear pants. Which isn't even the prevailing opinion on Diana, I don't think? I'm not sure. I know it was for awhile there, right up until Jim Lee's redesign came out and people were like "ehhhhhhh"

The live-action pilot didn't do that costume any favors, either.

I liked this costume

until it got criticized to kingdom come

the new costume isn't bade either

shield and sword WW is the best though

If that thing is real I guess some people are getting their wish and the suit we'll have a collar of some sort, mixed with the cape.

that looks more like a neck

hence a statue then a costume

the weird position is also a given
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