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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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So some Spanish sites are reporting that Emily Blunt will join the cast. Nothing concrete or descriptive, just another rumor.
I've said it before and I'll keep on sayin' it, but Xena's costume is pretty much what I picture when I think of a good look for Wonder Woman on film. Just, you know, not as cheap looking and some red/blue/gold mixed in.
Definitely agreed. She's an Amazon princess. They need to play off of the fact that her people are warriors and their history rooted in the Greeks. Something armored would be best. Something that immediately reads as "warrior" and "royalty" at first glance. My favorite Wonder Woman costumes already do:


Definitely agreed. She's an Amazon princess. They need to play off of the fact that her people are warriors and their history rooted in the Greeks. Something armored would be best. Something that immediately reads as "warrior" and "royalty" at first glance. My favorite Wonder Woman costumes already do:

That second costume is so good.

Emily Blunt would be interesting. Wasn't she initially Black Widow before ScarJo got cast?
and who do you speculate she may be?
yet another hero to add to the cast? Hawkgirl maybe? Supergirl?

Shed be a bit old for sg or is she not teenager anymore? They've already got alot of way powered up characters so they could introduce some supporting cast for the spinnoff movies. Black Canary could be a good one but might be a bit too Black Widow in her role as an undercover type, theres always catwomen too i suppose.


Definitely agreed. She's an Amazon princess. They need to play off of the fact that her people are warriors and their history rooted in the Greeks. Something armored would be best. Something that immediately reads as "warrior" and "royalty" at first glance. My favorite Wonder Woman costumes already do:

That Cheetah costume in the second pic is dopeness.
I've said it before and I'll keep on sayin' it, but Xena's costume is pretty much what I picture when I think of a good look for Wonder Woman on film. Just, you know, not as cheap looking and some red/blue/gold mixed in.

If only this was 20 years ago...she was perfect.



I guess it could work. Don't how they'd fit Kara into this story though, considering their plate is already full with having to complete a Justice League. I figure she'd be something much further down the line.

She looks like a Supergirl to me in that photo, I wouldn't mind.

Didn't they reference Supergirl in MoS?
That scene where Kal-El was in the Kryptonian alien ship thing.
I hope that Supergirl is just a super brief cameo in a post-credit scene or something, MOS2 already has a lot of characters.
Shed be a bit old for sg or is she not teenager anymore? They've already got alot of way powered up characters so they could introduce some supporting cast for the spinnoff movies. Black Canary could be a good one but might be a bit too Black Widow in her role as an undercover type, theres always catwomen too i suppose.

Ohhh, Catwoman would be a good fit for her. She is slender and sexy.

Still not sure on the Arrowverse being included, so not so sure on BC, but if she's too old for Supergirl she could always be Superwoman ;)
Although I would prefer to see her in a physically combatant role, so maybe Black Canary would be a good fit for her.

I guess it could work. Don't how they'd fit Kara into this story though, considering their plate is already full with having to complete a Justice League. I figure she'd be something much further down the line.

what the heck is with Synder and double (whatever its called) chins

cleft chin, or butt-chin.

Double-chin is when you're fat and you have a roll of skin where your chin should go.

Also, "some spanish sites?" Link? Site's reliability?
Ohhh, Catwoman would be a good fit for her. She is slender and sexy.

Still not sure on the Arrowverse being included, so not so sure on BC, but if she's too old for Supergirl she could always be Superwoman ;)
Although I would prefer to see her in a physically combatant role, so maybe Black Canary would be a good fit for her.

Yeah I was just thinking SG isn't likely to get a solo film anytime soon imo and unlikely to be more than a cameo since SM is there for the league.

Also like I said theres already a bunch of big hitters so i think you kind of want to spread them out a bit. Superman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg confirmed with rumours of Aquaman I don't really see a good reason to introduce SG yet.

This seems like a better opportunity to set up some bigger characters for the other films which is why said catwoman and black canary was just a throwout because its a character you can fit into alot of scenarios.


cleft chin, or butt-chin.

Double-chin is when you're fat and you have a roll of skin where your chin should go.

Also, "some spanish sites?" Link? Site's reliability?


Here's a quick google translation...

Emily Blunt and said no to comic adaptations when in 2010 turned down the role of Black Widow in 'Iron Man 2 ' , which eventually went to Scarlett Johansson ( who incidentally became one of the highest paid actresses in the world thanks to this paper) . Then he speculated that the deal was part of the trilogy ' The Dark Knight , directed by Christopher Nolan.

Finally until today did not join any of the comic book blockbusters , either Marvel or DC . But now it could change , since there is speculation her marriage to 'Batman Vs Superman ' , in a role yet to be determined .

The cast of 'Batman Vs Superman ' is led by Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot , in two papers of Batman , Superman and Wonder Woman.

What role could play Emily Blunt in the expected blockbuster Zack Snyder? For now remaining to meet many project names . Will stay pending confirm that would be more appealing to the same inclusion .

Meanwhile talking about the possibility to know more details about ' The Justice League ' , a blockbuster -style ' The Avengers 2', but for now is more in the air than Marvel counterpart

Maybe, maybe not. Pretty random, not much detail, and I can't vouch for reliability, so I didn't bother with the link.
Jesus, Kel. At least LOOK at the goddamn site.

There is literally nothing to that report. Zero. The writer just coughs up the idea Emily Blunt might be in a movie from nowhere.
Remember the routine guys. A Marvel rumour is speculative click-bait, a DC one; proof they are throwing shit to the wall to see what sticks.


On the subject of Wonder Woman and costumes, this new video from MovieBob hits on a lot of my problems with how we discuss the character's costuming. Worth a look, I say.

Remember the routine guys. A Marvel rumour is speculative click-bait, a DC one; proof they are throwing shit to the wall to see what sticks.

"Ugh Supergirl now too? This movie is going to be total shit. Why won't DC just set things up right?!"

And so on and so on.


I've said it before and I'll keep on sayin' it, but Xena's costume is pretty much what I picture when I think of a good look for Wonder Woman on film. Just, you know, not as cheap looking and some red/blue/gold mixed in.

I always liked this fan re-imagining (they re-wrote her origin so that instead of being formed from clay, she's a Living Statue):


I wanted to push the mythological angle further, not just for story possibilities but because it can make her more unique from Superman. Too often is Wonder Woman defined by as “the female superhero” rather than anything especially unique about her. The novelty of a superhero being female may have been acceptable in the 1940s, but now it’s quaint at best. Presenting her as a literal living statue is actually not far from her regular origin (she was formed by the Queen of the Amazons out of clay and given life), and it also provides an added Pygmalion or Telos mythological angle, which I think suits her character to begin with. Visually, I gave her something more Greek-like and battle ready, more so than the little bathing suit Wonder Woman usually has.


Looks more and more likely we getting a big time jump. From I just showed up to I'm fully established hero and loved by all. Very good.


Statue looks like it could be Superman lifting people from the rubble of Metropolis.

ETA: Which should have been the followup to the fight in MoS instead of Superman spiking a drone
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