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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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A New Genesis scientist sends a bolt of lightning to earth (which activates nanobots) whenever Billy says Shazam to his motherbox.

Kill me

...better hope they dont read these boards...you just wrote his char. Whats Aquaman going to be? Kryptonian ship crash landed in the ocean?


...better hope they dont read these boards...you just wrote his char. Whats Aquaman going to be? Kryptonian ship crash landed in the ocean?
Aquaman and Wonder Woman could be genetic offshoots of the early Kryptonian settlers. That would make the Justice League nearly 50% Kryptonian.
Aquaman and Wonder Woman could be genetic offshoots of the early Kryptonian settlers.

God, I hope not. I'm sure that this was Snyder and Goyer's original plan in order to explore the more fantastical aspects of the DC universe but WB needs to stop being so afraid of magic. I mean if the Avengers can have their Loki-pokey stick we should be allowed to have Captain Marvel/Zatana. =/

Also, that's the best way to explain Superman's "disguise" by making his glasses enchanted or something.


We don't need to know the mechanics of Wonder Woman in this film. Suggestion is sufficient without being binding and, heck, wholesale retcons can be forgiven so long as the whole delivers (Star Wars incest or "true from a certain point of view").

A veteran Batman means there's costumed vigilantes in this world (in Man of Steel, do you remember the scene of Clark playing as a child in a cape?). Depending on the context, other metas either being around or debuting may make sense without having to understand their origins or mechanics beyond suggestion.

Even if, hypothetically, there is some degree of inconsistency, it's hardly the end of the world. Superman:TAS following and then connecting with Batman:TAS and then Unlimited afterwards (supposedly to be followed by Beyond) has issues with consistency, but that should hardly detract from the enjoyment or execution of the work, overall except to the most pedantic of viewers.

Incidentally, Alan Moore does this kind of contextual world-building without explicit or exhaustive explanation expertly in early Top 10 (Watchmen, etc).


So the superman statue gets destroyed in a flood. Good, wonder if Aquaman takes aprt in this? Perhaps this movie is getting darker than we think. To be honest, MoS was the least dark of Snyder's movies.
[QUOTE Major Gripex]Also, that's the best way to explain Superman's "disguise" by making his glasses enchanted or something. ][/QUOTE]

That would be horrendous IMO. I'd rather it be some kryptonian, really anything, just not 'magic'.

I hope they do explore magic/supernatural mind you as it is a huge part of the DCU and the foundation for a lot of the better characters that have sprung off from it.

Major Gripex said:
God, I hope not. I'm sure that this was Snyder and Goyer's original plan in order to explore the more fantastical aspects of the DC universe but WB needs to stop being so afraid of magic. I mean if the Avengers can have their Loki-pokey stick we should be allowed to have Captain Marvel/Zatana. =/

Why can't they be descendants of Kryptonian settlers that simply use magic?
Crazy that they would be beating the drum, showing footage of this at Comic-Con and shit when the release date is still two years away. Shit will literally be at NEXT year's CC and then we still have to wait nearly ANOTHER year to finally see it.



Apparently this dude has joined the cast

Scoot McNairy has joined 'Batman vs. Superman' in an unknown role.

Kyle Rayner?

So... this movie's basically just a Justice League movie now, yeah? Didn't they announce an official Justice League movie for a few years from now though?? I'm confused.

Edit to clarify : They've confirmed (?) Wonder Woman and Aqua Man and... Martian Manhunter? No? It seems likely more JLA members are getting added to the cast, and it's titled "Dawn of Justice", I'm just curious why they didn't either a) Make this movie about Batman V Superman, like they said it would be or b) Go all the way and just call it Justice League, for heaven's sake.


So... this movie's basically just a Justice League movie now, yeah? Didn't they announce an official Justice League movie for a few years from now though?? I'm confused.

Edit to clarify : They've confirmed (?) Wonder Woman and Aqua Man and... Martian Manhunter? No? It seems likely more JLA members are getting added to the cast, and it's titled "Dawn of Justice", I'm just curious why they didn't either a) Make this movie about Batman V Superman, like they said it would be or b) Go all the way and just call it Justice League, for heaven's sake.

Because most of these extra characters are just cameos to get people pumped about justice league. That's why its so dumb when we have people posting "just call it justice league already why don't ya!" every single time anybody is announced as anybody.
Because most of these extra characters are just cameos to get people pumped about justice league. That's why its so dumb when we have people posting "just call it justice league already why don't ya!" every single time anybody is announced as anybody.

So the subtitle is their version of what Marvel did with Cap's movie being subtitled "The First Avenger"?... It's just... frustrating that they seem to be aping Marvel's cinematic actions without really understanding why it worked for Marvel. I'm really hoping for the best but my disappointment with Man of Steel has been relatively well documented around these parts...

Edit to expand : Marvel planned their phases way in advance and had the first Avengers in mind as their end game for phase 1 way back in... what... 2007? I don't know, they planned it way in advance and they dedicated years and a half dozen solo films to making it work. DC/Warner(?) put out one disappointing movie that made a lot at the box office and then decided to race to get out their own team-up movie as quick as possible to try and cash in on Marvel's success. They've been trying to ape Marvel in the comics for years and it almost never works... I'm having trouble keeping hope alive for this movie...
It's just... frustrating that they seem to be aping Marvel's cinematic actions without really understanding why it worked for Marvel.

How is this in any way "aping" Marvel's actions?

The two methods these movies studios are using are nothing alike, beyond

a) They're superhero movies
b) Multiple superheroes are in the movies.

edit: Lord knows who McNairy might be playing. Could be Jimmy Olsen. Could be Nightwing. Could be John Corben (Metallo). Who knows.
How is this in any way "aping" Marvel's actions?

The two methods these movies studios are using are nothing alike, beyond

a) They're superhero movies
b) Multiple superheroes are in the movies.

edit: Lord knows who McNairy might be playing. Could be Jimmy Olsen. Could be Nightwing. Could be John Corben (Metallo). Who knows.

I thought it was confirmed that Man of Steel's version of Jimmy Olsen was that girl who ran from the collapsing buildings with Perry White? Must have been mistaken.

Well, I don't think anyone would argue that the Dawn of Justice is at the very least a reaction to how well Avengers did. What you pointed out is kind of my point too - the reason it worked for Marvel was that they were patient and put out those solo films first and made sure they were all enjoyable and consistent and then Avengers was the payoff.

DC seems to be going "Hey, Avengers made lots of money, let's put all our heroes in one big movie together and also make lots of money" and then proceeding to ignore the approach that made Avengers successful in the first place.
Well, I don't think anyone would argue that the Dawn of Justice is at the very least a reaction to how well Avengers did.

I would. I don't think it was a "reaction" to anything other than the money made by Man of Steel letting them know they can start adding Batman to things. :)

They'd been pursuing Justice League movies for YEARS before Marvel put together their cinematic plan (a plan that Jon Favreau recently admitted was inspired mostly by... the Fantastic Four movies).

How they're making the movies is dissimilar to how Marvel does it, and their plan for introducing superheroes into their shared universe is different as well.

The fans are way more invested in the concept of a corporate pissing match with these superheroes than the executives themselves are.
I could have swore the whole Wonder Woman being a descendant of Krypton thing was completely debunked like a day after it hit online?

I think so, yeah.

2nd Edit : Forgot I multi-quoted these, just wanted to say "Thank goodness."

I would. I don't think it was a "reaction" to anything other than the money made by Man of Steel letting them know they can start adding Batman to things. :)

They'd been pursuing Justice League movies for YEARS before Marvel put together their cinematic plan (a plan that Jon Favreau recently admitted was inspired mostly by... the Fantastic Four movies).

How they're making the movies is dissimilar to how Marvel does it, and their plan for introducing superheroes into their shared universe is different as well.

The fans are way more invested in the concept of a corporate pissing match with these superheroes than the executives themselves are.

Saying they've been "pursuing" justice league is a little like saying Man of Steel was being "pursued" since the Christopher Reeves movies, they went through a whole lot of possible iterations before they ended up on that film. It was a foregone conclusion that there would be a Justice League movie someday and they've been working on getting the rights and writing/casting/hiring a director for the thing for a long time, sure, but it didn't actually happen until Avengers lit a fire under their butts.

I'm not attacking DC's characters or their output (beyond stating my opinion that I'm disappointed with Man of Steel and worried about Dawn of Justice) and I'm also definitely not saying Marvel's output has been flawless (Iron Man 2, eesh). I'm not invested in a "corporate pissing match" either, Disney/Marvel and Warner/DC (I keep saying that Warner owns the DC movies but I haven't fact checked and no one's calling me out on it, am I right or wrong??) are both just entertainment corporations trying to make money and they'll both put out some really great stuff and some really horrible stuff in that pursuit. I'm just articulating my concerns over the movie's production.

Non Sequitur to even it out, Quicksilver looks like garbage in the Avengers 2 set photos, I can't imagine any amount of post-production is gonna make that mess look interesting.

Edit because post wasn't long enough already : How the heck did the Fantastic Four movies inspire the Marvel plan??? Ugh, those were a mess, and there's no hint of a shared universe at all...
It was a foregone conclusion that there would be a Justice League movie someday and they've been working on getting the rights and writing/casting/hiring a director for the thing for a long time, sure, but it didn't actually happen until Avengers lit a fire under their butts.

You don't actually know this, and the fact you recognize that such a movie was inevitable (and that they're making such a movie in a way that is really different from how Marvel makes their movies) sorta kneecaps your overall point.

I get why the narrative appeals to you. I'm just saying it's a somewhat busted narrative when you look at what's happening now, and what happened in the past, which you basically acknowledge and push to the side before continuing to follow the broken narrative that really serves no purpose other than to convince yourself and others that the executives at these corporations actually buy into the artificial "war" between superhero companies that fans have been buying into for decades now, to the financial benefit of BOTH companies :)
Saying they've been "pursuing" justice league is a little like saying Man of Steel was being "pursued" since the Christopher Reeves movies, they went through a whole lot of possible iterations before they ended up on that film. It was a foregone conclusion that there would be a Justice League movie someday and they've been working on getting the rights and writing/casting/hiring a director for the thing for a long time, sure, but it didn't actually happen until Avengers lit a fire under their butts.

Exactly. I have no doubt that WB would have eventually made a Justice League movie someday regardless of whether Marvel had succeeded at self-production, but I think it's pretty silly to assert that WB's current DC film slate was conceived in some kind of hermetically sealed creative/commercial bubble that protected them from Marvel Studios' influence, simply because they tried and failed to make a Justice League movie in 2007 and a Superman/Batman movie a few years before that.

How they're making the movies is dissimilar to how Marvel does it, and their plan for introducing superheroes into their shared universe is different as well.

Have you read the script?

All I know in that regard is that yes, Batman will be introduced as a preexisting superhero. Which, sure, could be the approach they're taking for every other superhero's onscreen Snyderverse debut, but could just as easily be an exception made on account of the character's near-singularly iconic origin, the relatively recent Nolan films, the desire to cast a fortysomething actor in the role, etc.


Seriously do we need another DC is or isn't copying Marvel studios approach discussion in this thread as well?

Didn't you two just do it in the last casting thread?
Seriously do we need another DC is or isn't copying Marvel studios approach discussion in this thread as well?

Didn't you two just do it in the last casting thread?

I don't think I've had that discussion here before, I've actually never come across someone who disagrees with me before either, as far as I can remember. But yeah, no point arguing it when we just have different opinions.

Guys, I'm excited for and worried about this movie, how about you?

Edit because that's my thing apparently : Let's talk about the real bombshell - Lex has hair? What. The. Hell. I'm no comics historian, but has the character ever had hair before?... I loved how Gene Hackman's version was always wearing wigs like he's super self conscious about his baldness.
Good thing I didn't fuckin' do that, then :)

Well, you did say that the expansion of the Snyderverse has nothing to do with the success of the MCU. Was there some nuance that I missed?

Also, with all due respect (and I do have some for you, I swear!), I think you summarized Favreau's comments regarding Fantastic Four pretty inaccurately:

Looking back, there was no guarantee that Iron Man would launch the Marvel franchise like it has. Did it feel like a gamble at the time?

The model was the Fantastic Four films with Fox. You were expected to spend a certain amount of money that would make you a certain amount of money back as long as the effects are good. They wanted to figure out a way to get the movie to audiences for a price. I think by casting Iron Man the way we did, it classed the brand up. It allowed us to bring a certain humorous tone that had been lost from, say, the Bond franchise. With Daniel Craig, those movies gained a harder edge, meaning there was definitely room for a new humorous cad adventurer. That archetype had not been filled in a long time. Through Iron Man, Marvel found its tone and voice, but nothing was expected of it. And then the success came, and then there was pressure to continue that brand, and that’s where it becomes more challenging.

In context, it seems pretty clear to me that he's likening Marvel's general filmmaking approach, at least around the time Iron Man began production, to the approach of the FF films - unambitious, formulaic blockbuster films created to leverage a certain IP. Which definitely isn't flattering, but it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the franchise structure of multiple interconnected solo films leading to Avenger, and really, how exactly could that have been inspired by FF?
Heh. And we seem to disagree on most things too, so maybe Penguin got Deja Vu remembering one of our other arguments.

Usually it's Doctor Who related, isn't it?

Does Penguin even go in those threads?

Basically, what's with this bird and why is he watching us make sweet rhetorical love to each other?


Usually it's Doctor Who related, isn't it?

Does Penguin even go in those threads?

Basically, what's with this bird and why is he watching us make sweet rhetorical love to each other?

Well I meant you and Father_Brain, and I just meant this discussion in general. It seems to pop up in every thread related to this movie
Well I meant you and Father_Brain, and I just meant this discussion in general. It seems to pop up in every thread related to this movie

Fair point; it'll at least be easier to keep the focus on BvS and WB once we actually have some substantive info. As of right now, there's no plot synopsis, and WB has yet to even confirm that superhero characters other than Superman/Batman/WW are appearing in the film, or that Justice League is filming back-to-back with it.

So here's hoping for some big news at SDCC, although with the film still nearly two years from release, there probably won't be quite as much as I'd hope for.
and WB has yet to even confirm that superhero characters other than Superman/Batman/WW are appearing in the film, or that Justice League is filming back-to-back with it.

With Hollywood Reporter and Deadline confirming these it's as good as official even if WB doesn't come out and say it.


Fair point; it'll at least be easier to keep the focus on BvS and WB once we actually have some substantive info. As of right now, there's no plot synopsis, and WB has yet to even confirm that superhero characters other than Superman/Batman/WW are appearing in the film, or that Justice League is filming back-to-back with it.

So here's hoping for some big news at SDCC, although with the film still nearly two years from release, there probably won't be quite as much as I'd hope for.

I get it

But I mean like Warner/DC are pretty much stuck in this route and won't change really


Pretty sure that guy will be Jimmy. I'm not sure why everyone thinks Jenny in MoS was a Jimmy replacement outside of the name. She had none of the character's traits or even Jimmy's actual job at the Daily Planet.


I thought it was confirmed that Man of Steel's version of Jimmy Olsen was that girl who ran from the collapsing buildings with Perry White? Must have been mistaken.

Well, I don't think anyone would argue that the Dawn of Justice is at the very least a reaction to how well Avengers did. What you pointed out is kind of my point too - the reason it worked for Marvel was that they were patient and put out those solo films first and made sure they were all enjoyable and consistent and then Avengers was the payoff.

DC seems to be going "Hey, Avengers made lots of money, let's put all our heroes in one big movie together and also make lots of money" and then proceeding to ignore the approach that made Avengers successful in the first place.

The Avengers was a payoff in that it was a well made and enjoyable film. How many people who went to see the Avengers went to see any prior MCU films other than maybe Iron Man? How many of them even knew that there WAS an MCU before the Avengers? DC and anyone else paying attention noticed that interest in the MCU rose a ton after the Avengers let the general public know what was happening and how things were connected. They also noticed that Phase 2 is making more bank than Phase 1 film-for-film.

So why the hell would they make 5 or 6 lead in movies that could totally suck and/or bomb when they can just start with team up films from the get-go? This gets the public invested in characters that they otherwise would've laughed off or ignored (Aquaman, GL, hell even WW), and lets WB make more money with solo films later than they would have otherwise. The solo films post-Justice League will probably also get a better budget than they would've otherwise, and potentially better directorial and acting talent.


Pretty sure that guy will be Jimmy. I'm not sure why everyone thinks Jenny in MoS was a Jimmy replacement outside of the name. She had none of the character's traits or even Jimmy's actual job at the Daily Planet.
Or maybe he's Commissioner Gordon. There's pretty much no way he's playing Flash or Green Lantern though.


Pretty sure that guy will be Jimmy. I'm not sure why everyone thinks Jenny in MoS was a Jimmy replacement outside of the name. She had none of the character's traits or even Jimmy's actual job at the Daily Planet.

She WAS going to be Jenny Olsen, Snyder said in an intervew. He probably backed out after fan backslash.


With all the new characters and whatnot, the thing I'm most interested to see in BvS is Cav-El. I think it's still going to be very much his film.
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