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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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No one really does

He has no purpose

He was a gimmick that they keep on recycling.

At least, Bane got to be intelligent and evolve
Doomsday serves his purpose in The Death of Superman, which would make a great story in this universe someday.

I like the way they handled it in the animated movie.
The words "Latino" and "Review" show up in a post and people can't WAIT to kick it in the balls and call bullshit.

A Bleeding Cool link sourced to "A guy who saw a picture" gets a pass :)

Also, Waid said he liked most of Man of Steel (including the Pa Kent tornado scene) he just didn't like the ending.


Criticizing a film you didn't like is a bad attitude? And "hatred of DiDio?" It's not like this was for personal, petty reasons. Waid explained this pretty thoroughly when he burned his bridges with the company five years back in an AICN interview; in short, he was screwed over by editorial repeatedly in his time there; it wasn't just the rumored Superman offer being pulled.

And Robinson did eventually quit DC over a dispute with editorial. It just took him a while longer.

I'd say raging in a theatre during a film is a bad, bad attitude. He's free to dislike it, he's not free to be a jerk in a public setting to the extent where he's making people uncomfortable. Putting aside his 'pick and mix' Superman canon (stories where he killed? Not canon because Mark Waid doesn't care for it, trivialising the work put in), he's not the definitive guy on Superman.

And I'd say his attitude to DC today is petty and pissy. He can't seem to shake the fact that, ultimately, they did not want him on the big comics. And as such has a 'DC is terrible' attitude that is incredibly childish, while overlooking Marvel's pettyness because 'hey, I work for them so what they do is fine.'


Either have Darkseid in the JL movie or GTFO

Darkseid is definitely in Warner Bros plan in some capacity because (AFAIK) they are developing a New Gods film so presumably they intend to feature the character at some point.

I'm assuming (again unless their plans have been altered of late) such a project might launch after the Justice League film.


Unconfirmed Member
Doomsday was in that "leaked" script. I bet any money that they're just pulling it from that. No way does Doomsday show up in this movie.


Doomsday was in that "leaked" script. I bet any money that they're just pulling it from that. No way does Doomsday show up in this movie.

It feels a little early to have him debut. The early talk about Metallo potentially showing up as the main antagonist however feels much more 'realistic'.
I'd say raging in a theatre during a film is a bad, bad attitude. '

If you thought he actually bolted to his feet and fell out like a southern belle with a case of the vapors, c'mon. He's doing the same thing people on the internet have done since time immemorial: They're bullshitting about the way they act in theaters to drive home a specific point.

He left his body and practically fainted the same way EVERYONE laughs and jeers a movie you don't like, the same way EVERYONE shouts out super successful one liners at a stupid trailer and the theatergoers laugh uproariously and show their heartfelt appreciations, the same way EVERYONE has a vicious one-liner for a seat-kicking kid that caused them to flee the scene as the rest of the theater lined up one by one to congratulate the screening hero who saved the movie for everyone.
We need a running list of DCCU & DCTVU characters.

I'm just going off memory here, so I don't expect this list to be completely accurate, so make corrections where needed, but:

Batman vs Superman: DoJ/Justice League
Doomsday - incoming.
Metallo - rumored
Superman - confirmed
Batman - confirmed
Wonder Woman - confirmed
Aquaman - confirmed
Cyborg - confirmed
Lex Luthor - confirmed
The Flash - rumored
Green Lantern - rumored
Nightwing/Robin - rumored
Brainiac - rumored
Green Arrow - speculated/rumored
Martian Manhunter - speculated/rumored
Shazam - speculated/rumored
Black Adam - speculated
Darkseid - speculated(?)/rumored(?)

DCCU is looking for a MASSIVE expansion in the next 2 films.
if you mix DCTVU into the bunch (assuming they co-mingle at some point.... multiverse maybe?)
Green Arrow
The Flash
Red Arrow/Roy Harper
The Count
Clock King
Doll Maker
The Huntress
Bronze Tiger
Harley Quinn
Nyssa Al Ghul
Ras Al Ghul
Amanda Waller
Professor Ivo
Brother Blood
(un-aired appearances)
Killer Frost
Reverse Flash
Gorilla Grodd
The Atom
Count Vertigo
Wild Cat - speculated/Easter Egg'd
Blue Devil - Easter Egg'd


DCCU is looking for a MASSIVE expansion in the next 2 films. If you mix TV into the bunch (assuming they co-mingle at some point.... multiverse maybe?)]

WB won't mix their film and TV universes in any way, shape or form. With that in mind expect WB to launch separate film incarnations of The Flash and Green Arrow.

Apparently Deadshot and Deathstroke (who is rumoured to be getting his own film) are also 'priority' characters for WB/DC. It's no coincidence that they are getting big pushes in the Arkham video games either.

I wouldn't be surprised if Warners start 'introducing' perhaps more obscure or less well known characters in their various TV shows with the aim of then giving them their own films or video games etc, etc.


He left his body and practically fainted the same way EVERYONE laughs and jeers a movie you don't like, the same way EVERYONE shouts out super successful one liners at a stupid trailer and the theatergoers laugh uproariously and show their heartfelt appreciations, the same way EVERYONE has a vicious one-liner for a seat-kicking kid that caused them to flee the scene as the rest of the theater lined up one by one to congratulate the screening hero who saved the movie for everyone.


...and that guy stood up and said in a very loud voice, “THAT’S IT, YOU LOST ME, I’M OUT,” and his girlfriend had to literally pull him back into his seat and keep him from walking out and that crazy guy was me. That crazy guy was me, and I barely even remember doing that, I had to be told afterward that I’d done that, that’s how caught up in betrayal I felt.

To to put it another way, I hated The Avengers. And left near the end. I didn't go into a rage about how bad it was, I just left quietly. Because there's a basic level of human decency when it comes to a film, and consciously/subconsciously being a complete jerk and loudly ranting while trying to leave it is not cool.

But this is all off-topic, so...

I hope Luthor has the Forever Evil 'saviour of humanity' vibe.
To to put it another way, I hated The Avengers. And left near the end. I didn't go into a rage about how bad it was, I just left quietly. Because there's a basic level of human decency when it comes to a film, and consciously/subconsciously being a complete jerk and loudly ranting while trying to leave it is not cool.

I believe you misunderstood me. I'm saying he didn't actually do what he wrote, becuase people consistently bullshit about their moviegoing experiences. He "didn't remember" bolting to his feet and yelling "fuck this I'm out" at the screen because he probably didn't do that. he probably muttered something under his breath and his friend touched his arm like "chill out it's a fucking movie."

I seriously doubt he went into a fuckin fugue state due to filmic betrayal and had to be reminded of his Snyder-induced blackout once the film was over. He's a writer taking dramatic license to point out how badly he disliked the ending.


Ugh how many characters are they going to introduce in this film? Batman, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Aquaman, and now Doomsday? Talk about a cluster fuck.


I wanted to mention Days of Future Past, but aside from
Trask, Quicksilver, Blink, Bishop, and Warpath (the last three don't do much other than fight and die)
, the various other characters who came and went were already established in previous films. Still, DoFP showed that you can have a packed movie that balances screentime and story roles.

BvS will face a challenge of introducing all these characters in one film, even if briefly, but I think it can be done.
Clusterfuck comments are weird considering Cap 2 had Cap Widow, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Quicksilver, and Scarlett Witch

Don't think TWS' credits scene needs to be spoilered at this point. You should also be counting Batroc, Crossbones, Sharon Carter, and Alexander Pierce in there if you're listing every canon Marvel character in that film.

But yes, the "too many characters" criticism is a silly point to fixate on right now; the physical antagonist of BvS hasn't even been announced yet, and any superheroes outside the Trinity will most likely be confined to brief cameos. My concerns at this point are with specific characters and how they might be adapted or introduced for the Snyderverse, not sheer numbers.
You forgot
Fury, Arnim Zola, Crossbones, Baron Von Strucker & HYDRA
And Hill
To be fair, out of those you mention Cap 2 had to introduce and develop
Falcon and WS (whom we find out is Bucky)
Quicksilver and SW were only in a mid-credits tease.

I wanted to mention Days of Future Past, but aside from
Trask, Quicksilver, Blink, Bishop, and Warpath (the last three don't do much other than fight and die)
, the various other characters who came and went were already established in previous films. Still, DoFP showed that you can have a packed movie that balances screentime and story roles.

BvS will face a challenge of introducing all these characters in one film, even if briefly, but I think it can be done.
I don't expect a lot of development from Cyborg or Aquaman
Edit: didn't need the tags
Ah the clusterfuck argument again? That's fun. So what DC heroes do you guys think deserve solo films? I hope the Shazam/Captain Marvel one is true, because he's kind of a confusing character without the background.
Not really. Everyone sees all of these names and assume they'll have some big role. What stops them from being part of some big after credits scene? Nothing does really.

Find a post saying I've said there is over saturation in the DC movie. I'm just stating he's reaching that those characters were 'in' the movie. I fully expect most of these characters that are rumored to be in a post credits scene.


The original X-Men had to introduce Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Storm, Rogue, Bobby Drake, Cyclops, Sabretooth, Toad, Wolverine and Jean Grey. Plus Senator Kelly.

Now while not every character was the lead, they had to bring people up to speed quickly without wasting any time. And do this in under two hours of screen-time while having a plot and urgency. In other words, it was storytelling on the run.

And that was with restrictions by Fox on budget/a quick production-release schedule.

Also worth noting that Snyder is actually better at ensemble films, given how swiftly he introduced people in Watchmen. Which is arguably a far more complex world than this film could ever hope to have.
No one likes Doomsday

No joke, both this and the marvel Encyclopedia are great buys. They're both outdated, but it's fun to see how much crazy shit the big two have come up with over the years.

There was a new Marvel Encyclopedia this spring. No new DC one on the horizon, but there is a DC Villains book due in the fall I believe.

I have this beautiful version:


Always fun to flick through.


Find a post saying I've said there is over saturation in the DC movie. I'm just stating he's reaching that those characters were 'in' the movie. I fully expect most of these characters that are rumored to be in a post credits scene.

Why are you getting so defensive? Apparently we're saying the same thing based on this post. Your wording is confusing though.
Also, I believe Zack Snyder is on the record as saying he doesn't like post-credits stingers. He thinks if it's worth shooting and putting in the movie, then it needs to go IN THE MOVIE itself.
Also, I believe Zack Snyder is on the record as saying he doesn't like post-credits stingers. He thinks if it's worth shooting and putting in the movie, then it needs to go IN THE MOVIE itself.

As long as it's not pure fanservice that's incomprehensible to those unfamiliar with the source material like DOFP's, or results in a jarring narrative shift like Cap 1's present-day ending scene, I suppose either approach is fine.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Clusterfuck comments are weird considering CA:WS spoilers
Cap 2 had Cap Widow, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Quicksilver, and Scarlett Witch.

Alot of those characters are Cap / SHIELD supporting characters, whereas the rumored Supes/Bats list is all over the DC Universe.


As long as it's not pure fanservice that's incomprehensible to those unfamiliar with the source material like DOFP's, or results in a jarring narrative shift like Cap 1's present-day ending scene, I suppose either approach is fine.

Take out the pre-credit/post-credit stuff in Captain America, and it's nearly perfect.

No idea what they were thinking throwing those in there. The Avengers could've picked up those threads.
Why are you getting so defensive? Apparently we're saying the same thing based on this post. Your wording is confusing though.

Wasn't trying to come across as defensive just stating a point, it's silly to include them as characters, just like this movie won't be a cluster if a bunch of the rumored characters are end of movie cameos or post credits.
And Hill

Agent Carter & Agent 13 (young Carter)

but who's counting.

I think the thing is that Marvel has already laid their ground work, so they are given the benefit of the doubt. They built the main characters up separately over several movies before teaming them all up, so to add even more is no big thing for them at this point. GotG is them starting from scratch, having to introduce every character for the first time, and the HYPE surrounding that (after seeing the 17min preview has all doubts squashed).
I actually think they have it easier than DC with this Justice League thing, as we don't have pre-existing expectations for the majority of the characters, because as a general audience, we have never heard of them (GotG).

So while BvS/JL could be executed smoothly, DC hasn't shown us anything that proves their capable of it yet, so we just have to wait and see how it turns out. MoS wasn't all that, GL was turrible, TDK trilogy was good, but doesn't fit the DCCU.
Ah the clusterfuck argument again? That's fun. So what DC heroes do you guys think deserve solo films? I hope the Shazam/Captain Marvel one is true, because he's kind of a confusing character without the background.

I'm still paranoid that they'll cancel Shazam, I won't believe it is a thing until I see a trailer of it, I hope they use Geoff John's even though Green Lantern flopped. I'm not a proponent of "too many characters" in BvS, but I think Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman deserve a movie, and the rest I wouldn't mind seeing a brave and the bold type setup. Gl/Superman movie dealing with some cosmic threat, Cyborg/Batman dealing with a Waller/Government/Suicide Squad type threat, Flash/Aquaman movie maybe. I'm not sure if cyborg or aquaman are strong enough to pull their own solo movies, flash would depend on how successful his tv series is. I guess I'll have to see how well GoTG does, they seem much more obscure than the characters I've listed.
Take out the pre-credit/post-credit stuff in Captain America, and it's nearly perfect.

No idea what they were thinking throwing those in there. The Avengers could've picked up those threads.

Not sure if it's accurate, but I heard that the present-day ending to Cap was originally intended to be a credits scene; it was moved to the end of the film because Marvel wanted the first Avengers teaser there instead. Whether at the beginning of Avengers or during the credits, it would have worked much better outside TFA proper.
I'm still paranoid that they'll cancel Shazam, I won't believe it is a thing until I see a trailer of it, I hope they use Geoff John's even though Green Lantern flopped. I'm not a proponent of "too many characters" in BvS, but I think Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman deserve a movie, and the rest I wouldn't mind seeing a brave and the bold type setup. Gl/Superman movie dealing with some cosmic threat, Cyborg/Batman dealing with a Waller/Government/Suicide Squad type threat, Flash/Aquaman movie maybe. I'm not sure if cyborg or aquaman are strong enough to pull their own solo movies, flash would depend on how successful his tv series is. I guess I'll have to see how well GoTG does, they seem much more obscure than the characters I've listed.
Superman/Captain Marvel movie please
Shazams controlled by a 10-12 year old kid isn't he? I think WB is probably conscious that having a 10 year old risk his life alongside the more experienced aged of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman is a hard thing tonally to execute. Same reason you probably won't have a pre-teen Robin running around with Batman. There was rumours it was going to be stand-alone from the continuity wasn't there?


Honestly one of the most believable parts of the "leaked" script was the lack of a post credits stinger. I think Snyder will definitely have a scene towards the end that clues us in to who's coming to fuck shit up in JL but it won't be after the credits.

I'm hoping it'll be the full might of the Sinestro Corp. instigated by Darkseid in some way.
Shazams controlled by a 10-12 year old kid isn't he? I think WB is probably conscious that having a 10 year old risk his life alongside the more experienced aged of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman is a hard thing tonally to execute. Same reason you probably won't have a pre-teen Robin running around with Batman. There was rumours it was going to be stand-alone from the continuity wasn't there?

I think they're aiming for a bit older Billy if New 52 is any indication. Somewhere around 15-17, Justice League War type dialog. They've also been trying to make his powerset a little more different, he seems to be more casting spells now in addition to just punching stuff.

I'd be all in for Superman & Shazam vs Black Adam & Doomsday.


New 52 Billy is still only about 10. 12 at the most.

I don't think there's any truth to the rumors of Shazam being in a separate universe. They've been increasingly trying to associate Shazam with the JLA; it wouldn't make sense to suddenly back out when it comes time to make the movie.


As long as it's not pure fanservice that's incomprehensible to those unfamiliar with the source material like DOFP's, or results in a jarring narrative shift like Cap 1's present-day ending scene, I suppose either approach is fine.

New 52 Billy is still only about 10. 12 at the most.

I don't think there's any truth to the rumors of Shazam being in a separate universe. They've been increasingly trying to associate Shazam with the JLA; it wouldn't make sense to suddenly back out when it comes time to make the movie.

He's 15 according to wiki, and that makes sense to me. Too old to be optimistic all the time, too young for any freedom.


Online Ho Champ
Clusterfuck comments are weird considering CA:WS spoilers
Cap 2 had Cap Widow, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Quicksilver, and Scarlett Witch.

.....you typed this and didnt think..."well the last two is kinda stretching it considering the point im trying to make.." ??????



Because no one knows the extent of all these characters' role.

It could simply be a blink and you miss it cameo like the last two.

So you're suggesting DC may be announcing some of these characters specifically for an after credit scene?

Honestly wouldn't mind that.
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