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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Don't think TWS' credits scene needs to be spoilered at this point. You should also be counting Batroc, Crossbones, Sharon Carter, and Alexander Pierce in there if you're listing every canon Marvel character in that film.

But yes, the "too many characters" criticism is a silly point to fixate on right now; the physical antagonist of BvS hasn't even been announced yet, and any superheroes outside the Trinity will most likely be confined to brief cameos. My concerns at this point are with specific characters and how they might be adapted or introduced for the Snyderverse, not sheer numbers.


Batman and Superman are relatively easy to get right, but I am really worried about Wonder Woman.


We need a running list of DCCU characters.

I'm just going off memory here, so I don't expect this list to be completely accurate, so make corrections where needed, but:

Batman vs Superman: DoJ/Justice League
Doomsday - incoming.
Metallo - rumored
Superman - confirmed
Batman - confirmed
Wonder Woman - confirmed
Aquaman - confirmed
Cyborg - confirmed
Lex Luthor - confirmed
The Flash - rumored
Green Lantern - rumored
Nightwing/Robin - rumored
Brainiac - rumored
Green Arrow - speculated/rumored
Martian Manhunter - speculated/rumored
Shazam - speculated/rumored
Black Adam - speculated
Darkseid - speculated(?)/rumored(?)

DCCU is looking for a MASSIVE expansion in the next 2 films.
if you mix TV into the bunch (assuming they co-mingle at some point.... multiverse maybe?)
Green Arrow
The Flash
Red Arrow/Roy Harper
The Count
Clock King
Doll Maker
The Huntress
Bronze Tiger
Harley Quinn
Nyssa Al Ghul
Ras Al Ghul
Amanda Waller
(un-aired appearances)
Killer Frost
Reverse Flash
Gorilla Grodd
The Atom
Count Vertigo
This is AWESOME!


I think you're missing his point

He is saying that Cap 2 isn't a cluster muck so it doesn't matter how many "named" characters are in the film if we don't know their role...

How are people missing this? I was so confused yesterday and thought I was going crazy.
Cheer up Mr. Goat
Me neither other than killing Superman what's interesting about him for a whole movie ?

Nothing much. The best use of Doomsday was in the Justice League cartoon to show Justice Lord Superman didn't play around. The real benefit of using him in a movie is that he doesn't require character development and can be a pawn of any other villain. Might be interest to see how an experienced Superman reacts to a super powerful enemy years after Man of Steel, immediately flying him out of the city and such, but that's about it.
I don't think any company has made as much out of a single slow news day as DC has with their Death of Superman gimmick. It's kind of amazing. And they KEEP trying to go back to it, like the reason it worked had anything to do with the story or the characters in it.

It worked because USA Today had nothing else to print.
I don't think any company has made as much out of a single slow news day as DC has with their Death of Superman gimmick. It's kind of amazing. And they KEEP trying to go back to it, like the reason it worked had anything to do with the story or the characters in it.

It worked because USA Today had nothing else to print.
Everything after the actual death was actually pretty good, with the world reacting and all that.

I didn't like it that much at all. Steel & Superboy coming out of it makes it seem a little better than it was, I think. For me, at least.


I hope the cave looks similar to the comics, especially if its a vet batman. Giant Penny, Dinosaur, Joker Card, and Jason's Robin Suit are integral to the cave. Would love to see a Nightwing easter egg too, maybe some escrima sticks lying around.
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