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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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more money than God
Depressingly predictable (or is that predictably depressing?) bullshit:

OK, that's seriously nothing, lol. There's nothing wrong with condemning Hamas.
I dunno, I think #loveidf is a shit tier opinion at the moment. Seeing as how many civilians are on their death toll this past month



Can't believe this is being discussed in the superman thread


Depressingly predictable (or is that predictably depressing?) bullshit:

I don't see a problem with that unless you're pro Hamas, and are trying to start a smear campaign. The only thing I don't care about is the Rocky 4 robot shooting lasers to the left of that picture.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Someone ask her what she thinks would be an acceptable form of #coexistance.
Someone ask her what she thinks would be an acceptable form of #coexistance.

I had no problem with her post to that point. How does one coexist when you're trying to remove Palestinians from the Gaza Strip? I'd never agree with Hamas' actions, but the entire political situation Israel has enforced is anything but just.


Someone ask her what she thinks would be an acceptable form of #coexistance.

It's obvious what she wants is for there to be no fighting, but if war must occur then she's picking a side.

Edit: The content of the post is fine until you get to the hashtags.


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maybe because 800 Palestinian people have been killed, 70-80% being civilians. But they are just statistics right.....


I thought they were filming them back to back. Shouldn't the script for Justice League already be written if that was the case?
Things are happening fast. I think BvS will be shooting all the way into next year, then they'll take a few months off before shooting Justice League so it's ready for 2017.

There's time.
I don't think we will see Wonder Woman today.
I do think we will see the full Batsuit(in a normal picture) and probably the full Batmobile.

Nah, you're going to see the Trinity photo. You're probably going to see a minute or two of footage. You'll probably see Shazam get announced, too. It's possible you'll see a surprise casting announcement on top of that. It MIIIIIIGHT be possible that you see the Justice League on stage, much in the same way the Avengers panel stopped all of San Diego dead when they assembled for the first time.

We should know definitely by what, 2pm PDT? 3?
I dont' think they're gonna "squeeze" in anything. I think they're engaging in a little theatrics there - don't list it, and then give like 10-15 minutes to it at the tail end.

I could be wrong, of course. But I'm pretty sure they've done stuff like that before, haven't they?

edit: How long is that panel? 2 hours?


I dont' think they're gonna "squeeze" in anything. I think they're engaging in a little theatrics there - don't list it, and then give like 10-15 minutes to it at the tail end.

I could be wrong, of course. But I'm pretty sure they've done stuff like that before, haven't they?

edit: How long is that panel? 2 hours?

Oh shit, it's 2 hours. For some reason I thought it was 90 minutes. Plenty of time for a short BvS tease at the end.

Snyder will walk out, show the Trinity, then he'll talk about there being one more surprise. The Rock will strut out and announce Shazam. Boom.


All I want is a full body shot of Batman and Wonder Woman (in color please) plus a small teaser of BvS capping off with Rock getting on stage with a swagger and announcing his character.

I also want them to confirm the DC movie schedule that has been floating around.
Oh shit, it's 2 hours. For some reason I thought it was 90 minutes. Plenty of time for a short BvS tease at the end.

Snyder will walk out, show the Trinity, then he'll talk about there being one more surprise. The Rock will strut out and announce Shazam. Boom.

Seems a safe enough bet, yeah. I'd be surprised if it DIDN'T happen.


All I want is a full body shot of Batman and Wonder Woman (in color please) plus a small teaser of BvS capping off with Rock getting on stage with a swagger and announcing his character.

I also want them to confirm the DC movie schedule that has been floating around.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was no mention of other post-Shazam titles. Last year it was heavily rumored that WB would announce a Batman/Superman movie AND solo Flash movie, the show came and went without anything for the latter.

I think a Trinity shot, possible BvS footage and a Rock/Shazam announcement will be about it. Next year's con will probably come with the full rundown on Justice League and everything that comes after.


Considering the hit the WB took when they had to move BvS's date because they needlessly announced a release date at the last SDCC, I think they'll have learned their lesson and won't be committing to dates or schedules.
Considering the hit the WB took when they had to move BvS's date because they needlessly announced a release date at the last SDCC, I think they'll have learned their lesson and won't be committing to dates or schedules.

Movies get pushed and pulled from scheduled release dates all the time and no one ever really cares. It's still done, and it'll continue to be done.


Guillermo del Toro on "Dark Universe" and DC's movie plans said:
“I’m still working on it,” del Toro said. “Sandman doesn’t figure in the Dark Universe. We have Deadman, we have the Demon, we have Swamp Thing, we have Zatana, we have Constantine, but DC and Warners have been very clear that they are trying to keep those properties separate so when the time comes they can unite them, once they know they’re quantifiable. Batman, Superman, Green Lantern… everyone eventually will come together. Right now, they’re allowing us independence.”

And as far as the “Constantine” television show, since that character will be in the director’s movie:

“No, I had that conversation when the Constantine show was pitched. I said, ‘Do I have to have continuity with that?’ and they said, ‘No, feel free to continue the way you’re going.”


So WB/DC absolutely intend to keep all TV and movies separate. I see a lot of fans getting pissy about that.
good, having that cross over just limits both medium

Just wait for the ultimate mutli-verse, mutli-network crossover event.

Snyder-verse collides with Guillermo-verse which tears through Arrow-verse and hooks Gotham & Constantine from Fox & NBC along for the ride.

It's gonna be such a clusterfuck. I can't wait.
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