Totally forgot to write this yesterday after I spent some free time at work thinking bout my post graduation plans
My dude Enzo. I'm totally sincere about this, word is bond. Haven't heard any updates in the past few months about what you up to, so Ima assume nothing has changed.
Put some thought into coming to Vancouver for grad school/ finding a job. We got a ton of connections and UBC/SFU are great schools. Its not a big deal if you wanna stay for a week or two, my house is open. Fuck it, just come on a weekend for a vacation, dunno how you can stand Toronto weather. I got the fuck outta there 20 years ago.
I've chilled with nottheguyyoukill a bunch of times, so he can confirm I'm not a serial killer lol.
Seriously, come sometime. My numbers still posted.
PS: I'm going to the BANKS concert in a few weeks with a lady. If you can make it, I'll grab two extra tix and tell her to bring a friend