Charron killed this guy. Just so we clear, it's only one DOT. Z Determination over trust, which still needs an explanation by the way.
What's a good way to get more people into battling? Usually someone that's not into the SMACK side of things can understand a Charron/Pat Stay but what about everyone else? We need to grow the culture... or is it peaking?
Why is Organik butthurt when URL has never showed KOTD as much love and respect as they are now?Is it me or did Dizaster just call URL a bunch of bigots that promote racial segregation?
I am here to apologize to the bar god. Danny Myers damn ended Rex's career. This was supposed to be the battle where Rex made his return to URL. I'll save the rest of the recaps for when the footage drops.
If E-Ness can come back and show out, I think Iron Solomon can too. Solomon was never as wack as revisionist history makes him look.So uh... Daylyt VS. Iron Solomon at WD5
Yeah, I think Prep needs to take a bunch of smaller battles and step his pen game up. He has an image and good freestyles/rebuttles but overall his bars don't stack up.This dude is uploading some cam footage of Redemption.
Chilla lifted Prep's soul, god fucking damn. Crowd telling Chilla to stop and telling Prep to BREATHE, BRO. Can we talk about Prep? I mean, I like dude but he has consistently talked the most and most reckless shit and what?
- Beat DOT, but DOT got more love at Redemption
- Lost to Chess convincingly
- Decent battle but IMO lost to Th3 Saga
- Lost to JJDD
- Chilla smoked dudes boots
It's only fair he sits out for a bit. Brizz barely made it out of Rookies vs. Vets alive.
In other news, Superwriter is back!
Chilla lifted Prep's soul, god fucking damn. Crowd telling Chilla to stop and telling Prep to BREATHE, BRO. Can we talk about Prep? I mean, I like dude but he has consistently talked the most and most reckless shit and what?
- Beat DOT, but DOT got more love at Redemption
- Lost to Chess convincingly
- Decent battle but IMO lost to Th3 Saga
- Lost to JJDD
- Chilla smoked dudes boots
It's only fair he sits out for a bit. Brizz barely made it out of Rookies vs. Vets alive.
Shame about the jokes & stumbles but honestly I wasn't feeling too much of cel's material anyway. Danny brought a typically nice Danny Myers performance. Some dope bars a few dry-ish spots here & there. I'm hoping he unlocked the next level for that Rex performance.
Daylyt's Meek dis with fake Drake feature hits 2 mil in under a week.
Day the troll gawd.
Xcel continuing to disappoint meXcel VS. Danny Myers
KOTD: Dizaster vs. Chilla Jones. Diz got wrecked both rounds, goddamn. People say he got the 2nd but he had so much goddamn filler. YOU GOT HOLES LIKE TORN FABRIC.
Sounds like Big T and Daylyt just didn't want to do it on the West but they kept the money KG gave them......
KG mentioned it here. The entire situation sounds suspect.This break on AFM/War Report or something? I'd be interested to hear what KG has to say about that.
It'd be really hard to make a shortlist for people to catch up. But if we could do anything, I'd want to nail down some good battles for people new to da kulchur. Battles nowadays have way too many personals to recommend to newbies.Watch Chilla Jones vs JC, then you can stop.
there's tons of great battles
KOTD: Dizaster vs. Chilla Jones. Diz got wrecked both rounds, goddamn. People say he got the 2nd but he had so much goddamn filler. YOU GOT HOLES LIKE TORN FABRIC.
Sounds like Big T and Daylyt just didn't want to do it on the West but they kept the money KG gave them......
Xcel continuing to disappoint meSo much squandered potential for one of the nicest wordsmiths
Battle was kind of average in general TBH.
Pretty sure I missed the past 3 years of rapbattles, the last big one I watched was Dizaster VS DNA.
Anything happend after that? Because the battle game was a bit meh a few months after that.