Why isn't the Operations mode available in the server browser?
Seems a rather odd omission, yeah.
Why isn't the Operations mode available in the server browser?
Why? You rank up so fast, at level 20 you should be able to buy more weapons than you will ever need. I have still 7k war bonds and unlocked all I need.Agreed. This game does a lot right, but a few things really wrong.
I love how your custom emblem gets engraved into your gun rather than painted on. Wonder how it is with tanks, haven't noticed yet.
I love how your custom emblem gets engraved into your gun rather than painted on. Wonder how it is with tanks, haven't noticed yet.
Why? You rank up so fast, at level 20 you should be able to buy more weapons than you will ever need. I have still 7k war bonds and unlocked all I need.
That's awesome, thanks for posting that. I'm going to have to mess with that today. I saw a big Hello Kitty painted on one of JackFrag's tanks, but I'm not sure if that's considered the same thing.
Gets painted on.
Some light tank moments on Rush:
Which of the tanks are you guys getting the most kills with if you're driving it?
I really, really hope this gets reworked. Seems like an artificial way to add a sense of progression to the game when it ends up just being frustrating and eventually something most people will ignore.Only the medal you are "tracking" gets updated. Also, you have to do the objectives in order from top to bottom.
Are you quoting the wrong person?
Painted on tanks...Too bad.
Here is another view of it. The wolf is white, but it's eye is black. The eye seems to be a deeper engraving so I think it engraves deeper the darker the color. I could be wrong though.
Nice. What program do you use to record?
ShadowPlay at 4K/60FPS/60Mbps bitrate
Little to no performance hit for me
Where do you make the custom emblem?
Where in the menu do you make a custom emblem?
The guns all look pretty similar from the stats. I'm still using the starting rifle, and can't see what I should be upgrading to really. Are they all just really similar?
I love how your custom emblem gets engraved into your gun rather than painted on. Wonder how it is with tanks, haven't noticed yet.
Man D Day in operations would be one hell of a sight to see.
I do wonder if DICE do WW2 next.
Yeah but every other LMG blows lol
When will the in-game BF4 menu go live? It still asks me to buy it when I open it from BF1.
You have BF4 installed?
Okay, I've played every class now. There is no good weapon in this game right?
Also, I can't see shit on most maps. I can't even see the crosshair while zooming (the dot with the size of a flea). WTF is this.
Okay, I've played every class now. There is no good weapon in this game right?
Also, I can't see shit on most maps. I can't even see the crosshair while zooming (the dot with the size of a flea). WTF is this.
I'm surprised that I don't see shotguns being used by Assault players more often. The Model 10 one-shots people left, right, and center and isn't half-bad at a little distance.
The Mondragon for the Medic is awesome
When do you unlock this weapon?
When you are in an MP match and it says a special pack is nearby, like it told me the Flamethrower pack was nearby, does it show up on your map anywhere or do you just have to find it?
Battlefield will always be that game it is like riding a bike for me, especially if I get a tank. Just feel so at home.
My first full match in the game, and I actually held my own. I cannot do this with any other MP game on the market. In fact I am pretty damn awful at them. Just something that clicks with BF for me.
Another question. How the hell does one take a screenshot in BF?
Man D Day in operations would be one hell of a sight to see.
I do wonder if DICE do WW2 next.
Need a list or something to add people on Origin for GAF. Discord is pretty much dead.
Damn... Awesome to see. And EA almost turned the idea of a WWI shooter down.