Only the air is showing up ( well looking on app right now as not near console)buy them in the customize menu
Only the air is showing up ( well looking on app right now as not near console)buy them in the customize menu
I am having a lot of trouble playing this game on PS4. I can't aim/kill for my life and everyone appears to be a thousand times more aware of their surroundings than I am.
Agree with this. It's not about the grind. Good on them.Amen.
I played a fair amount of BF3 and 4 and honestly the thing that ended up turning me off of those games was the ridiculous grind to unlock dumb little attachments for guns in the hope that they'd make the gun feel noticeably better, which they rarely did, which in turn just made that whole grind feel pointless.
I love how BF1 is handling that sort of stuff- leave the battlepacks as cosmetics and the guns that you unlock are pretty much it. Lets me enjoy the game itself without worrying whether I'm having as much fun as I could be having because my gun isn't completely upgraded.
I am having a lot of trouble playing this game on PS4. I can't aim/kill for my life and everyone appears to be a thousand times more aware of their surroundings than I am.
I wonder when majority of map discussion will shift from "Look 'em graphics!" to discussing how well maps work from gameplay perspective.
I played a fair amount of BF3 and 4 and honestly the thing that ended up turning me off of those games was the ridiculous grind to unlock dumb little attachments for guns in the hope that they'd make the gun feel noticeably better, which they rarely did, which in turn just made that whole grind feel pointless.
I love how BF1 is handling that sort of stuff- leave the battlepacks as cosmetics and the guns that you unlock are pretty much it. Lets me enjoy the game itself without worrying whether I'm having as much fun as I could be having because my gun isn't completely upgraded.
I am having a lot of trouble playing this game on PS4. I can't aim/kill for my life and everyone appears to be a thousand times more aware of their surroundings than I am.
I am having a lot of trouble playing this game on PS4. I can't aim/kill for my life and everyone appears to be a thousand times more aware of their surroundings than I am.
Move slower and use cover.
Agree with this. It's not about the grind. Good on them.
When I get in a rut, I start playing cover to cover. Stick close to your team and slow down. Always stay behind cover.
Adjust the sensitivity and see which works best with the gun you want to use. The autoaim can almost be a detriment in this game as it can slow your aim down to a crawl on certain weapons (the ones with high "control" value i think)
Adjust your FOV so you can see more of your surroundings.
Don't be too hasty. When I play bad, its because I rush in. When I play with more thought, ie. looking where my teammates are and sticking with at least someone, constantly using cover and run away from vehicles... I sometimes don't die for minutes and go on a streak. You'll notice that if you have more patience, they will eventually pop up and you get the drop on them.
I am having a lot of trouble playing this game on PS4. I can't aim/kill for my life and everyone appears to be a thousand times more aware of their surroundings than I am.
I love the Automatico, it absolutely melts people. At close quarters the assaults dominate.Doesn't help that Assault primary weapons are pretty much shit until you're ranked up. I rather walk around with the Mondragon, 1907 or w/e.
To this person, on behalf of all Battlefield players: thank you.
Yeah dogYo dogs does ea access on xb1 give me a trial for this game if I do the $5 sub?
I have been playing Overwatch at least three times a week since it came out in May and re-adjusting to this earlier this week was very tough for the first 10 hours or so that I played.
As No Love pointed out, you need to be moving across the maps at a slower, more deliberate pace and not just sprinting everywhere. The movement speed being ramped up seems to trick you into thinking this is a game to be played at a high pace, and the various score counts in some of the modes can put some urgency on you, but I've found far more success approaching the game with a more WWI mindset -- fighting for inches at a time.
Also, try to be aware of changes in the terrain from the destruction system, sometimes a blast from an explosion can leave a crater which works as good cover in a spot where cover wasn't available before. You might even consider throwing grenades out ahead of you if you can spare one to make cover in more open areas, or try destroying obstacles to make new routes.
The only time I think you should play with a super fast, twitchy mindset is in closer engagements, such as directly on a capture point when enemies are still nearby. Otherwise, move very, very carefully toward objectives, and only engage when you have a sure shot, otherwise you risk exposing yourself and bringing retaliation from your blindspots.
name plsThe menu theme with that woman singing
I am having a lot of trouble playing this game on PS4. I can't aim/kill for my life and everyone appears to be a thousand times more aware of their surroundings than I am.
Mondragon sniper or selbstlader marksmen? Debating which one I want but only have enough for one!
Mondragon sniper or selbstlader marksmen? Debating which one I want but only have enough for one!
Get battlefield 1....Xbox live is expired, no cash till Wednesday. Boooooo, hope the single player is dope lol
Alright, this is the first BF game I've played since Vietnam and I feel like an idiot:
How do you fire the sniper rifle? When I hold down L2 and press R2, I'll literally have to press it about 10 times before it fires.
Size doesn't matterIs it just me, or did BF4 China rising have bigger maps than bf1 maps?
Destroyed a tank with my repair tool. Feels good.
I don't get it, my last 9 matches
Why ya'll got problems with RNG?
Alright, this is the first BF game I've played since Vietnam and I feel like an idiot:
How do you fire the sniper rifle? When I hold down L2 and press R2, I'll literally have to press it about 10 times before it fires.
Is there any way to swap the shoulder buttons on PS4? I looked through the options and couldn't find anything (unless I'm missing it). I would much rather use R1/L1 to aim/fire without having to make the change on the system level just for one game.
I had this problem last night and it seems to be an issue with the controller unfortunately. My triggers work perfectly fine for every other game but with this one I have to press my triggers down as hard as I can to even fire once. What I did was just rebind R2 > R1 and L2 > L1 in the PS4 settings. Works perfectly fine after that, just takes a little getting used to. Your only other option is to get a new controller.
Is it just me, or did BF4 China rising have bigger maps than bf1 maps?
Alright, this is the first BF game I've played since Vietnam and I feel like an idiot:
How do you fire the sniper rifle? When I hold down L2 and press R2, I'll literally have to press it about 10 times before it fires.
Better hurry and get that hellriegel before the inevitable nerf.Just hit rank 10 on scout and picked up the Martini-Henry. What a fun gun to use. Like most scout guns, once you figure out the sweet spot and the quirks, you can destroy people.
Going to work on getting assault to rank 10 now for the Hellriegel. Probably going to take me longer since I'm not a fan of most of the guns for the class.
Honestly I think these maps suit the 64-player count way better than anything in BF4. Everything feels tight and there's not a lot of wasted place. And, there's never too long an instance between finding something to shoot.
Honestly I think these maps suit the 64-player count way better than anything in BF4. Everything feels tight and there's not a lot of wasted place. And, there's never too long an instance between finding something to shoot.
Alright, this is the first BF game I've played since Vietnam and I feel like an idiot:
How do you fire the sniper rifle? When I hold down L2 and press R2, I'll literally have to press it about 10 times before it fires.