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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again

I'm somehwat disappointed that Dice concentrates in a WW1-shooter more on MPs and self loaders than the classic guns (Gewehr 98, Lee Enfield, Springfield).

Instead you're running around with guns that were, even at the end of WW1, rare and/or experimental.
Lol Gaz

Assault class. Mash that bitch with the grenades, drop some hos, and then drop the dynamite around the tank. It will get you killed but you have a high chance at destroying it.

Dynamite might be what I'm missing. Because I pelted one tank over and over with assault anti tank lobs, but never managed to kill it. Still, every match I've been marched on mainly because of those SOBs.

I love playing medic though, but I feel worthless when one tank is taking every point I scurry towards.

If you're on PS4, feel free to add me : Gaz_RB

I'll send an invite.

The Goat

First Battlefield that isn't an instant like for for me. Something about it doesn't feel BF to me. Not really digging the setting much either. Love the music though. Maybe I'll give the SP a run through, if it is that short, even better.
Dynamite might be what I'm missing. Because I pelted one tank over and over with assault anti tank lobs, but never managed to kill it. Still, every match I've been marched on mainly because of those SOBs.

I love playing medic though, but I feel worthless when one tank is taking every point I scurry towards.
Seems like they wanted to get away from letting players on foot 1v1 tanks. I appreciate it since taking out tanks in BF4 was stupid easy, but at the same time it can be a little annoying playing medic or something and praying that a handful of assaults in your immediate area manage to accidentally work together to take out a heavy tank, especially since lots of times that doesn't happen a tank will just sit on a point unchallenged for the whole game.
I'm somehwat disappointed that Dice concentrates in a WW1-shooter more on MPs and self loaders than the classic guns (Gewehr 98, Lee Enfield, Springfield).

Instead you're running around with guns that were, even at the end of WW1, rare and/or experimental.
Battlefield is an arcade shooter you can't have everyone using bolt action rifles.


So I've been wanting to get into battlefield for a while and I though what a better time than now with the new game releasing, right?

But I've been watching some streams and while the game looks amazing, I'm worried that the whole cycle of gameplay is not my cup of tea.

From the few streams I watched a lot of the time is spend dying to whatever the hell is on the screen (or not) at the moment. Sometimes people were spawn killed almost instantly by snipers, bombers or whatever.

Is that a regular occurrence in these games? I mean it's a war and I understand why it's done that way, but I feel like that kind of stuff would sap my enjoyment of the game right out of the gate.

I managed to enjoy the latest Battlefront somewhat and while in that game you can die a lot too, it didn't feel so "random". Are these game comparable in this aspect?
I'm somehwat disappointed that Dice concentrates in a WW1-shooter more on MPs and self loaders than the classic guns (Gewehr 98, Lee Enfield, Springfield).

Instead you're running around with guns that were, even at the end of WW1, rare and/or experimental.

It's CoD with another skin, there was no chance to make the infantry combat more 'realistic'. Not even authentic.

Surprisingly, the tank combat feels more different, slower.


It's CoD with another skin, there was no chance to make the infantry combat more 'realistic'. Not even authentic.

Surprisingly, the tank combat feels more different, slower.

It's COD with a different skin? Why do you say that? I think BF more than distinguishes itself from COD through the large scale battles, score, atmosphere, gunplay, etc. I think you may be oversimplifying here.

So I've been wanting to get into battlefield for a while and I though what a better time than now with the new game releasing, right?

But I've been watching some streams and while the game looks amazing, I'm worried that the whole cycle of gameplay is not my cup of tea.

From the few streams I watched a lot of the time is spend dying to whatever the hell is on the screen (or not) at the moment. Sometimes people were spawn killed almost instantly by snipers, bombers or whatever.

Is that a regular occurrence in these games? I mean it's a war and I understand why it's done that way, but I feel like that kind of stuff would sap my enjoyment of the game right out of the gate.

I managed to enjoy the latest Battlefront somewhat and while in that game you can die a lot too, it didn't feel so "random". Are these game comparable in this aspect?

I mean there's often 64 players on the map at one time. It's pretty hard to prevent those type of "random" events.

With time, skill, and teamwork, you can mitigate a lot of this. I almost never find myself dying to "random" things.

So yeah, if you're playing casually and don't plan on putting a lot of thought or time into the game, it might not be for you.
It's COD with a different skin? Why do you say that? I think BF more than distinguishes itself from COD through the large scale battles, score, atmosphere, gunplay, etc. I think you may be oversimplifying here.

I certainly don't miss the days of "prone shot G36c"

BF plays way different and is more demanding.


I can't decide whether or like or hate this game. I've played for hours today and my teams have 0 wins. I'm not the best player, but I know I'm not so bad that I single-handedly lose the game for my teams. At this point I want it to throw me in a game just about to end on the winning team just so my percentage doesn't say 0.

I usually don't care that much, but there is something annoying about not having won a single match and the longer the streak goes the more frustrating each game seems to get.


Wow, I just played Rush mode on ps4 and it's so much smoother than conquest. I wish conquest could be like this. Everything just seems to look better as a result. I guess it's too much too hope that DICE can somehow optimize ps4 conquest?

I hope we get Conquest small.


So I've been wanting to get into battlefield for a while and I though what a better time than now with the new game releasing, right?

But I've been watching some streams and while the game looks amazing, I'm worried that the whole cycle of gameplay is not my cup of tea.

From the few streams I watched a lot of the time is spend dying to whatever the hell is on the screen (or not) at the moment. Sometimes people were spawn killed almost instantly by snipers, bombers or whatever.

Is that a regular occurrence in these games? I mean it's a war and I understand why it's done that way, but I feel like that kind of stuff would sap my enjoyment of the game right out of the gate.

I managed to enjoy the latest Battlefront somewhat and while in that game you can die a lot too, it didn't feel so "random". Are these game comparable in this aspect?

You have a lot of choice with regards to where you want to spawn. You can spawn on any alive squad mates, your team's captured flags, in available vehicles. So by this you also have choice in if you want to spawn right into the action and risk dying an instant later or take a few steps back and spawn out of the action at a captured flag or a flanking squad mate.


I played this yesterday with 10 friends on XBL...we won almost all the matches. It felt great because we did that, I didn't just feel like another cog in the machine insignificant by myself, because without me and my friends that team would have lost.

But still playing Conquest is tiring as fuck.


Guys I have unlocked the dogtag for 100 Mondragon kills but when I equipped it I dont see the number of kills I performed with it.I am sure Ive seen such dogtags where the number is visible.
Am I not suppose to see the number or a bug?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Goddamn dumbass players. Cornerstone of Battlefield to be sure. Playing Suez (shit map) and my dumbass team is just completely ignoring the enemy heavy tank perusing the battlefield and absolutely devastating everyone. We haven't got a single flag. We're cornered right near our spawn. And this goddamn heavy tank is racking up kills as this massive collective of moron snipers seem to think that no, the tank is not a problem, even though they're getting repeatedly fucked up, because playing scopy scopy pew pew is so much more satisfying.

Any attempt I tried to take it out myself was negated by the absence of ammunition drops and snipers refusing to use K bullets to prevent it from repairing. I'd deal a ton of damage, get taken down, respawn, and notice that it's had time to repair in the interim.

I think that contributes to a lot of my hate for these garbage linear maps. Not only do they not accommodate for Battlefield's conquest strengths, but they reduce flexibility in strategy to make up for an incompetent portion of your team. At least on the larger, proper conquest maps you can kinda plan around idiots. On these linear maps if your team is just going to ignore the biggest threats you're finished.
Seems like they wanted to get away from letting players on foot 1v1 tanks. I appreciate it since taking out tanks in BF4 was stupid easy, but at the same time it can be a little annoying playing medic or something and praying that a handful of assaults in your immediate area manage to accidentally work together to take out a heavy tank, especially since lots of times that doesn't happen a tank will just sit on a point unchallenged for the whole game.

I'm usually the lone assault guy trying to 1v1 tanks. It's a hard life...


Put in around 20 hours since thursday, the game is just so good. So glad DICE went with WWI instead of modern miltary or some Sci-Fi setting.


could never
It's CoD with another skin



Put in around 20 hours since thursday, the game is just so good. So glad DICE went with WWI instead of modern miltary or some Sci-Fi setting.
Only 10 hours so fare but I can totally agree. Whrn the Ps4 launched I had three friends with a Ps4 and bf. Such a great time. And now its the same with Bf1.
Goddamn dumbass players. Cornerstone of Battlefield to be sure. Playing Suez (shit map) and my dumbass team is just completely ignoring the enemy heavy tank perusing the battlefield and absolutely devastating everyone. We haven't got a single flag. We're cornered right near our spawn. And this goddamn heavy tank is racking up kills as this massive collective of moron snipers seem to think that no, the tank is not a problem, even though they're getting repeatedly fucked up, because playing scopy scopy pew pew is so much more satisfying.

Any attempt I tried to take it out myself was negated by the absence of ammunition drops and snipers refusing to use K bullets to prevent it from repairing. I'd deal a ton of damage, get taken down, respawn, and notice that it's had time to repair in the interim.

I think that contributes to a lot of my hate for these garbage linear maps. Not only do they not accommodate for Battlefield's conquest strengths, but they reduce flexibility in strategy to make up for an incompetent portion of your team. At least on the larger, proper conquest maps you can kinda plan around idiots. On these linear maps if your team is just going to ignore the biggest threats you're finished.

I haven't played Suez yet but as there was a guy that went 76-0 in a tank last night, I can atest to this too - trying to take out a tank on your own is an exercise is frustration and futility, which is multiplied when you look around and see your teammates ignoring it like its a figment of their imagination.

I suppose it wouldn't be Battlefield without the dumbass teammates...
Haven't played a non-Overwatch MP shooter since MW2. I'm so damn rusty but this one is incredibly fun. Scouting feels really good and sniper battles are super tense. They did a real good job even if I suck at most of it.


Yeah, I'll throw my hat in here too and say that people not dealing with armored vehicles are consistently my most anger inducing moments in this game.

Destroy the tank where's the assaults destroy the tank assaults what are you doing destroy the tank there are like 10 people here are none of them assaults destroy the fucking tank.

Pick assault class and the tank fucks off to across the map.



Yeah, I'll throw my hat in here too and say that people not dealing with armored vehicles are consistently my most anger inducing moments in this game.

Destroy the tank where's the assaults destroy the tank assaults what are you doing destroy the tank there are like 10 people here are none of them assaults destroy the fucking tank.

Pick assault class and the tank fucks off to across the map.


Despite me usually playing support classes I now started playing assault consistently because of that. This way there is at least someone dealing with tanks there. It's super annoying and I bet all these bad players are somewhere complaining about the tanks being OP.
Yeah, I'll throw my hat in here too and say that people not dealing with armored vehicles are consistently my most anger inducing moments in this game.

Destroy the tank where's the assaults destroy the tank assaults what are you doing destroy the tank there are like 10 people here are none of them assaults destroy the fucking tank.

Pick assault class and the tank fucks off to across the map.


Shit even when playing Sniper I pitch in. Harassing retreating Tanks with K Bullets from a Vantage Point is just too much fun.
Even got a few Tanks destroyed with them. Same with planes. A damaged bomber in repair mode is just open season.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Glad to see I'm not alone. I think people will learn over time how to more appropriately deal with tanks. I do play the odd match where there's definitely smarter application of strategy when a tank roles in.

Despite me usually playing support classes I now started playing assault consistently because of that. This way there is at least someone dealing with tanks there. It's super annoying and I bet all these bad players are somewhere complaining about the tanks being OP.

In my aforementioned example as I alone tried to take down the fortress and the snipers offered literally no contribution to anything the chat log had someone whining that tanks are OP.

Shit even when playing Sniper I pitch in. Harassing retreating Tanks with K Bullets from a Vantage Point is just too much fun.
Even got a few Tanks destroyed with them. Same with planes. A damaged bomber in repair mode is just open season.

This is what we need. K bullets are invaluable and so easy to use for scouts to pressure tanks and prevent them from repairing. They're great against air, and can near instantly stop lighter vehicles like cars.


These bloody rotation servers...

I've been trying to get into a suez for half an hour and I just spend time being the only person in queue till I get in, in the next map rotation ... (Monte Grappa)

Edit: Wait, anyone knows which map rotates to Suez after it ends?


In my aforementioned example as I alone tried to take down the fortress and the snipers offered literally no contribution to anything the chat log had someone whining that tanks are OP.

Makes me glad there is no chat to look at on the Xbone. I am of course not surprised at all. I am never going to level up any other class at this rate though. I guess I should at least get the Hellriegel quickly by just playing assault. *sigh* When I palyed a bit of scout K bullets is one of the first things I learned to love. So useful.

Also have I mentioned how effective gas grenades are? Way too many people don't use the gas masks. I just chuck them in at objectives and watch my points go up.
Makes me glad there is no chat to look at on the Xbone. I am of course not surprised at all. I am never going to level up any other class at this rate though. I guess I should at least get the Hellriegel quickly by just playing assault. *sigh* When I palyed a bit of scout K bullets is one of the first things I learned to love. So useful.

Also have I mentioned how effective gas grenades are? Way too many people don't use the gas masks. I just chuck them in at objectives and watch my points go up.

I switch between gas and incendiary as they're both great.


The level 10 medic unlock rifle would be fucking god tier if not for the 5 round limit. Sticking with the Mondragon storm I guess.


I had to cycle through three different squads on my team, all with the leader not giving orders, all with 3/5 players being scouts lol.


These bloody rotation servers...

I've been trying to get into a suez for half an hour and I just spend time being the only person in queue till I get in, in the next map rotation ... (Monte Grappa)

Edit: Wait, anyone knows which map rotates to Suez after it ends?

Can't you sort after just Suez in the server browser?


Finally got around to multiplayer today.

The visuals continue to be impressive even with so much going on and I went from not knowing what the hell was going on to mid place in my team in about an hour, which is probably where I'll stay.

Its got that "just one more round" thing that the best multiplayer has.


I had to cycle through three different squads on my team, all with the leader not giving orders, all with 3/5 players being scouts lol.

I really hope this shit sorts itself out quickly. I don't think I have seen such terrible class distribution on launch before with any Battlefield.
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