Goddamn dumbass players. Cornerstone of Battlefield to be sure. Playing Suez (shit map) and my dumbass team is just completely ignoring the enemy heavy tank perusing the battlefield and absolutely devastating everyone. We haven't got a single flag. We're cornered right near our spawn. And this goddamn heavy tank is racking up kills as this massive collective of moron snipers seem to think that no, the tank is not a problem, even though they're getting repeatedly fucked up, because playing scopy scopy pew pew is so much more satisfying.
Any attempt I tried to take it out myself was negated by the absence of ammunition drops and snipers refusing to use K bullets to prevent it from repairing. I'd deal a ton of damage, get taken down, respawn, and notice that it's had time to repair in the interim.
I think that contributes to a lot of my hate for these garbage linear maps. Not only do they not accommodate for Battlefield's conquest strengths, but they reduce flexibility in strategy to make up for an incompetent portion of your team. At least on the larger, proper conquest maps you can kinda plan around idiots. On these linear maps if your team is just going to ignore the biggest threats you're finished.