I got an error opening a pack and got nothing :/
This game is a damn blast. I've had three games with over 50 kills on foot. The battles get fucking intense. Last night I don't think I got less than 30 kills in a match. Also the Hellriegel is an amazing gun.
Yeah I've wiped out groups of 3 to 4 guys in an instant with the Hellriegel before they even realize what's happening. Just hold the trigger down. It's a bullet hose.Yeah that thing is OP as all hell. No way it won't get nerfed somehow. It's just so good <3
I still don't know how I feel about them. Crazy overpowered in some matches, other matches they don't prevent a massive victory. Maybe smoke use is the best thing to do but sometimes you have no defence, you just die.
Agreed. After dying to an airship about 6 times in 5 minutes I was done with Operations.These behemoths completely ruin Operations for me holy shit
I wouldn't mind as much if it only shows up on the last defense and if the attackers have a very low amount of progress. Showing up on defense 2 AND 3 is ridiculous.
It depends slightly on game mode, but generally the winning team gets a multiplier and the losing team doesn't.
Unless it's operations, in which case all bets are off.
You only get the point multiplier if you win. It was like that in past Battlefield games as well.
How do you use guns you unlocked from the battlepacks?
I unlocked a mondragon, but I can't even find that gun anywhere. Not even the base one, if there is one.
Those are just skins you unlock for guns, not actual gun unlocks that you can use.
Lay down with MG15 and watch the kills roll in as you fire into cloudsSeriously, haha
So how do I apply those skins?
And does anyone know what type of gun the mondragon is? I'm blind and cannot for the life of me find it.
Loving the dynamites in this game
So how do I apply those skins?
How do you use guns you unlocked from the battlepacks?
I unlocked a mondragon, but I can't even find that gun anywhere. Not even the base one, if there is one.
I still don't know how I feel about them. Crazy overpowered in some matches, other matches they don't prevent a massive victory. Maybe smoke use is the best thing to do but sometimes you have no defence, you just die.
It's an awesome gun for the Medic =)
I use it a few times here in this video:
Not sure how to apply weapon skins myself... I unlocked the Legendary "Mexican" skin for the Mondragon the other day.
If a behemoth shows up you work with your squad to take it down. Hell, i single handily made one useless with the tank hunter sniper hero. I just kept shooting the pods with the sniper until it exploded. When the ammo ran out I would go die and respawn. While waiting for it to repop i used mounted machine guns to keep the pods busy and deal some serious damage.
Ended the round with 41 kills, 30 of which were from repeatedly killing people on the blimp pods.
Was hilarious.
The train is even easier, use rockets and shoot the engine (2nd from the front turret i think). Once the engine is dead the train is useless and dies quick.
Agreed. After dying to an airship about 6 times in 5 minutes I was done with Operations.
My experience was spawn at multiple different locations, attempt to get away from line of sight of the blimp, die. Rinse, repeat. All while trying to deal with foot soldiers on the ground.Lol what? Really?
I've played almost exclusively operations since launch and anytime I die from the behemoth it's completely my fault. It's not hard at all to get out of their line of sight, now the mortars on the other hand....that's a bit tricky.
The behemoths really aren't that powerful, I've seen good defenses has bring them down within the first minute of a new round, people just don't know how to deal with them yet.
Operations is friggin great, you just gotta play it with some spatial awareness, take cover and keep your head in the trenches like they want you to.
So there are no 60hz servers on console? That sucks.
I've played over 15 matches and I have only won one time. I'm getting incredibly frustrated.Every game it's like I'm on a team with a bunch of five year olds.
I've been doing that,and I still lose lol. After a while it just starts to hamper the enjoyment of the game :/If you are in team that loses few games in a row then just leave the server and find new one. BF1 doesn't have team reshuffle of any kind so if one team stomps another it won't change if a lots of players don't leave.
So there are no 60hz servers on console? That sucks.
Anyone know if we'll get it?
Anyone else having issues connecting right now? Everything seems to be working on my end, but I've been trying to connect to a games for 15 minutes and am getting nothing.
So there are no 60hz servers on console? That sucks.
I believe that Tolkien fought in the war as well.I'm absolute garbage at it, but this game is spectacular in every sense of the word. No other games make you feel like you're right in the middle of something huge better than this one.
Reminds me a lot of LOTR in terms of scope, which is funny since Tolkien based a lot of the imagery in those books on WWI.
Make your own squad. Kick snipers. Problem solved.DICE really needs to implement a system where if the squad leader doesn't give out orders after X minutes, he should be demoted and the leadership spot goes to another person.
I'm tired of always requesting orders and the squad leader never does anything. I didn't play many matches but every single one of them I never had a squad leader giving orders.
Also having a squad of 4 with 3 scouts sniping from the base while in attack in operations is not very fun. Oh my sweet KDR that will make me the greatest guy on the block!
DICE really needs to implement a system where if the squad leader doesn't give out orders after X minutes, he should be demoted and the leadership spot goes to another person.
I'm tired of always requesting orders and the squad leader never does anything. I didn't play many matches but every single one of them I never had a squad leader giving orders.
Also having a squad of 4 with 3 scouts sniping from the base while in attack in operations is not very fun. Oh my sweet KDR that will make me the greatest guy on the block!
That's another solution, but I prefer having a full squad. The ability to spawn on teammates is critical in this game.Make your own squad. Kick snipers. Problem solved.
Anyone running into an issue with aiming in vehicles? When I jump into vehicles in multiplayer I can't move my aim at all.
Bringing up the Origin overlay breaks turrets and vehicles. Atl-tabbing fixes it.
So is there a way to deal with the zeppelin in operations? Love the game mode but a few matches now have been straight up ruined by that thing.