Something I tried (that didn't work).
-Take a transport vehicle, ideally a bike
-Weaken it so that 1 more K bullet will destroy it
-Drive to the enemy home flag, and park it just outside the capture area on a main road to the next nearest flag, facing the next flag
-Hide nearby, make sure you have a clear view of the bike and look roughly at it so it doesn't de-spawn
-Wait longer
-Free bike, right here, someone take it please
-Dont mind the flames
-Keep waiting
-Once an enemy mounts the bike, shoot it!
Like I said, it never actually worked. I must have spent 15+ minutes waiting on various maps, and the only time someone took the bait my first shot didn't destroy the bike (no idea what went wrong) and I was killed before I could shoot again.
I got that challenge by luck in the end, kill stealing from tank v tank battles. Horrible challenge.
If you play with friends you could maybe get them to help you as well. Share the pain.