Part of me thinks that instead of assigning the pick up squads with a leader, an AI commander that adaptively shapes the battlefield dependent on demands at different objectives would better curate a better battlefield experience. Rather than having a squad leader that does little to nothing to direct and unify his squad we could have an AI system that recognises where that squad would be most useful and directs them there, rewarding them automatically for doing so. It could even communicate some suggestions like 'why are you all playing scout?' and be integrated in to the game in a seemless manner similar to the existing voice overs that inform you of objective status.
Dice actually did this in BF2 like 12 years(?) ago with the Commander role essentially acting as the hand of god from an overhead view. They could see the entire map and assign squad orders watching everything unfold like an RTS. It was brilliant and on servers with serious players absolutely mindblowing watching formations of squads being mindful of what the commander is ordering and systematically reacting in real-time to directions. Sadly, I don't think Dice has implemented the same system in a BF game since(maybe 3 had it with second screen implementation IIRC, but it was pared way down I think).