Insane Metal
Nice SPM!I think I need to take a break for a bit. I’m going to burn myself out playing at this rate. The game is just addicting though. I just can’t play one game. I’m always like hmm just one more match and next thing I know it’s been like three hours.
Nice SPM!
Is there anything worth $20 in the Early Enlisted edition? I'm still on the fence whether I want to get the game in the next month, the next 6 months, or in a year from now. Even in DICE's best game since BC2, Star Wars Battlefront, it suffers from DICE's age old failure of "fix one thing, break two others" in patches. I don't expect BF1 to escape this fate.
Anybody else not liking the overall Operations structure? The mode itself is great but having them grouped up like that only leads to the latter maps getting very little play time since most matches end with the attackers failing on the first map or (rarely) only having one attack left for the second map.
I'd prefer them just doing away with that meta crap and just implement it like the other game types.
Part of me thinks that instead of assigning the pick up squads with a leader, an AI commander that adaptively shapes the battlefield dependent on demands at different objectives would better curate a better battlefield experience. Rather than having a squad leader that does little to nothing to direct and unify his squad we could have an AI system that recognises where that squad would be most useful and directs them there, rewarding them automatically for doing so. It could even communicate some suggestions like 'why are you all playing scout?' and be integrated in to the game in a seemless manner similar to the existing voice overs that inform you of objective status.
Fuck this game
It ran smoothly at 60fps yesterday, now it is constantly at 35fps or so even when turning down options. Already put the game to Max performance in Nvidia panel.
Also I constantly have the bug of fullscreen being blurry and needing to change each time I alt+tab to bordelais to have the proper 1080p resolution
Nah...just switch the firing mode to full auto and it's great.
Wait, what? There are fire modes? Ugh god.
This is a thing? Oh sweet lord.
Poppa getting some kills tonight
XB1 click right stick in, I think.
Just too accurate
Anybody else not liking the overall Operations structure? The mode itself is great but having them grouped up like that only leads to the latter maps getting very little play time since most matches end with the attackers failing on the first map or (rarely) only having one attack left for the second map.
I'd prefer them just doing away with that meta crap and just implement it like the other game types.
Just too accurate
XB1 click right stick in, I think.
Hey, the teams/players who have every single squad at 2 people and locked, are you fucking stupid?
Hey, the teams/players who have every single squad at 2 people and locked, are you fucking stupid?
I just want to actually spawn on the flag I choose to spawn on.
Spawn on B - run for 30 seconds to get to B
Arrive when it's overrun - die.
B get's taken, spawn on A - run for 30 seconds to get to A
Bigger army on A - die
Hey, the teams/players who have every single squad at 2 people and locked, are you fucking stupid?
You know what? Medics are great in this game. Im constantly seeing tons of med packs everywhere. The likely reason is that they are throwing it for themselves, but whatever.
I counted 6 med packs in my vicinity in Argonne Forest yesterday....not a single ammo pack anywhere.
Since Support doesnt actually need to replenish themselves (no tripwire, crazy ammo count), they dont put ammo down for themselves, and as a result, for others.
I want the ability to be automated if screaming at Support doesn't work.
You know what? Medics are great in this game. Im constantly seeing tons of med packs everywhere. The likely reason is that they are throwing it for themselves, but whatever.
I counted 6 med packs in my vicinity in Argonne Forest yesterday....not a single ammo pack anywhere.
Since Support doesnt actually need to replenish themselves (no tripwire, crazy ammo count), they dont put ammo down for themselves, and as a result, for others.
I want the ability to be automated if screaming at Support doesn't work.
Technically, you do. It's just the spawns are (rightly) put a bit away so people can't camp you. If you've played something like Bad Company 1 or CoD4 or others where people memorize the spawns in a small area, they can just camp that area and shoot you in the back on spawning.
"But the maps are bigger in this Battlefield." Technically, yes. But it's still possible to do that, I was playing BF2142 last weekend and had that happen a few times while spawning on the clags in Conquest.
I got my new box yesterday (replacing my old alienware alpha r1 - RIP, you did your job well, soldier). I can now run the game at high/ultra settings - man, this game looks incredible. It seems to be optimized so well that even on my old Alpha, running at low settings, it still looked good.
I wish the game gave points when you defend something. Like, we capture a flag or a point, and then everyone rushes off to the next point. In reality, we should keep a squad or 2 there to defend it, but everyone leaves. You should get points per period of time you spend defending a flag so it's worthwhile to defend.
The number of medics who don't go out their way to save people is too damn high. What is even worse is the medic who just hides behind cover 5m away from you, trying to snipe a sniper with his carbine. Just go prone and revive me. You only need to be 3m away to revive someone.Just too accurate
The number of medics who don't go out their way to save people is too damn high. What is even worse is the medic who just hides behind cover 5m away from you, trying to snipe a sniper with his carbine. Just go prone and revive me. You only need to be 3m away to revive someone.
I have one of the most stable connections, I've ever seen and yet I 'lost connection to then server' near the end of every match.
This shitfest is going on eBay. Maybe it's just trash on PSN?
The number of medics who don't go out their way to save people is too damn high. What is even worse is the medic who just hides behind cover 5m away from you, trying to snipe a sniper with his carbine. Just go prone and revive me. You only need to be 3m away to revive someone.
I've dropped from servers about 4 or 5 tines.I've already played 30+ hours of MP on PS4 and I've been dropped from a server one time. I think you've got some other issue.
I've already played 30+ hours of MP on PS4 and I've been dropped from a server one time. I think you've got some other issue.
Since Support doesnt actually need to replenish themselves (no tripwire, crazy ammo count), they dont put ammo down for themselves, and as a result, for others.
I want the ability to be automated if screaming at Support doesn't work.
Is there anything worth $20 in the Early Enlisted edition? I'm still on the fence whether I want to get the game in the next month, the next 6 months, or in a year from now. Even in DICE's best game since BC2, Star Wars Battlefront, it suffers from DICE's age old failure of "fix one thing, break two others" in patches. I don't expect BF1 to escape this fate.