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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again

It amazes me that people are so afraid of hurting their K/D ratio to the point they won't play the objective, but they have no problem at all letting an armoured train or behemoth repeatedly kill them without doing anything about it.

I feel like I'm constantly playing with people who have never played a videogame before.

Is there any way team up with GAF members on PS4?

Battlefield is soo complicated, they think that playing it like COD makes them good at it.
Tank with flame throwers is GOAT

So far, Assault is my go to taking down tanks.

Medic, capturing objectives

Support, pigeon

Scout.... Still haven't got the right strategy on it. Close range is instant death for me, too far doesn't work too well either but nothing beats a head shot from a mile away. So satisfying.


Medic has to be the best class for Team Deathmatch/Domination. I'm constantly healing, and I use the grenade launcher which is great for clearing out window campers. I'm also a semi auto rifle kinda guy, perfect mix of constant damage output (in contrast to bolt snipers), accuracy and range.

revive is actually more useful than the launcher in TDM. A revive negates a kill from the other team.


Do different classes have different spotting distance abilities? I noticed this in the beta as well... I seem to have a hard time spotting enemies across the map. If there is any distance at all and looking down sights my character just does not want to tag enemies. I can hit the button over and over and nothing, then all of a sudden I try again and it works. Not sure if it's because the enemy moved a little closer or what? Makes me not even want to bother trying to mark enemies


For some reason whenever i play by myself i always end up on the losing side..

I would not mind if the team actually tries but mostly its filled with scouts not helping with the objectives. Really sucks
DICE really need to reduce the snap aim assist. I don't abuse the mechanic but I'm absolutely convinced I'm losing out in firefights to people who are constantly snapping in and out of ads.
Coming back to Bf after playing Rainbow 6 and seeing how even good players can miss, it's obvious that people are abusing it.
Do different classes have different spotting distance abilities? I noticed this in the beta as well... I seem to have a hard time spotting enemies across the map. If there is any distance at all and looking down sights my character just does not want to tag enemies. I can hit the button over and over and nothing, then all of a sudden I try again and it works. Not sure if it's because the enemy moved a little closer or what? Makes me not even want to bother trying to mark enemies

Spotting is terrible this time around, but i think its to counter the spam that was in BF4. However, it doesnt really work as planned. There is a huge cool down (or something?) which makes it so its impossible to spot for a good amount of time. Also, i've noticed like you, that sometimes the fucker just wont spot the enemy, even if i am not in the "cooldown" phase.


Its automatically defaulted to "locked". You have to unlock it when you get in. Yes, its dumb...

Pretty sure that's a bug no other game mode does that when joining with a party.

I sort of wish they also made a smaller scale operations like 24 or 32.. I may need to try 40 man because I am not a huge fan of 64.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
DICE really need to reduce the snap aim assist. I don't abuse the mechanic but I'm absolutely convinced I'm losing out in firefights to people who are constantly snapping in and out of ads.
Coming back to Bf after playing Rainbow 6 and seeing how even good players can miss, it's obvious that people are abusing it.

I dont see why FPS's on consoles do away with aim assist all together. Killzone Shadowfall did it, and it felt amazing.
Pretty sure that's a bug no other game mode does that when joining with a party.

I sort of wish they also made a smaller scale operations like 24 or 32.. I may need to try 40 man because I am not a huge fan of 64.

I love 40 man. I plan to try 64 man later because more people to slaughter.
Pretty sure that's a bug no other game mode does that when joining with a party.

I sort of wish they also made a smaller scale operations like 24 or 32.. I may need to try 40 man because I am not a huge fan of 64.

Every mode i have played defaults as locked... and i join with squad members. Im pretty sure its a thing. We are always having to remind our squad leader to "unlock" it so people can fill in.

Also, 40 man ops is better than 64 in my opinion. Less chaotic but still a meat grinder.


Every mode i have played defaults as locked... and i join with squad members. Im pretty sure its a thing. We are always having to remind our squad leader to "unlock" it so people can fill in.

Also, 40 man ops is better than 64 in my opinion. Less chaotic but still a meat grinder.

If you join a server with your party, your squad is definitely always locked. It's intentional.
It amazes me that people are so afraid of hurting their K/D ratio to the point they won't play the objective, but they have no problem at all letting an armoured train or behemoth repeatedly kill them without doing anything about it.

I feel like I'm constantly playing with people who have never played a videogame before.

Is there any way team up with GAF members on PS4?

Agreed. My k/d ratio is awful, a) because I'm not very good, and, b) because I play the objective.

I mainly play operations and if you play the objective a normal player will die a lot, however, getting or keeping that objective outweighs the death amount.

I just think regardless of the mode, some people are still playing tdm in their mind.


Just hold R1 with scout isnt it?
Thanks a ton. First real time put into a BF, love to mark and heal and ammo supply people while I learn the maps. Anybody have any tips for using the mortars as Support? You just aim it over people and thats it? Cant seem to get kills with it.
If you join a server with your party, your squad is definitely always locked. It's intentional.

It should be unlocked by default, if youre in with your friend whats the point of locking it? Youll always be better with a full squad then just 2-3 people. Doesnt make any sense.
Still really enjoying this game, but I am souring on Operations a bit. It just turns into Operation Metro a little too often. Some maps are better than other. But that one bunker in the Italian Operations... ugh. Why?!?!?


It should be unlocked by default, if youre in with your friend whats the point of locking it? Youll always be better with a full squad then just 2-3 people. Doesnt make any sense.

Because sometimes people join in later and you don#t want the hassle of having to kick players while you wait.
Thanks a ton. First real time put into a BF, love to mark and heal and ammo supply people while I learn the maps. Anybody have any tips for using the mortars as Support? You just aim it over people and thats it? Cant seem to get kills with it.

It's better for getting people out of camp spots. Killing requires a near on direct hit.


Oh, I didn't know there were skins only unlockable through single player. Most of them are pretty meh though and for weapons I don't really use. The Black Bess is cool, but I hardly ever drive the landship, so I don't know if I want to waste my time trying to get it. I pretty much only use the light tank.

I don't understand collectibles in games that are 1) linear as hell 2) force you to go as quick a possible from A to B. Just give us the reward for finishing the campaign, it's enough already.

But at least you don't have to wait 300h (or pay 10€) for the skin you like as it happened to be for "battlepacks"


NOt sure what happend to my loadout last night on pc.

I thought I was medic with my usual gun, but suddenly my loadout changed and I could pass out medpacks and ammo packs. And I had a diff gun.

Very confused.


NOt sure what happend to my loadout last night on pc.

I thought I was medic with my usual gun, but suddenly my loadout changed and I could pass out medpacks and ammo packs. And I had a diff gun.

Very confused.

Maybe you picked a dead man's weapon by pressing reload near of it.


Had a chance to play some Scout class last night, and I find the flare gun really useful. I was marking targets and getting spot assists like crazy with it.
Lots of people complaining about the bunker in Grappa. It seems like it just requires a full out assault by attackers. I actually like the idea of such a hard defense spot, but if attackers are just walking in 1 by 1, it will be disastrous

Perhaps it will be tweaked, just because of how ridiculous people find it.

I really like the idea of impenetrable defenses, I kind of hope we see some flag caps that are inside places as opposed to out in the open for future maps
How do people stay in tanks all game in Conquest and go over 50 kills?! Teach me

I use the heavy armoured tank with flamethrowers. The main attack is ridiculously accurate and can pick off people with ease.

Just drive around, stay with a team so that assault cant reach you.

You have an instant 20+ HP ability by pressing left on dpad, so you can turn the tide on some players quite easily if you find yourself in trouble

Stay in a popular flag spot, you dont need to travel the whole map


Did you spawn on a horse?

You know, now that you bring that up, I think tried to spawn on a horse, but I found myself spawned in on the flag instead with no horse. I figured someone spawned in on the horse before I did and so the game just put me at that flag.

But 10 seconds later, as I was running to find some combat, I realized my loadout was different.

I didn't know the horse guy had med and ammo packs though. I guess I've been too busy just getting used to controlling the horse and pressing '2' for the melee weapon.
Apologies if this has been discussed to death but I've only just gotten around to playing BF1 on Xbox One. I started out with campaign and after a bit of playing I started having a pretty big issue. The game would occasionally freeze for a second or two for no reason. It was frequent enough to make me quit playing. Tried a hard reset and played a bit. It seemed to fix it, or so I thought. After a bit of playing it started again.

It just freezes every so often, only lasting a second or two, but frequent enough to severely impact playability. I then switched to multiplayer and it happened but only around two times during a whole match of operations.

Googling this is a bit of a pain. Despite specifying Xbox One, most results are for Pc. The generic nature of the name Battlefield 1 also causes issue. It doesn't help that I am not sure what to call the issue. Stuttering? Hitching? Freeze? Micro freeze? After a bit of searching I have found a few mentions, usually with no replies on how to fix it. Some claim it is a memory leak but searching for that usually returns PC info. It would explain the problem only presenting after playing for a while and resetting the console appearing to fix it though.

My question is is this a known issue and is there anything I can do to fix it or is this something Dice has to patch? I was set to reinstall the game until I saw others experiencing the issue. Any info at all is appreciated.
You know, now that you bring that up, I think tried to spawn on a horse, but I found myself spawned in on the flag instead with no horse. I figured someone spawned in on the horse before I did and so the game just put me at that flag.

But 10 seconds later, as I was running to find some combat, I realized my loadout was different.

I didn't know the horse guy had med and ammo packs though. I guess I've been too busy just getting used to controlling the horse and pressing '2' for the melee weapon.

Yeah, that's happened to me before as well. Cavalry is still a good class though, even on foot. Carbine is very accurate, one hit kill melee weapon, ammo AND medpacks, and to top it off they've got passive damage resistance like the sentry class (though not nearly as much).

Also, something some people don't seem to realize is that the Light Tank can also deploy ammo and health. If you are driving past some infantry be sure to poop out some gifts for them on the way.
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