Been playing BF since 1942 and more recently with 300 hrs on BF4 on PS4.
I was initially sceptical about the game at reveal as it looked to have a lot of SW Battlefront elements to its design and engine, now months later after 40 hrs on Beta and owning the full game I don't even think of the Star Wars BF link at all, BF1 feels like it's own game and it hits the mark for a satisfying and addictive FPS game.
My major issue as a console player is the frame rate in 64 man CQ, after BF4, in which I found the frame rates to be almost unplayable at times and hoped we would get closer to a constant 60fps on this game but it's not to be and it does hurt the experience at times when the drops are constant or severe.
If you're on console and want to see how smooth and tight the gunplay and controls are intended to be by DICE, go in an empty server by yourself (I recommend St. Quentin Scar) I went in one the other day to test some stuff after playing 64 man CQ and I could literally not believe how smooth and precise the game feels running at 60fps on those maps - it was superb.
I felt like the graphics were sharper and more detailed also than when I'm running around with 63 other players ?
I can only imagine how this looks and feels on PC at 4k and 100+fps ... It would probably compel me to give up life, quit the job, ignore the wife and kids and live out the next 3 years playing it.