I don't think it will be nerfed. It's a good gun but has its own downsides. (It's quite slow to kill, which is obviously an issue for a primarily close range weapon. It also comes with very little ammo, so you will need frequent resupplies or deaths).
It's a jack of all trades and very easy to use, but not as OP as people say.
It has one of the fastest TTK's when firing to head, thanks to it being laser beam so every bullet will hit. It breaks SMG format by being most effective in ADS where other SMG's are at their most effective from the hip. Also 60 + 60 gives it about same amount of ammo as Automatico has, which is considered to be in shared OP spot with Hell.
Automatico is easier to run 'n spray with, but falls apart when there is basically any distance between you and target. You can try tap and burst, but eh. Hell is at its best when used like M16A3 from BF3, ADS every time with full auto to close and burst to mid - long range. Always aim for head because spread is so tiny.
Edit: Hellriegel needs good amount of accuracy reduction when firing to range, it's AR now and not SMG.