All desert maps look like that, no much variety in color scheme.
No, Sinai Desert is probably the best looking map in the game. That map has a ton of detail and a large variety of color variation within the warm spectrum.
All desert maps look like that, no much variety in color scheme.
No, Sinai Desert is probably the best looking map in the game. That map has a ton of detail and a large variety of color variation within the warm spectrum.
Not when Argonne Forest and Monte Grappa exist.
Not when Argonne Forest and Monte Grappa exist.
Not when Argonne Forest and Monte Grappa exist.
Why are Battlepacks so lame? There's nothing in them that I want. Why didn't they include dog tags, emblems, and new icons for custom emblems? The skins are so boring and there's only like 10 of them.
The Revision 2 is out, so there is 20 now i guess, you have also a special melee weapon that you can unlock.
I *really* appreciate the fact they kept the design of the weapon somewhat coherent with the setting, unlike r6 siege, but i am really afraid we´ll finish with purple or pink weapon.
I don't understand Battlepacks. I got a legendary sidearm... But I can't use it because I'm not level 10? And I still have to use Warbonds to buy it?
Anyone else lose a ton of class levels after the latest update? My Assault went from Level 9 to level 2, Scout from level 3 to level 0, Support from level 7 to level 2. What's going on?
You didn't get the weapon, you got a skin for that weapon.
The Revision 2 is out, so there is 20 now i guess, you have also a special melee weapon that you can unlock.
I *really* appreciate the fact they kept the design of the weapon somewhat coherent with the setting, unlike r6 siege, but i am really afraid we´ll finish with purple or pink weapon.
No, Sinai Desert is probably the best looking map in the game. That map has a ton of detail and a large variety of color variation within the warm spectrum.
Does anyone know how to reduce packet loss? BF1 seems to be the only game I get this kind of error
I think they are just trying to ease people into microtransactions. Other games do this to not sour new players with microtransactions.It's not that I want neon green or hot pink, it's just that there are so few possibilities available that having a Battlepack lottery system for them is downright laughable. I've gotten the "very rare" Mondragon Mexican skin 3 times already.
If they're going to have so few available options then why not let us actually earn them? A lottery is fine if you have dozens of possibilities with actual Rare items mixed in. Since there are so few skin options available, why not mix in some dog tags and emblems?
lol Joke? Sinai is basically this...
Yeah, it looks just like that; it's fantastic. Even the rocks look great, the sand effects and weather effects, the heat ripples, it's all phenomenal.
It's not that I want neon green or hot pink, it's just that there are so few possibilities available that having a Battlepack lottery system for them is downright laughable. I've gotten the "very rare" Mondragon Mexican skin 3 times already.
If they're going to have so few available options then why not let us actually earn them? A lottery is fine if you have dozens of possibilities with actual Rare items mixed in. Since there are so few skin options available, why not mix in some dog tags and emblems?
You are in luck my friend, i opened a dozen of battlepack and never got one rare. :/
Maybe they will allow to buy specific skins with scraps in the future.
I first got the "Legendary" Mexican skin in one of my first normal battlepacks, I sold the next 20 or so battlepacks for scraps and bought 2 of the black battlepacks (900 scraps) and both of them had the same "Legendary" Mexican skin in them.
Least interesting lotto ever.
In all Battlefields I've never gotten angry at not getting orders, I guess I'm just not a point fiend like some people. It doesn't bother me.
Just had a single guy on a horse blow up my Landship using only his grenades.
What the fucking hell is that?
I get being armored and I get having a one hit kill sword, but the fucking superhero routine is pretty goddamn lame sometimes.
Get 5 headshots in a round...but not tracking that particular medal. Thanks Dice.
I mean you should actually feel pretty bad about letting him kill you.
Why? I'm in a tank, alone, coming right out of the spawn area in the middle of the desert. All I have is the machine gun that the driver controls, in a completely open space. He is able to run circles around the tank and throw grenades at his leisure.
I'm not like some pro player or anything, obviously, but it's a pretty shitty situation.
For me it isn't just the points, but the fact that squads with no objectives are usually a whole lot less organized. This is especially true on large CQ maps in which the CPs are scattered all about and not laid out in a straight line. Argonne is pretty straight-forward, for example, so sticking together without objective markers probably wouldn't be as difficult on it. Try playing on St. Quentin or even Amiens with no objective, though, and see how quickly the squad loses focus and becomes scattered because no one knows where the hell to go. It's a pretty serious issue.
Dear Dice:
WTB an automatic medic weapon because I'm bad.
Thanks ... Love, me.
The thing is, it's super fun to play scout with a iron sight rifle and do just that.
But for some reason you just don't see many people do this at all.
It was my preferred way of playing BC2 and it looks like it'll be the most fun for me again in BF1 also.
I just can't hang back and do nothing but aim and shoot. I need to be in the midst of the chaos to have fun.
I had a couple of really great clips from tonight, but for some weird reason my PS4 never recorded any of them. grr.![]()
Isn't it? The Heavy Tank is just so fucking beastly. When fully manned it's truly something to be feared.A tank with flames shooting out of each side is so metal.
lol Joke? Sinai is basically this...
Not sure I want DICE to do another WWII game anytime soon. We'll just got the standard super American centric 44-45 campaign (and probably Multiplayer too) again with exactly the same locations and perspectives (betting money on Easy Company/Paratroopers) we already had in 95% of all WW2 shooters in existence, with the usual good vs. evil, Americans won the war, heroes heroes hoeres yadda yadda etc. etc. shtick, with maybe one or two missions on the Soviet side thrown in (if even that).They'd definitely nail a battle of stalingrad map if they ever made another ww2 game, that's for sure.
Not sure I want DICE to do another WWII game anytime soon. We'll just got the standard super American centric 44-45 campaign (and probably Multiplayer too) again with exactly the same locations and perspectives (betting money on Easy Company/Paratroopers) we already had in 95% of all WW2 shooters in existence, with the usual good vs. evil, Americans won the war, heroes heroes hoeres yadda yadda etc. etc. shtick, with maybe one or two missions on the Soviet side thrown in (if even that).
I'd rather have them do a sequel to BF1 were we finally get to play on the side on the side of the Central Powers, France and Russia in the campaign while keeping the respectful and neutral perspective they got in this game (which is really, really refreshing). If it has to be a new setting I'd rather have DICE do a Vietnam game again, great setting that is sadly extremely underrepresented and allows for BF1 style storytelling and atmosphere (because there really weren't any good guys in that war either).
Especially considering how they couldn't even pull off a Central Power campaign in a WW1 game.Dice isn't going to do a bf game in which there is a Vietcong campaign.
Not sure I want DICE to do another WWII game anytime soon. We'll just got the standard super American centric 44-45 campaign (and probably Multiplayer too) again with exactly the same locations and perspectives (betting money on Easy Company/Paratroopers) we already had in 95% of all WW2 shooters in existence, with the usual good vs. evil, Americans won the war, heroes heroes hoeres yadda yadda etc. etc. shtick, with maybe one or two missions on the Soviet side thrown in (if even that).
I'd rather have them do a sequel to BF1 were we finally get to play on the side on the side of the Central Powers, France and Russia in the campaign while keeping the respectful and neutral perspective they got in this game (which is really, really refreshing). If it has to be a new setting I'd rather have DICE do a Vietnam game again, great setting that is sadly extremely underrepresented and allows for BF1 style storytelling and atmosphere (because there really weren't any good guys in that war either).
I'm nkot sure what I'm doing wrong but my score per minute is going down although I keep ending on the top5 pretty much every match. I have played ~50 hours and my score went from ~720 a minute to 649. In bf4 I have 995.. Is there a huge difference between the avg score/min in bf4 compared to bf1?