Why can't I quit to the home menu after a game?
The game doesn't want you to stop it while it's loading a new map, which is dumb.
Why can't I quit to the home menu after a game?
Why can't I quit to the home menu after a game?
This is dumb. The medals are dumb. The progression system is dumb.
Such a shame that a good game has a few small instances of bad game design, and that this annoys the over-all experience as much as it does.
The game doesn't want you to stop it while it's loading a new map, which is dumb.
Really disappointing that so many people took the Conquest changes lying down. I feel like our voice is scattered about it
This is dumb. The medals are dumb. The progression system is dumb.
Such a shame that a good game has a few small instances of bad game design, and that this annoys the over-all experience as much as it does.
What's the deal with torpedos? Do I have to drop it super close to the dreadnought or something, because every time I drop one it does nothing.
Why can't I quit to the home menu after a game?
Was anything major nerfed/changed in that last update? I don't know what it is but I am way worse recently. Weird
Is there any way to customize your loadout when not in a match?
Is there any way to customize your loadout when not in a match?
No, probably just people getting used to the flow of the game and those that haven't have moved on already.
Why can't I quit to the home menu after a game?
You can but you have to be quick
Empire's Edge and Fao Fortress.What map does the ship behemoth come on?
Hearing that revives dont refund tickets completely sours me on conquest. I cant play it anymore. It was enough that ticket bleed was dead, but this just sucks
And I cant olay operations knowing its lopsided for defenders.
Really disappointing that so many people took the Conquest changes lying down. I feel like our voice is scattered about it
*sees dead ally as a medic*
*rushes to revive him, clicks left on the dpad to have my needle come out*
*gas mask comes on*
jesus christ, has this been happening to anyone else? it's insanely annoying. I'm not even pressing up on the dpad, I don't know why the mask comes up like 50% of the time
That's nothing: if you want to see a close finish, check this out (watch the tickets!):Closest I have seen was 1000-997 (or 998 can't remember which). We had more flags at the end as well but their score hit first. Gutted.
Empire's Edge and Fao Fortress.
Gasser slow at close range? Try hip firing it, it's automatic fire when hip fired. Has really good long range (for a sidearm) stopping power too if you pace your shots. I love that thing.If you're talking about the gasser then don't. It's horrendously inaccurate at range and abysmally slow at close range. I can make just about any gun work for me, but that was a lost cause. I used the P08 on assault until I got the lvl 10 revolver, on medic I use the c96.
Don't you have to be a hundred tickets down to get a behemoth or w/e it's called? That's a bit more over "barely".
Geez that's fucking insane to me.
What are the UI issues most people seem to be having? I think it's very solid overall on PC, but I do hate not being able to customize outside matches and how you can't leave servers if a map is loading. No excuse for those two things IMO.When's DICE going to address some of the minor annoyances that we're having with the UI and customization options?
Yeah it happen to me randomly.Guys when I try to quit to the game main menu after a match I am stuck on the black loading screen for good 5 minutes (PS4).Anyone else?
Suppression sucks balls. Give us smoke/gas mortars DICE.Yeah it happen to me randomly.
Yeah it happen to me randomly.
Yeah it happen to me randomly.
Is anyone else finding it hard to find Operation matches?
Console or PC?Does anyone have some good resources on how to fly a plane better?
Does anyone have some good resources on how to fly a plane better?
Isn't there a portion of the campaign dedicated to flying? Could try it out there.
Isn't there a portion of the campaign dedicated to flying? Could try it out there.