I'm playing SP now. What do you mean?
I get cannot connect to server with this and bf 4
Edit servers seem to be back up
I'm playing SP now. What do you mean?
We'll get compensated everyone. Probably battlepacks.
How? Origin?
I get cannot connect to server with this and bf 4
Edit servers seem to be back up
EA servers are down globally. DDOS?
Honestly, unless Dice themselves tweak the controls to get them to feel like BF4 I don't feel BF1 will ever feel like that. For me the closest thing is to turn on uniform soldier aiming as I did in BF4 and turning the sensitivity up to 95 (both the general soldier aiming and zoom aiming).I noticed this too. Any way to get this to feel more like BF4 in terms of aiming? Feels wayy too smooth and I can't fine tune my aim as well.
I have 50 to 60 hours in this game already, killed me not being able to play earlier. This for me is hands down one of the best shooters in the last handful of years. There has been a lot of fun and enjoyable shooters, but this game has a feel about it that amazes me every time I play a match.. Great game thru and thru. Every battle feels different than the last, such a great game
Which game mode(s) do you play?
Anyone else accidentally putting on their mask damn near every time they try to press left or right on the dpad? Fucking annoying. Let us move that to the touchpad please.
Conquest and TDM are my go tos pending the time I have. I find all classes enjoyable as well, always a medic or assault player typically but I been running support a ton lately and there is nothing more satisfying than dropping mortars on a cluster of enemies or on snipers, glorious moments
how are the spawns in TDM?
how are the spawns in TDM?
Alright, after around 30 hours in the mp it is safe to Say that 999 out of 1000 squad leaders don't give a fuck about orders!!
I think they're pretty spot on. A few times someone has spawned behind me but overall the flow of battle sort of goes from one side of the map to the other. Typically you spawn in and the battle is ahead of you unless you have a roamer passing near you. I thought the tdm might be a cluster fuck but honestly it's my bread n butter since I love to sit and bang matches out. I love it, I feel there is plenty of action with 12 on 12, the maps are pretty awesome as they have so many great choke points to battle.
Same as always, only everyone is sniping on a roof or in a building in this game compared to BF4 and BF3.
thank you for your reply. Sounds good. I have been playing Operations and Rush exclusively, but sometimes I don't like the cluster effect that capturing a single point brings.
Anyone else accidentally putting on their mask damn near every time they try to press left or right on the dpad? Fucking annoying. Let us move that to the touchpad please.
I think over time they made a few tweaks but day 1 on PS4 it felt amazing. It has the best controls out of any FPS this gen in my opinion and I wasn't expecting BF1 to feel any different.
This is promising.
You guys weren't wrong about this tips of being more aggressive with the assault class!
I was doing ridiculously good with the m18 trench last night rushing people and being super aggressive, I got my best ever games doing it too, and also managed some high KD games 2/3KD in conquest, people who snipe can't seem to cope with you being in their face, also fantastic to rush a group of 4/5 snipers out in the hills and wipe them all out before they even know you are there.
I think it's the opposite, I got sniped the fuck up in Battlefield 4 to where I eventually had to quit. This game has snipers but it's no where near as bad at least in my experience. In fact I was just thinking about how there aren't as many.. But there are campers of course, but a good mortar will always fix that
Yeah happens constantly for me. Also my gun sometimes won't shoot for like a second after doing something else like throwing a grenade. Really annoying.
Flood Zone was the only map really where it was even viable to snipe in TDM. In BF1 the maps have massive open spaces and tons of high places to snipe from. On top of that you can body shot one hit kill so everyone is sniping. It's pretty unbalanced and boring unless that's your thing.
Yeah gas grenades do that to me. I don't use them anymore.
I totally disagree. These maps have many indoor areas to battle and outside you get snipers but I don't find them that much of a nuisance. In bf4 you simply had many guys especially in conquest nonstop sniping people. Here you get snipers but with some of the guns like in the medic lineup you can quickly kill them. I dunno, all I know is in 50ish hours I've loved every second and have been glued to it. Snipers here and there but nothing to turn me away /shrug
Guess we'll have to agree to disagree here. Completely different experience over hundreds of BF4 hours here.
Cdkeys. Europe Key. VPN.
I think it's the opposite, I got sniped the fuck up in Battlefield 4 to where I eventually had to quit. This game has snipers but it's no where near as bad at least in my experience. In fact I was just thinking about how there aren't as many.. But there are campers of course, but a good mortar will always fix that
I have 50 to 60 hours in this game already, killed me not being able to play earlier. This for me is hands down one of the best shooters in the last handful of years. There has been a lot of fun and enjoyable shooters, but this game has a feel about it that amazes me every time I play a match.. Great game thru and thru. Every battle feels different than the last, such a great game
What do you mean? It's too easy or not worth doing?
Thanks DICE/EAfor not rewarding me after getting all the medals.![]()
Why would they?Also this ain't all medals.
All medals for the week, why not a reward for doing my homework?
All medals for the week, why not a reward for doing my homework?
dont you get 5000 xp each? that`s your reward^^
You already got rewards for doing them.
You're annoyed you didn't get a reward for accomplishing something they never said you'd be rewarded for?5K XP each, big fucking deal xD .
I'm not doing medals anymore, it's not worth the hassle.
You're annoyed you didn't get a reward for accomplishing something they never said you'd be rewarded for?
Yeah , it was pretty hard to get the five medals, i was expecting something else at the end.