Please lol, wondering if the rage is because he is getting rekt or because of the technical aspect of the games. Edit its both reason and I agree with his rage however I am having a blast with this game =).elaborate!
Please lol, wondering if the rage is because he is getting rekt or because of the technical aspect of the games. Edit its both reason and I agree with his rage however I am having a blast with this game =).elaborate!
I respawn on top of explosions, so I'll die multiple times without being able to even move, it takes me about 4 tries to successfully revive someone, my bullets do absolutely nothing to anybody, and then I spend the next 5 minutes spawning on top of explosions unable to do anything. It's just awful. The few seconds I have of play are spent desperately sprinting to get somewhere approximately 14 miles away and getting sniped from God knows where, or up front in the battle, where I am no match for a tank (expected), a plane (expected), or every single player on Earth with their back turned to me and a big sign on their head saying "SHOOT HERE TO DO EXACTLY 64 DAMAGE AND WARN ME TO TURN AND FIRE EXACTLY ONE BULLET TO KILL YOU". It's bullshit.
I respawn on top of explosions, so I'll die multiple times without being able to even move, it takes me about 4 tries to successfully revive someone, my bullets do absolutely nothing to anybody, and then I spend the next 5 minutes spawning on top of explosions unable to do anything. It's just awful. The few seconds I have of play are spent desperately sprinting to get somewhere approximately 14 miles away and getting sniped from God knows where, or up front in the battle, where I am no match for a tank (expected), a plane (expected), or every single player on Earth with their back turned to me and a big sign on their head saying "SHOOT HERE TO DO EXACTLY 64 DAMAGE AND WARN ME TO TURN AND FIRE EXACTLY ONE BULLET TO KILL YOU". It's bullshit.
Man, I don't remember this much ghost capping in conquest.
Such fucking SHIT
I'm about to punch something
Enemy team digs into bunker in Monte Grapp and THROWS NON STOP GRENADES out entrances. We had no chance. Im literally talking about non stop spam. Fucking horrible
Unless you select a custom server it seems to match your skill level.Is quick match skill based? The people in those servers are savages.
how do you unlock weapons, I have enough warbonds and it is green, but no option or button to buy?
how do you unlock weapons, I have enough warbonds and it is green, but no option or button to buy?
join a server (empty or full) - customize in the left corner - buy stuff
for vehicles you need to select the vehicle first so empty server is good for that
wait, so you can't buy in the Main Menu? wth DICE
""""Stability""""It's temporarily disabled due to instability according to Dice :/
If that magazine size is OP then MG15 n/A is broken.Anyone reckon the' Lewis Gun' is OP, well mainly its really large clip size.
what is a good gun for a medic? what is the optical version of a gun? so it has glass sights instead of iron sights?
Holy shit. The premium battlepack you get ones a month isnt even Superior or Enhanced...
Just got the Kolibri. It's a good day.
Why are shotguns so terrible at close range?
Or am I just terrible?
They only do like 9 damage with a point blank shot but will do like 35 from across a courtyard. Seems really dumb.
Holy shit. The premium battlepack you get ones a month isnt even Superior or Enhanced...
I saved up 900 scrap. And bought a pack, got the Edelweiss. It doesn't really look any different than the normal skin aside from a stock wrap... Damn. How do the revision work? Is it rotating or are there just going to be constantly new skins?
Wow. These shots make me wish the game had a black-and-white or old timey mode for the visuals.
what is a good gun for a medic? what is the optical version of a gun? so it has glass sights instead of iron sights?
what is a good gun for a medic? what is the optical version of a gun? so it has glass sights instead of iron sights?
I just can't get enough. Have been playing each night for an hour or so, and I just love it.
I get so immersed in the game, the sounds, the design, everything is just top notch.
The TSA anti aliasing method is absolutely the best I think I've ever seen ( yeah I know blur... but still looks great IMO) Not a single jagged edge anywhere.
I respawn on top of explosions, so I'll die multiple times without being able to even move, it takes me about 4 tries to successfully revive someone, my bullets do absolutely nothing to anybody, and then I spend the next 5 minutes spawning on top of explosions unable to do anything. It's just awful. The few seconds I have of play are spent desperately sprinting to get somewhere approximately 14 miles away and getting sniped from God knows where, or up front in the battle, where I am no match for a tank (expected), a plane (expected), or every single player on Earth with their back turned to me and a big sign on their head saying "SHOOT HERE TO DO EXACTLY 64 DAMAGE AND WARN ME TO TURN AND FIRE EXACTLY ONE BULLET TO KILL YOU". It's bullshit.
Anyone on PC know wtf happened with the waves last night?
They banned 100s each ~30min at least for a couple hours when I was playing. Seemed way off like some false stat triggering.
Unless they somehow ninja added a new AC all they have is a server side stat check which is why the sudden wave seemed so off.I'd rather assume they found a new cheat configuration that wasn't detected yet and implemented it.
Anyone on PC know wtf happened with the waves last night?
They banned 100s each ~30min at least for a couple hours when I was playing. Seemed way off like some false stat triggering.
I respawn on top of explosions, so I'll die multiple times without being able to even move, it takes me about 4 tries to successfully revive someone, my bullets do absolutely nothing to anybody, and then I spend the next 5 minutes spawning on top of explosions unable to do anything. It's just awful. The few seconds I have of play are spent desperately sprinting to get somewhere approximately 14 miles away and getting sniped from God knows where, or up front in the battle, where I am no match for a tank (expected), a plane (expected), or every single player on Earth with their back turned to me and a big sign on their head saying "SHOOT HERE TO DO EXACTLY 64 DAMAGE AND WARN ME TO TURN AND FIRE EXACTLY ONE BULLET TO KILL YOU". It's bullshit.
That's bizarre. I even tried pressing right on the dpad while sprinting to see if that did it. Nothing. This is a long shot but the controller i've been using is brand new, so maybe there is an older model of controller that causes it to happen? I just can't think of any other explanation for why this would happen to some people but not the others.
Give it a chance and don't be sensitive because things don't go your way starting minute 1.
Yeah it seemed off 🤔Are there even that many cheaters on PC? That seems insane that there would be that many.
Its beast. Medical pouch and ammo pouch too.Really hate that the Cavalry class has still more health even when of horse.
Really hate that the Cavalry class has still more health even when of horse.