It still could be too strong while not entirely broken, I'm not saying it's true for the model 10, but it could be true.The model 10 not broken at all. Its just strong when used the right way and you get yourself in the situation where is shotgun is strong. You should get rewarded then.
The problem is that we always have to fear the use a huge nerf hammer, because most dev don't seem to know how to balance things in small amount but more frequently, so the nerf hammer at least make people stop complaining about something being op until the next patch, something being too weak doesn't make the same noise.
But I try not to care too much, last time I really cared about weapon balance was bad company 2, and it was such a shitshow that I try not to think too much about it anymore.
On another note I'll reiterate that I badly want us to be able to change the keybind of the bayonet charge so it's not the same as the melee attack. I don't want to end up doing one over the other just because I miss judged how fast I was going or something.