Unless this is something I missed after 1,300 hours of BF4, I don't think this is true. In BF4 you needed to have your detonator out.
I might be thinking of COD, my bad!!! Wishful thinking haha...
Unless this is something I missed after 1,300 hours of BF4, I don't think this is true. In BF4 you needed to have your detonator out.
Is there a way to trigger your dynamite with your gun out? I think BF4 let you double tap reload?
No worries. Battlefield is a game insanely deep with gameplay mechanics. Even though it's my primary game, I never assume I know absolutely everything there is in a modern Battlefield game, there's so many little things that are easy to completely miss.I might be thinking of COD, my bad!!! Wishful thinking haha...
Lol this sounds amazing.I use the mines to do this. When I see a flamer or other heavy coming, I put a few down and wait to the side out of site and when they stand on them I fire...
Edit: Shit, misread your post. Thought you wanted to shoot them. Nevermind.
Download the Battlefield app for your phone or tablet. It lets you do all of your loadouts there.Most of my complaints from my first session with the game turned out to be server-side technical issues. I was playing last night and didn't have any registry issues, nor did I get the unfortunate "spawn into a chain of perpetual explosions" routine which was seriously hampering my ability to do anything. And the game is a blast when you actually get going and get in a squad that wants to coordinate. So I rescind my earlier criticisms; this thing is pretty damn fun.
Is there any way to customize loadouts before you're actually connected to a game? I don't want to spend minutes essentially AFK looking through menus while my team is trying to capture/defend objectives. Makes me dead weight and I hate feeling like I'm not helping, but it also means I keep feeling like I'm rushing into battle with an inadequate setup. Seemed you used to be able to do this from the main menu in other BF games but I'm not finding the option.
Download the Battlefield app for your phone or tablet. It lets you do all of your loadouts there.
I wish they'd just let you do it in the damn main menu in the game.
It's probably solely designed that way to force people to download and use the app.You have to install an app to edit loadouts outside of being connected to a server? That's... an odd design choice. But I'm not paranoid about privacy, so that sounds like it'll do the trick.
I use the mines to do this. When I see a flamer or other heavy coming, I put a few down and wait to the side out of sight and when they stand on them I fire...
Edit: Shit, misread your post. Thought you wanted to shoot them. Nevermind.
No worries. Battlefield is a game insanely deep with gameplay mechanics. Even though it's my primary game, I never assume I know absolutely everything there is in a modern Battlefield game, there's so many little things that are easy to completely miss.
Lol this sounds amazing.
It's probably solely designed that way to force people to download and use the app.
On console at least, you couldn't change your loadouts in the main menu in BF4 either. The last time you could edit loadouts in the main menu was BF3.They are going to enable that functionality soon in-game. I think it was a performance issue or something.
It has bullet drop, but not as overkill as it was in BF4.Does this have bullet drop like BF4?
Add Elite Classes to my list of things to whine about.
Everything about this game outside of graphics is a step back from BF4 really. Big disappointment.
All it takes is a bayonet charge to take them out...really not that complicated.
I feel like the game is almost a monumental improvement after BF4, BF4 just went far off the reservation while BF1 is reigning her back in to the way it should be. But different strokes, as someone who's first Battlefield was 1942 and has played every game since then, BF1 is above and beyond the best battlefield game in over a decade
All it takes is a bayonet charge to take them out...really not that complicated.
I feel like the game is almost a monumental improvement after BF4, BF4 just went far off the reservation while BF1 is reigning her back in to the way it should be. But different strokes, as someone who's first Battlefield was 1942 and has played every game since then, BF1 is above and beyond the best battlefield game in over a decade
And good luck getting a bayonet charge in on anyone with a half decent sense of awareness. It's just a really unfun element for me. With Behemoths killing CQ and Operations and Elite classes ruining Domination and TDM.. meh. Not my favourite game.
I started with 1942 as well.
Holy fucking shit. Just lost 0-100 in domination. Round lasted about two minutes. Why do I keep getting fucking terrible teams
And good luck getting a bayonet charge in on anyone with a half decent sense of awareness. It's just a really unfun element for me. With Behemoths killing CQ and Operations and Elite classes ruining Domination and TDM.. meh. Not my favourite game.
I started with 1942 as well.
I've charged through incendiary grenades and gas clusterfucks all while being hosed by the flamethrower class and still got the bayonet kill, it's not impossible or anything, You have a bit of stafe when you make the charge, I find most people can't hit you if you serpentine towards them erradicly. Gotta think about how the Flamer and the LMG sentry have obstructed vision as well, so coming at them from an angle is key. I've taken down many many sentrys with just the charge, you can even get away with starting a charge at point blank range if you don't think you can get close enough with the charge, and hell if you can get that close just a standard melee kill will work as well.
I see behemoths mentioned a lot...but honestly I truly don't see it. If a Behemoth is above I can always find a way to stay out of its LOS. In every single map there's enough cover that you can maneuver outside of its influence....If behemoths were truly as broken as you people keep claiming, then how the fuck does the attack side still lose every single time in operations? If you play cover-to-cover when the behemoth is active I just don't see how you are getting destroyed by that thing constantly, it has to see you to shoot you. The only time Behemoths have proven to be a problem to me is when i'm in aircraft and I'm flying over it...which the solution to is easy....don't do that lol.
Your side spawns elites too. It's no different than a vehicle.
Either counter-elite, use a vehicle, rockets (do lots of damage if I recall), or just organize a squad to take them out.
Having to focus on that is not fun to me.
Good news, you're not the only person on the team. Personally I love hunting elites. Just sneak up behind them and melee, voila.
BF4 is absolute shite
BF1 doesn't replace BF4 the way BF4 replaced BF3.I play nothing but Operations on the Italy campaign nowadays. Best part of the game.
BF4 was the best multiplayer FPS on the market for its final two years.
I play nothing but Operations on the Italy campaign nowadays. Best part of the game.
BF4 was the best multiplayer FPS on the market for its final two years.
I play nothing but Operations on the Italy campaign nowadays. Best part of the game.
BF4 was the best multiplayer FPS on the market for its final two years.
Holy Shit.
I have only had 3 sessions with the game since it has been released. I also have no problem admitting I am an old man who is stuck in his ways so I stuck to Conquest mode. It is historically the one and only mode I play in Battlefield as it is the mode I enjoy and what I personally believe to be the "true" BF experience.
I finally decided about 2 hours ago to check out this Domination mode since I see people praising it. I wish I did not wait to check it out. Hot Damn this mode is amazing.