There better be main menu customization, more solder appearence customization. Squad leader mutiny. Basic stuff wich were in previous gamed and should have been in the base game.
Soldier appearance being gone is a GREAT thing, especially considering the period this is set in. Definitely doesn't need to be a half baked and restricted camo system like in BF4 where people who glitch/mod/hack get a black camouflage and from then on have an inherent advantage over other players, that's some straight up bullshit.
Plus as I discovered by accident...there's already a kind of camouflage system, crawl in some mud and get covered in it like Schwarzenegger in predator and you blend in quite well to the ground. I once laid down in the open to heal, plain to see (I thought), but enemies just kept running by me like I wasn't there, now of course I wasn't invisible but at least 10-12 dudes ran by me like I was, it wasn't until I opened up on them and died that I saw that my body was nearly unrecognizable as a player covered in mud in that particular ditch.