Does anyone know if there is an air superiority mode planned?
Any PC Gaf people want to squad up? Add me on Origin (gross). novais350
I ptfo and work well with others![]()
I really hate it that the medals are still bugged.
- Squad leaders who don't give orders
- Camping snipers
- People who don't play the objectives
- Medics who don't revive
- People who skip to spawn when dead, just as I'm running over to revive them
- People who don't even bother with taking out tanks
- People who don't unlock their squads
Just ended a game with a full squad of 8. 6 of us gaffers.
Absolute destruction and a zero tickets win on kaiserslacht.
3 out of 3 and topping the leader board every time
We are gaf. We are many.
Luvs_2_Squidge for anyone else on ps4 interested.
See you tomorrow at ten lads
Could use some friends on PC, origin name is Jburton100 (I know, it sucks ... Big Trouble fan and so many version where already taken).
Feel free to add, I play the objective and the class (spot, resupply, heal and revive etc).
Also somewhat decent as a dive bomber in the fighter.
I have added you to the community :3Any bf gaffers on ps4 add me to a community or message group please.
Sirshizznit is my psn name.
Add me on Origin, iRAWRasaurus :3I'm guessing this is PS4 GAF...
Where's all the PC GAFFERS? I'd love to have people to squad up with...That's something I miss from being on console plenty of people to squad with at anytime lol
So you can't have more than one weapon type? I finally got to rank 2 with the recon class....boy what a pain. Never touching that class again unless you can have a different type of weapon as your primary like, you know, BC2, BF3 and BF4. I loathe playing with a sniper rifle but love playing as a recon....if you guys have played with me in the past you know what I mean.
Exhibit A on why Battlefront's Hero Classes being in Battlefield is not a good idea:
Literally did a perfect due to my team resupplying me and healing me. Was MVP until the two above me took the initiative to arm the crates.
You can basically soak up punishment and the only weakness is no gas grenade protection. If you GTFO of the gas clouds, have a team that knows to heal you and resupplies you you're basically death incarnate. Also went against their Heavy Gunner (the LMG Hero) and burned him alive was he was pinging me to death while I was on a healbox and at the edge of the flamethrower's throwing range. I felt bad for him, but I mean... they shouldn't be in Rush (or really in BF in general)
On the 40 or 64 players game modes, I feel they are alright. But the smaller modes..NOPE!Exhibit A on why Battlefront's Hero Classes being in Battlefield is not a good idea:
Literally did a perfect due to my team resupplying me and healing me. Was MVP until the two above me took the initiative to arm the crates.
You can basically soak up punishment and the only weakness is no gas grenade protection. If you GTFO of the gas clouds, have a team that knows to heal you and resupplies you you're basically death incarnate. Also went against their Heavy Gunner (the LMG Hero) and burned him alive was he was pinging me to death while I was on a healbox and at the edge of the flamethrower's throwing range. I felt bad for him, but I mean... they shouldn't be in Rush (or really in BF in general)
On the 40 or 64 players game modes, I feel they are alright. But the smaller modes..NOPE!
Exhibit A on why Battlefront's Hero Classes being in Battlefield is not a good idea:
Literally did a perfect due to my team resupplying me and healing me. Was MVP until the two above me took the initiative to arm the crates.
You can basically soak up punishment and the only weakness is no gas grenade protection. If you GTFO of the gas clouds, have a team that knows to heal you and resupplies you you're basically death incarnate. Also went against their Heavy Gunner (the LMG Hero) and burned him alive was he was pinging me to death while I was on a healbox and at the edge of the flamethrower's throwing range. I felt bad for him, but I mean... they shouldn't be in Rush (or really in BF in general)
If you have the Lawrence of Arabia stuff from the Deluxe/Ultimate: his his SMLE. It doesn't get a scope attached to it. So you can kinda use it as an assault bolt-action sniper. It's kinda ballsy, but if you get used to it and sit at mid-range, you're not basically a sniper and can support your team.
Can anyone tell me the secret to staying alive? I don't rush and think I play well as a teammate and as a medic, but I find myself dying so much in Battlefield. I'm getting shot from every direction and rarely see who kills me. Also how the hell do I get war bucks besides leveling up. I really want a new weapon for my medic...
On those modes, I never had a problem with the elite classes. But once you do mention it, I agree. Just played a few matches where my friend would get the tank hunter. I kept giving him ammo and he wrecked the match without dying since he picked up the tank hunter kit.No, dear. Even in those modes if you play carefully you can basically stay alive the entire round. It's dumb as fuck.
The blimp/ship is also dumb as fuck. I have no clue why DICE thought they were a good idea, but I wish they'd get rid of them. 64 only raises the chances that someone will take you out. But 40 player is the same as 24 player modes. You can pick up a kit in Operations 40-player and basically keep it the entire round. If your team resupplies you as a tank hunter and you're good with it it's basically "GG" to the enemy tanks. Flamethrower is only weak in open areas, but most of the time it's not on open maps (Senai Desert being the only one that I know of that does it first set unless that changed). LMG can be good, but it's weird ass bullet throwing kinda makes it the weakest of the three.
Stay in cover, open ground is asking to be sniped. Stay with your squad (if they actually work together)Can anyone tell me the secret to staying alive? I don't rush and think I play well as a teammate and as a medic, but I find myself dying so much in Battlefield. I'm getting shot from every direction and rarely see who kills me. Also how the hell do I get war bucks besides leveling up. I really want a new weapon for my medic...
This video will helpPlayed the Oil of Empire twice now where the attacking team just camps at their base and snipes or shoots with tanks without making an effort to take any sectors. Is this a new thing? Good lord is it boring.
Also, how do you take out the blimp, train, dreadnaught?
Also, how do you take out the blimp, train, dreadnaught?
AA guns for the blimp...aim for the parts that are shooting at you.
Canons for the train, or dynamite on the tracks or AT mines/rockets/grenades.
done.Could someone add me to the ps4 bf1 gaf community? PSN minibossbattle
done as well.Add me also PrinceKee. I need to play with some Jedi's...
Your AT rocket gun can hit the airship if you are close enough. Also Motor HE are good for taking out the train. Since you can fire from a distance away and most of the time, the train will not get you. For the dreadnought, those boats, bomber with torpedos (RIP since you will prob die flying in) and the field guns can do work. But getting the right arc for the field gun is a pain IMO.Perfect, thanks. How about the dreadnought?
Could someone add me to the ps4 bf1 gaf community? PSN minibossbattle
Edit: that was quick! Thanks! Anyone up to play right now?
Can anyone tell me the secret to staying alive? I don't rush and think I play well as a teammate and as a medic, but I find myself dying so much in Battlefield. I'm getting shot from every direction and rarely see who kills me. Also how the hell do I get war bucks besides leveling up. I really want a new weapon for my medic...
Agreed with all of this. I hate when reviews cause the casual scrubs to come running
Agreed with all of this. I hate when reviews cause the casual scrubs to come running
A bayonet charge is a OHK on them.Yea Hero classes should've stayed in Star Wars. Pisses me off whenever I run into one and I'm pretty much powerless against them. Add in additional enemies and it's impossible to kill the hero.
I don't know, I kind of like the intensity it brings. It's a bit of a meat grinder, but it feels appropriate for the setting. We had a very tough go of it last night on the last few Telegraphs, but the feeling when we finally got there (with zero tickets left!) was amazing, and what Rush is all about:Well damn, Argonne Forest is absolutely shit for Rush. Love it for Conquest, hate it for Rush.
This. And you can still knife them from behind (or the front if you are good) like every other soldier. You call also use gas grenades on Sentry's and AFAIR tank hunters, they die as fast as normal soldiers to that... but don't have any gas masks.A bayonet charge is a OHK on them.
Could use some friends on PC, origin name is Jburton100 (I know, it sucks ... Big Trouble fan and so many version where already taken).
Feel free to add, I play the objective and the class (spot, resupply, heal and revive etc).
Also somewhat decent as a dive bomber in the fighter.
Any PC Gaf people want to squad up? Add me on Origin (gross). novais350
I ptfo and work well with others![]()
Hello lovely peopleadd me on origin, steelchiliboy.
Please go and download discord and go to the first page of this OT, there you can find information on how to join the Neogaf discord. We are a bunch of people that play the game almost every evening together with microphones - so much fun!
So much fun indeed!
I haven't found the time to play with you guys at all this week. :'(