Lazy Lemmy
Neo Member
Got my Plat last night....pleased as more scout for me 
You are an absolute war machine anyway.... with the Model 10 you'd be like the Terminator
IsJustGame went the whole game without getting killed so you need to beat that haha
You on tonight bro?
Got my Plat last night....pleased as more scout for me![]()
I got an e-mail from PSN congratulating me on my Platinum......but I'm nowhere close to it a mistake or did someone log into my account and get me a trophy =/
Awww, it was a mistake, my profile doesn't have a Plat
Edit - Is there anything in the game for Remembrance Day?
Took me about an hour. There is a YouTube video (I think by El Gato? Something like that) that actually pauses to show you where all the planes show up from, so you can be pre aiming through smoke.How long did it take you to get the AA codex in the campaign? The one where you have to kill the 10 planes in 30 seconds. That's the only thing that's holding me up from a plat
Nvidia has said that they are working on it with Dice IIRC, but that it isn't exclusive to Nvidia cards because they managed to replicate it with AMD as well.
At least there was a reply from a dev today, though "future patches" doesn't excite me much. We'll see!
I keep getting a bug where I can't aim down sights on ps4.
I keep getting a bug where I can't aim down sights on ps4.
This only happens to me when i have been revived.
Glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this, and I didn't make the revive connection until just now. It's incredibly annoying when you're revived, know exactly where the enemy is, but your weapon refuses to ADS and you're killed immediately.
Got my Plat last night....pleased as more scout for me![]()
Is anyone else reminded of Tim Taylor whenever you're revived by a medic?
I used this as well. If I didn't get the first ones from muscle memory I'd restart. You also have a lot more time than it might initially feel.Took me about an hour. There is a YouTube video (I think by El Gato? Something like that) that actually pauses to show you where all the planes show up from, so you can be pre aiming through smoke.
That video was super helpful. Most were just trash showing the poster getting lucky with no commentary or actual advice.
How long did it take you to get the AA codex in the campaign? The one where you have to kill the 10 planes in 30 seconds. That's the only thing that's holding me up from a plat
Still trying to tweak my sensitivity settings on XB1 (Or I am so much worse at FPS than I thought I was), any tips? I bumped it up to 40, not sure how much I like it.
Still trying to tweak my sensitivity settings on XB1 (Or I am so much worse at FPS than I thought I was), any tips? I bumped it up to 40, not sure how much I like it.
Find an empty server, and try different sensitivity settings.Still trying to tweak my sensitivity settings on XB1 (Or I am so much worse at FPS than I thought I was), any tips? I bumped it up to 40, not sure how much I like it.
40? Holy shit. I think i have mine at 27.
I found that for me on console, faster isn't better. I always over aim. I found it generally better at lower settings.
40? Holy shit. I think i have mine at 27.
I found that for me on console, faster isn't better. I always over aim. I found it generally better at lower settings.
I found I was much more consistent after enabling Universal Aiming or whatever its called.
Find an empty server, and try different sensitivity settings.
First, find a suitable sensitivity for normal aiming - one where you feel that you're flexible, but is not too twitchy. (Mine is at 30 IIRC)
Then, find a zoom/ADS sensitivity that feels good to you. Not too slow, but not too quick either. Use a gun with recoil (Automatico), aim at something, and try to get the recoil under control. (Mine is at 60 IIRC)
And enable uniform soldier aiming.
For anyone who cares, I made another compilation vid of some kills of the past week.
Kotaku used my 'Thor's Hammer' clip in their highlight reel.
Here's a short MP montage of random clips and bugs I made.
Battlefield 1 - MP Shenanigans
Nice gameplay. It's also great to see another ultrawide user. BF1 looks amazing at 21:9.
Nice gameplay. It's also great to see another ultrawide user. BF1 looks amazing at 21:9.
Is it possible to play the campaign offline?
Holy shit the BAR telescopic with that bipod is a laser.
Oil of Empires operation as attackers is easy when everyone knows how to play. Ran it four times now with GAF members and we only lost 1 life and that was on the very final push on the final sector of the third and final map.
No scouts, just teamwork and playing the objective. Totally love it.
Nothing can stop the GAF Operations train. Not even an enemy train apparently.
Honestly think competitive may be an option now....
Here's my holy shit moment of the night. I think a little poo came out.
Haha you know it mate. Between myself and nitro we have got the tactics down!
Everyone played amazingly tonight as usual.
26-4 now wins/losses guys. Undefeated in like 15. Just ridiculous....
You are arguably our most consistent player. I honestly think the only threat to UKps4gaf might be the second party of ukps4gaf
Honestly think competitive may be an option now....