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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again


I love Reddit sometimes,

"When I see an enemy tank as an assault."



I think they should increase the ammo in the BAR. I need more than 20 shots lol.

They should also change the level 10 medic weapon. It takes three shots to kill but has a 5 round clip. Not a lot of leeway compared to the other medic weapons which have like 10 to 26 rounds.

I agree. The level 10 medic weapon should have 10 round and be a 2 hit kill at medium range.

Maybe give it a slightly slower fire rate to compensate for such a high base damage
As support I'm using the NA-15 Low Weight, or wutever it's called.

It's pretty fuckin accurate on the move as well, and you can cut down a whole squad before reloading.

As far as limpet charge, I haven't bought them yet...should I?

I have like 1800 bonds at level 18, I've basically bought nothing but a shot gun to complete a medal, and lmg mentioned above.
I'm thinking of using a gun other than using the model 10 for a bit of diversity. I prefer in your face aggressive play so what guns can people recommend?

I'm usually the first to the objective so multiple targets often encountered, or is the model 10 the best gun for the job?


So having played more since the patch it seems like things are a little broken now.

Operations in defence was tough as it was with Behemoths in the mix. They have added more tickets, sped up taking flags, nerfed AA and seemingly buffed behemoths. How are you supposed to seriously have an even chance to defend. It's so massively stacked against you now. Defence was pretty even before, the stats may not show that but if you were evenly matched then it was close as to who would win.

Team death match has had some odd issues, spawns for one. I had a guy spawn next to me. Killed him, harsh on the guy I thought. Then the rest of his team spawned near me. Harsh on me I thought. Spawns have changes for sure (in patch notes?) and are wonky as hell. I would be up for spawn no go zones, although that doesn't stop snipers I guess.

I wish medic guns had a bit more punch, I get what I perceive as random results of emptying a clip and not getting a kill in one round and then getting 3 shots and a kill the next. I know I need to "get gud" but DPS wise, I'm at a massive disadvantage to other classes imo."
So having played more since the patch it seems like things are a little broken now.

Operations in defence was tough as it was with Behemoths in the mix. They have added more tickets, sped up taking flags, nerfed AA and seemingly buffed behemoths. How are you supposed to seriously have an even chance to defend. It's so massively stacked against you now. Defence was pretty even before, the stats may not show that but if you were evenly matched then it was close as to who would win.

Teamwork is the key, however it may mean that the population has to settle down before matches with players who PTFO are more common.

I haven't particuarly found it tougher to defend, just obviously takes longer.
So having played more since the patch it seems like things are a little broken now.

Operations in defence was tough as it was with Behemoths in the mix. They have added more tickets, sped up taking flags, nerfed AA and seemingly buffed behemoths. How are you supposed to seriously have an even chance to defend. It's so massively stacked against you now. Defence was pretty even before, the stats may not show that but if you were evenly matched then it was close as to who would win.

Team death match has had some odd issues, spawns for one. I had a guy spawn next to me. Killed him, harsh on the guy I thought. Then the rest of his team spawned near me. Harsh on me I thought. Spawns have changes for sure (in patch notes?) and are wonky as hell. I would be up for spawn no go zones, although that doesn't stop snipers I guess.

I wish medic guns had a bit more punch, I get what I perceive as random results of emptying a clip and not getting a kill in one round and then getting 3 shots and a kill the next. I know I need to "get gud" but DPS wise, I'm at a massive disadvantage to other classes imo."

before the patch it was easy to win either defence or attack with a squad.

Post patch you can definitely tell that the pendulum swings fully in favour of attackers. 50 extra tickets per sector won is a joke.


I get so many people complaining about me being in a tank.. like bitching CONSTANTLY in every game now. All I'm doing is capping flags, protecting/defending the objective and they're instantly butthurt. Has it come down to crying about tanks in conquest now? I don't get it. This is without me saying anything in chat. Thinking about just hiding the textbox.
I wish medic guns had a bit more punch, I get what I perceive as random results of emptying a clip and not getting a kill in one round and then getting 3 shots and a kill the next. I know I need to "get gud" but DPS wise, I'm at a massive disadvantage to other classes imo."

You have to know your role. I generally play medic, and the guns are definitely worse than what you get with assault, but that's because the medic isn't meant to be out there getting massive frag counts, you're supposed to be healing and reviving your assaults and support. It's real easy to top the leaderboard by playing objectives and getting lots of heals/revives around capture points as opposed to trying to rack up big kill streaks. That said, the Selbstlader m1916 variants are really strong for the medic, since they kill in 3 shots and have a 26 round magazine.


Any chance that Dice will patch the OG ps4 game to improve performance? The frame rate fluctuations are really jarring.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Any chance that Dice will patch the OG ps4 game to improve performance? The frame rate fluctuations are really jarring.
You say it as it was that easy.
Having a solid constant framerate is suuuuuper hard to do for such a complex game.
Hell, not even the PRO has solid framerate.

I guess that they can definitely improve the framerate but not to the point of solid 60fps.


I get so many people complaining about me being in a tank.. like bitching CONSTANTLY in every game now. All I'm doing is capping flags, protecting/defending the objective and they're instantly butthurt. Has it come down to crying about tanks in conquest now? I don't get it. This is without me saying anything in chat. Thinking about just hiding the textbox.

I've gotten "hate mail” on PS4. Usually something to the effect "you're a p****", etc. I've replied to a couple of them reminding them that last I checked both sides get tanks. I agree...what exactly do they want me to do differently? If I don't take the tank someone else will. Do they just want me to play less effectively? It's just ridiculous whining. I think tanks are OP and badly need a nerf. So blame the game designers, not me for using them.
I've gotten "hate mail” on PS4. Usually something to the effect "you're a p****", etc. I've replied to a couple of them reminding them that last I checked both sides get tanks. I agree...what exactly do they want me to do differently? If I don't take the tank someone else will. Do they just want me to play less effectively? It's just ridiculous whining. I think tanks are OP and badly need a nerf. So blame the game designers, not me for using them.

I don't think the tanks are OP.. I mean, they're tanks. They SHOULD be powerful. Otherwise just give everyone a bunch of armored cars or something.

If two or three assault guys spent 1 minute focusing on the tank, it'd be dead. Or a decent pilot.. or friendly tanks.. etc. I definitely see tanks roll on maps.. 80-2, 74-6, etc.. but usually it's because people are just running around without any kind of strategy and the tank can pick them off easily.


I don't think the tanks are OP.. I mean, they're tanks. They SHOULD be powerful. Otherwise just give everyone a bunch of armored cars or something.

If two or three assault guys spent 1 minute focusing on the tank, it'd be dead. Or a decent pilot.. or friendly tanks.. etc. I definitely see tanks roll on maps.. 80-2, 74-6, etc.. but usually it's because people are just running around without any kind of strategy and the tank can pick them off easily.

I've gone multiple games in a row of getting 50+ kills and never losing my tank from the start of the match to the end. I think they should be strong (as they have been in previous BF games) but I think something is at least a little out of whack if I can rack up those kind of streaks with relative ease. You're right that enough concentrated focus ends the tank's rein of terror very quickly. As the more casual players leave the game eventually, the tanks' survivability is going to go down for sure, even if they change nothing.
I've gone multiple games in a row of getting 50+ kills and never losing my tank from the start of the match to the end. I think they should be strong (as they have been in previous BF games) but I think something is at least a little out of whack if I can rack up those kind of streaks with relative ease. You're right that enough concentrated focus ends the tank's rein of terror very quickly. As the more casual players leave the game eventually, the tanks' survivability is going to go down for sure, even if they change nothing.

The auto repair function could probably be removed, if I'm being honest, as it gives you a "free" hit. Or maybe slow it down or something. I feel that the manual repair is just about right. I like that you can look around and spot while repairing, but not fire.

If the tank is "playing smart" and maximizing angles of attack and retreating to repair often and using the proper engagement distance.. I think it'd be a shame to see it nerfed.

As an assault I can usually solo a Landship, or at least get a good amount of damage in. The heavy tank is a bit harder, and usually takes at least 2 people, or an assault + another tank.

I guess that's the hard part about balance.. everyone has a different opinion. I just feel that tanks are supposed to be bad ass.. you should be scared of them as infantry. Maybe if they made it so the tanks could traverse less areas? I dunno.


I've gone multiple games in a row of getting 50+ kills and never losing my tank from the start of the match to the end. I think they should be strong (as they have been in previous BF games) but I think something is at least a little out of whack if I can rack up those kind of streaks with relative ease. You're right that enough concentrated focus ends the tank's rein of terror very quickly. As the more casual players leave the game eventually, the tanks' survivability is going to go down for sure, even if they change nothing.

When I'm playing with my squad, tanks pretty much never go on any crazy killstreaks. They are my main focus and I don't care how many times I die if I can keep their tank at bay.

I'm thinking of using a gun other than using the model 10 for a bit of diversity. I prefer in your face aggressive play so what guns can people recommend?

I'm usually the first to the objective so multiple targets often encountered, or is the model 10 the best gun for the job?

The MP 18 trench is a pretty damn good gun, anything up to maybe 15 meters and the hipfire will kill them easily. There's not really any problems at all mowing down 3 people with 1 mag.

Everyone loves the Hellriegel (me included), but it does not match the MP 18 in hipfire accuracy.


Weren't there supposed to be special Battlepacks during Battlefest or did I imagine things? Today I still only got the Revision 5 ones.


I definitely don't think tanks are OP, it's quite easy for a single assault to take out a tank using just 3 dynamite and two AT grenades. You can then either choose an aggressive take down with the light anti tank grenade or defensively with smoke to stop the tank from seeing your approach.

Breaking it down further you can even target tracks first with a single TNT and then Throw the remaining two TNT down and immediately switch to AT grenades while backing off slightly and lobbing them. The explosion from the AT grenade detonates the TNT saving you precious time from hitting the plunger, which best suits the aggressive player. If for some reason the tank isn't a smouldering heap you still have your light AT grenade to finish the job as a backup (for example if one of your earlier grenades didn't quite hit the mark).

The smoke option has the benefit of also protecting you (to an extent) from infantry as well and works basically the same way. It's important to have the tank spotted as the smoke will obscure your own vision as well and it becomes an art perfecting the TNT > AT grenade finisher while blind... so satisfying!

And this is just ONE assault, having even two or three that know what they are doing and tanks stop becoming a threat and more a competition on who can get the kill(s) first.

I think the balance is fine, if a team doesn't take down a tank it's their own fault. Even skilled drivers don't usually last long with a squad of semi-decent players.

It's really the infantry that needs to back up the tank and kill the assaults with their pants down throwing TNT, but sadly my experience with pubs is sorely lacking haha.

If anyone wants to play sometime on Xbox one feel free to add me (EU servers only due to ping please)

tUKE Gib


My bigger issue is that it's possible to almost always get a tank at the start of a match if your game loads faster than other people. I'm basically being handed the most powerful tool in the game almost every round. I described earlier in this thread how I improved my loading time on PS4 by reinitializing the console and reinstalling the game. I'm usually the first player to load into a match now and have my pick of vehicles, which isn't exactly fair to everyone else.
As support I'm using the NA-15 Low Weight, or wutever it's called.

It's pretty fuckin accurate on the move as well, and you can cut down a whole squad before reloading.

As far as limpet charge, I haven't bought them yet...should I?

I have like 1800 bonds at level 18, I've basically bought nothing but a shot gun to complete a medal, and lmg mentioned above.

They are definitely effective against vehicles, but playing pub games on ps4 it feels like there are 10 assault players for every support player, so I feel like I'm more helpful with ammo crate and wrench.


Limpet Charge is beast. Kill and disable alot of vehicles with it. And it perfect to get campers out of buildings on flags. Just put it on the wall on the outside and watch them die of debris haha.


I don't think the tanks are OP.. I mean, they're tanks. They SHOULD be powerful. Otherwise just give everyone a bunch of armored cars or something.

If two or three assault guys spent 1 minute focusing on the tank, it'd be dead. Or a decent pilot.. or friendly tanks.. etc. I definitely see tanks roll on maps.. 80-2, 74-6, etc.. but usually it's because people are just running around without any kind of strategy and the tank can pick them off easily.

Ding ding.. this is the correct answer. I went 79-0 on Monte Grappa.. not because I'm just that good, but because there was no counter for my heavy tank. No one attacked me and the planes flew right into my crosshairs. That's a fault in strategy, not game design.

Tanks are part of the game. They don't need a nerf, there just needs to be more players with both the awareness and incentive to combat them.


I've started using the Model 10 and that gun is a beast. OP for sure and I wouldn't mind it if they downgrade it a bit. It's the only gun that I really enjoy when using the Assault class, all other guns aren't that great.
I've started using the Model 10 and that gun is a beast. OP for sure and I wouldn't mind it if they downgrade it a bit. It's the only gun that I really enjoy when using the Assault class, all other guns aren't that great.

This is my fear. I use model 10 and fancy a change. I hate the mp18.

Think I've already got the best gun tbf
Ding ding.. this is the correct answer. I went 79-0 on Monte Grappa.. not because I'm just that good, but because there was no counter for my heavy tank. No one attacked me and the planes flew right into my crosshairs. That's a fault in strategy, not game design.

Tanks are part of the game. They don't need a nerf, there just needs to be more players with both the awareness and incentive to combat them.

Yep. I reminds me about people complaining about killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2. People would bitch endlessly about how "OP" the Harrier was, even though it could be taken down be a single Stinger missile immediately. People just preferred to die over and over again and cry "OP" rather than simply changing their loadout.
it's quite easy for a single assault to take out a tank using just 3 dynamite and two AT grenades. You can then either choose an aggressive take down with the light anti tank grenade or defensively with smoke to stop the tank from seeing your approach.

Breaking it down further you can even target tracks first with a single TNT and then Throw the remaining two TNT down and immediately switch to AT grenades while backing off slightly and lobbing them. The explosion from the AT grenade detonates the TNT saving you precious time from hitting the plunger, which best suits the aggressive player. If for some reason the tank isn't a smouldering heap you still have your light AT grenade to finish the job as a backup (for example if one of your earlier grenades didn't quite hit the mark).

The smoke option has the benefit of also protecting you (to an extent) from infantry as well and works basically the same way. It's important to have the tank spotted as the smoke will obscure your own vision as well and it becomes an art perfecting the TNT > AT grenade finisher while blind... so satisfying!

And this is just ONE assault, having even two or three that know what they are doing and tanks stop becoming a threat and more a competition on who can get the kill(s) first

It honestly depends on the driver. I can tell you for a fact that if I'm in a Heavy Tank, there's no way a single Assault is ever outplaying me or even coming close to it. It hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it will anytime soon. I tend to be very aware of my surroundings, though, and know when to push forwards and when to retreat. I also understand how important it is to have infantry support around you since tanks have such a limited field of view, therefore I rarely push far ahead where I know I'll be surrounded by enemy soldiers with no assistance from anyone besides my gunners.

As long as you play carefully and maintain your distance when necessary, going on huge killing sprees is almost comically easy. Outside of accidentally driving over tank mines, you're damn-near invulnerable unless you stumble across another tank or a large pack of infantry in close quarters, especially since you have Quick Repair which pretty much instantly negates a single AT grenade/rocket hit.


Edit: Joining the group in the OP. I'm not sure we have enough of a NeoGAF community on Xbox One to support a HC focused group. May revisit the idea later :)

Anybody on Xbox One that is interested in primarily Hardcore? I am looking for peeps to squad up with. If so PM me and I can send an invite to this Xbox club I started.



It honestly depends on the driver. I can tell you for a fact that if I'm in a Heavy Tank, there's no way a single Assault is ever outplaying me or even coming close to it. It hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it will anytime soon. I tend to be very aware of my surroundings, though, and know when to push forwards and when to retreat. I also understand how important it is to have infantry support around you since tanks have such a limited field of view, therefore I rarely push far ahead where I know I'll be surrounded by enemy soldiers with no assistance from anyone besides my gunners.

As long as you play carefully and maintain your distance when necessary, going on huge killing sprees is almost comically easy. Outside of accidentally driving over tank mines, you're damn-near invulnerable unless you stumble across another tank or a large pack of infantry in close quarters, especially since you have Quick Repair which pretty much instantly negates a single AT grenade/rocket hit.

Challenge accepted.


It honestly depends on the driver. I can tell you for a fact that if I'm in a Heavy Tank, there's no way a single Assault is ever outplaying me. I tend to be very aware of my surroundings, though, and know when to push forwards and when to retreat. I also understand how important it is to have infantry support around you since tanks have such a limited field of view, therefore I very rarely push far ahead where I know I'll be surrounded by enemy soldiers with no assistance from anyone besides my gunners.

As long as you play carefully and maintain your distance when necessary, going on huge killing sprees is almost comically easy. Outside of accidentally driving over tank mines, you're damn-near invulnerable unless you stumble across another tank or a large pack of infantry in close quarters, especially since you have Quick Repair which pretty much instantly negates a single AT grenade/rocket hit.

Yup, the only time I get outplayed by a single assault is when he is extremely sneaky and manages to get up behind me and put down mines and then bait me to back up on them by throwing a nade in front of me. I can probably count on one hand how many times that has happened in my ~120 hours with the game.

Most people are not that aware of their surroundings though, which significantly increases your chances of taking down a tank alone.


Challenge accepted.

I've got almost 40 service stars and I'm pretty confident in saying.. if you died to one soldier, you made a mistake. For me it's usually blindly reversing after an AT mine got placed behind.

Not to take away from a good assault player. Just that if you got killed by an AT mine, it's your fault. You can see them coming a mile away unless they're hiding in a ditch and their life goal is to destroy your tank.


Trucker Sexologist
I've gone multiple games in a row of getting 50+ kills and never losing my tank from the start of the match to the end. I think they should be strong (as they have been in previous BF games) but I think something is at least a little out of whack if I can rack up those kind of streaks with relative ease. You're right that enough concentrated focus ends the tank's rein of terror very quickly. As the more casual players leave the game eventually, the tanks' survivability is going to go down for sure, even if they change nothing.
You're actually good. Most people get destroyed in seconds of being spotted by a few assault players.

edit: I've murderated to many tanks with pre-patch mortar that I can see why they nerfed it.
I have destroyed almost 300 tanks already.

They are fine. Perfect even. The weakness is how slowly they trun and their turning circle it seems.


You're actually good. Most people get destroyed in seconds of being spotted by a few assault players.

I've also seen tanks go 40/50-0 doing nothing but camping out a mile away, avoiding flags like the plague. So there's also a flip side to that. Tank camping can destroy conquest (in that the camper completely fucks his team over).


It honestly depends on the driver. I can tell you for a fact that if I'm in a Heavy Tank, there's no way a single Assault is ever outplaying me or even coming close to it. It hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it will anytime soon. I tend to be very aware of my surroundings, though, and know when to push forwards and when to retreat. I also understand how important it is to have infantry support around you since tanks have such a limited field of view, therefore I rarely push far ahead where I know I'll be surrounded by enemy soldiers with no assistance from anyone besides my gunners.

As long as you play carefully and maintain your distance when necessary, going on huge killing sprees is almost comically easy. Outside of accidentally driving over tank mines, you're damn-near invulnerable unless you stumble across another tank or a large pack of infantry in close quarters, especially since you have Quick Repair which pretty much instantly negates a single AT grenade/rocket hit.

I agree with you to a certain extent, and then it becomes almost cat-and-mouse and area denial gameplay - our team for example could control your movements by attempting to take out your support and force you to retreat (mortar is good for this directly on your tank and safe from harm, as well as ranged assault) or prevent you from advancing. We might not be able to kill you - but we could at least control somewhat where you can't go through fear of destruction, and we'd make sure we deny you the areas where you'd try to be effective. Also whilst you might kill me I promise you I'm a sneaky bastard, and I'd get you eventually!

.....Except it rarely plays out like that in pubs as the team seems to go either on an enemy tank frenzy or let them steamroll through with no support whatsoever making infantry easy pickings until the driver gets cocky and gets smashed, or I decide to die as needed to end the reign of terror!


I agree with you to a certain extent, and then it becomes almost cat-and-mouse and area denial gameplay - our team for example could control your movements by attempting to take out your support and force you to retreat (mortar is good for this, as well as ranged assault) or prevent you from advancing. We might not be able to kill you - but we could at least control somewhat where you can't go through fear of destruction, and we'd make sure we deny you the areas where you'd try to be effective.

.....Except it rarely plays out like that in pubs as the team seems to go either on an enemy tank frenzy or let them steamroll through until the driver gets cocky and gets smashed. Haha

Right but the key here is "our team". A single soldier won't force a decent tank to retreat.

The Beard

They should also change the level 10 medic weapon. It takes three shots to kill but has a 5 round clip. Not a lot of leeway compared to the other medic weapons which have like 10 to 26 rounds.

I agree. I really don't understand why anyone would ever use a 3 hit kill weapon that only has a 5 round magazine. It makes no damn sense. 3HK weapons should have 10 round magazines minimum.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Flares, cap flags as scout, infantary version of the snipers.

Got to level 3 in like 10 matches and more importantly had fun!

Sweet, thanks for the recommendations. Is it an asshole thing to join a squad or should I go solo? I feel like if I am capturing flags, I should be good to go for a squad.
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