Disagree Guy
I just "bought it" and I'll give it a go. Thanks
I still need to unlock it and that means playing with the other guns.
For me, that's a no haha
I just "bought it" and I'll give it a go. Thanks
When is Giant's shadow free for everyone?
So they fucked one of the greatest rifle in any multiplayer game ever: the Martini.... It's fucking useless now.
So uh, is there a Gaf ps4 community? If so how would one get into it? I'm getting sick of playing solo.
Have they tinkered with the main machine gun for the attack plane vs infantry? Seems weaker to me.
Still managed to get a tail-gun switch kill yesterday, though, despite the nerf.
The best thing on PC is that you can use your mouse in the scoreboard, but you can't right-click any names to report them. 👀how do we deal with game cheaters?
1 shot 1 kill and 80 + frags. does this game even do anything ?
I hit one service star with the Hunter 10.
Just hit 4 stars with the Hellreigel.
I have 5 (count 'em and weep losers) with the Automatico.
Oh yeeeeeeaaah, now I'm rollin' wit' da big dogz.
You are closing in on disagree guy. He better watch out.
I know man. I have, like, 110 kills with it now. AND WHAT
Looking over my shoulder now....
110 down - 4500 to go.
My reign of terror will soon be challenged
Omg hax.
I'm going to have to put the hours in I see. Also I'll need new less spazzy hands and better reaction times. Watch this space.
The level 10 gun should always be the best imo.
Do you guys have any general beginner tips? My biggest problem is not knowing where I could be shot from so will I just become more familiar as I keep playing?
What about loadouts? I've mostly used the assault and support classes. What should I use my warbonds on?
Any help would be great. Thanks!
Just got this last week, and finished the SP campaign yesterday. I hopped on a couple of games on MP, and I'm having a really hard time. I've been playing a lot of Titanfall 2 so I'm probably applying a more fast-pace approach here that's causing me to die a lot.
Tried Operations for a couple of games, and mostly did okay. I find that playing defense is tough because so many people don't play the objectives (almost half our team in one game were snipers that barely got kills to protect the sectors). I also can't tell how large the defense points are so I end up sitting in the middle of it getting killed right away because of lack of cover.
Also tried Domination and TDM, and I felt like those were a bit more manageable.
Do you guys have any general beginner tips? My biggest problem is not knowing where I could be shot from so will I just become more familiar as I keep playing?
What about loadouts? I've mostly used the assault and support classes. What should I use my warbonds on?
Any help would be great. Thanks!
Learning maps and choke points are the best things to do overall. The key to this game is learning how to keep the battle in front of you, work with your team, take cover, scan situations etc.... Unlike titanfall 2 and just call it duty style games in general Battlefield truly offers a battle, this game requires a great sense of your surroundings. This game is slow but still fast, it just requires one to slow down but think quick. Very rewarding game once you learn it
Breh, 400 kills in two days. Teach me your ways.Same but it Damn near forever it seemed to bring them down. If you're low healthy they'll either ram you now or you're dead, a few times prior to the nerf there were times I was low healthy and still brought someone down which I think is fair if they couldn't hit me well enough. But now, it's guaranteed death a lot of the time.
Hit 29 service stars tho with my plane so all still good for the most part
Just got this last week, and finished the SP campaign yesterday. I hopped on a couple of games on MP, and I'm having a really hard time. I've been playing a lot of Titanfall 2 so I'm probably applying a more fast-pace approach here that's causing me to die a lot.
Tried Operations for a couple of games, and mostly did okay. I find that playing defense is tough because so many people don't play the objectives (almost half our team in one game were snipers that barely got kills to protect the sectors). I also can't tell how large the defense points are so I end up sitting in the middle of it getting killed right away because of lack of cover.
Also tried Domination and TDM, and I felt like those were a bit more manageable.
Do you guys have any general beginner tips? My biggest problem is not knowing where I could be shot from so will I just become more familiar as I keep playing?
What about loadouts? I've mostly used the assault and support classes. What should I use my warbonds on?
Any help would be great. Thanks!
So i just ran 1 round with the model 10a hunter, and if no one told me it was nerfed, i wouldnt have known. It still plays pretty much the same to me.
So i just ran 1 round with the model 10a hunter, and if no one told me it was nerfed, i wouldnt have known. It still plays pretty much the same to me.
Only played 1 hour of Support yesterday (starting to love the MG 15, crossbow is okayish) so i had no time to test it. I think i'm 3 kills short of my 7th service star for the M10A.
Breh, 400 kills in two days. Teach me your ways.
Give us some hints on what sort of play style you want to try? There are people here that excel in just about every type of play so somebody will be able to give you some top class advice.
For Assault you'll want to be in the thick of the battle so don't be put off if you die alot of times. Personally I use model 10 hunter shotgun as its the best one.
For Support you'll want to stay back mid-range and keep suppressive fire down from positions. Trying to go toe-toe will leave you empty handed.
Learning maps and choke points are the best things to do overall. The key to this game is learning how to keep the battle in front of you, work with your team, take cover, scan situations etc.... Unlike titanfall 2 and just call it duty style games in general Battlefield truly offers a battle, this game requires a great sense of your surroundings. This game is slow but still fast, it just requires one to slow down but think quick. Very rewarding game once you learn it
Breh, 400 kills in two days. Teach me your ways.
After having played with the M10H for about an hour yesterday, I can definitely feel the range nerf a bit. Ranges where I could kill someone with like 3-shots before is definitely not doable anymore. It still has a fairly long 1-shot range, but it doesn't wreck people really far away like it did before.
I'm open to most playstyles, but I guess I'm usually more aggressive in general. I actually tried the scout class for a bit, but my aim isn't that good, and I don't know the good positions to snipe. What about the medic class?
I'm open to most playstyles, but I guess I'm usually more aggressive in general. I actually tried the scout class for a bit, but my aim isn't that good, and I don't know the good positions to snipe. What about the medic class?
Right, that's what I've gathered. For the bolded, I've been joining squads, but I couldn't tell if my squadmates were good or not. In one of the Operations games, one squad had four snipers, and they were so far away from the defense points so it seemed like they weren't playing the objective at all. Our team ended up getting stomped halfway through the second wave.
Also, what's the best way to work with the rest of the team outside of squads?
Don't worry about kills as much as other games and focus on communication with your sqad and taking on objectives. It's really hard to know where you will die from in BF games because of all the snipers and it's even easier to snipe in this one. Lookj for scopes glaring in the distance and reposition while using lots of cover. If you see a tank, respect it but try to destroy it. Your long range AT is kind of shit so you will need to be sneaky and get close. The matches are crazy and chaotic and can be great fun when in a decent squad. Take your time, learn the maps/classes/vehicles and come to terms with the fact that you will die when playing the objective. BF games are like nothing else. Have fun. If i still had it, i'd play with youJust got this last week, and finished the SP campaign yesterday. I hopped on a couple of games on MP, and I'm having a really hard time. I've been playing a lot of Titanfall 2 so I'm probably applying a more fast-pace approach here that's causing me to die a lot.
Tried Operations for a couple of games, and mostly did okay. I find that playing defense is tough because so many people don't play the objectives (almost half our team in one game were snipers that barely got kills to protect the sectors). I also can't tell how large the defense points are so I end up sitting in the middle of it getting killed right away because of lack of cover.
Also tried Domination and TDM, and I felt like those were a bit more manageable.
Do you guys have any general beginner tips? My biggest problem is not knowing where I could be shot from so will I just become more familiar as I keep playing?
What about loadouts? I've mostly used the assault and support classes. What should I use my warbonds on?
Any help would be great. Thanks!
I haven't had time to play recently. How'd they nerf the B bunker?
Personally I hate medic but our medic Redders normally ALWAYS gets top of the game. I can't help with that. Aggressive assault is my bag.
I literally just do laps of whatever objective I'm going to be defending, never stop sprinting, try to stay near cover, always try to get in close. You'll want to use the MP18 at first until you unlock any of the other SMG or the model 10 hunter shotgun.
When you see a tank - go for it. Dynamite (3 sticks) and a couple anti-tank grenades, will take out any tank for high experience. You'll rank up in no time. Only move in between cannon fire and always cover to cover. So easy to flank them.
Just working objectives, always be in a squad but you can work the map a bit. Pick a few capture points to work with, maybe 2 you can traverse back and forth to, your squad will spawn on you as your taking capture points etc... Maybe you'll want to start taking out tanks, or piloting, or be a tank driver, there's a lot of little areas to work on and try to accel in. Imho play it how it feels best and see what works, the only play style I simply advise against is going on a hill side and just sitting there trying to snipe.. But overall just working objectives and trying to get kills is how I go about it
Don't worry about kills as much as other games and focus on communication with your sqad and taking on objectives. It's really hard to know where you will die from in BF games because of all the snipers and it's even easier to snipe in this one. Lookj for scopes glaring in the distance and reposition while using lots of cover. If you see a tank, respect it but try to destroy it. Your long range AT is kind of shit so you will need to be sneaky and get close. The matches are crazy and chaotic and can be great fun when in a decent squad. Take your time, learn the maps/classes/vehicles and come to terms with the fact that you will die when playing the objective. BF games are like nothing else. Have fun. If i still had it, i'd play with you
Is a group on PC? Just got this about a week ago.
You can take it without going into the bunker but they will still take it back if you don't stay on it. I had the most frustrating game last night where my team refused to even enter the bunker and kept leaving after capturing it. We lost two battalions because no one helped me keep B.Wider capture area
More weight on attacking forces (less people needed to overpower defence)
You effectively don't need to enter it at all now, although if you can flush people out it's still easier obviously
They nerfed the Martini? My heart. This is almost as soulcrushing as the nerf to the Model 1887s in MW2.
You can take it without going into the bunker but they will still take it back if you don't stay on it. I had the most frustrating game last night where my team refused to even enter the bunker and kept leaving after capturing it. We lost two battalions because no one helped me keep B.
Worst team I've played operations with so far.
Oh, and the Model 1887s were the GOAT. I miss those times, man. ��
You can almost run and gun with LMGs now. Well, at least against people that don't shoot back.
Hey what LMG is that, i like the sights on it
MG15 with AA sights.