The Hamburglar
Holy shit that Fog of War mission is bad. The tank does nothing and i need to take out everybody outside of the tank lol.
And someone said it's one of the best stealth missions they've ever played lmao.
Holy shit that Fog of War mission is bad. The tank does nothing and i need to take out everybody outside of the tank lol.
I was having this issue during the trial. I ended up doing an XBox reset to fix the trial popup, but it fixed this as well.Anyone getting brutal drops in FPS on XB1? It's constantly seizing up and dropping to 1 frame in the middle of battles online. It was never like this in the beta.
Honestly I'm just not sure this is because of the DDoS attacks on the Dyn network.
The battlefield / EA server issues started way before tha actual attack (at least for me)
Also while the Dyn network was down the EA / BF websites were fully functional what suggests they are indeed not using Dyn.
We will see I guess but I wouldn't be surprised if eventually after the Dyn network is fully restored EA and BF1 would still have connectivity issues.
(Also about an hour ago the attack stopped for a while against Dyn and BF1 servers were still unreachable)
And someone said it's one of the best stealth missions they've ever played lmao.
Monte Grappa Italian Soldiers talking...
war was never so beautiful
Currently online players
PC: 118,604 (24h peak: 146,419)
XBOXONE: 160,974 (24h peak: 163,147)
PS4: 12,742 (24h peak: 230,058)
Total: 292,320
Yo, that mountain map is gorgeous
The cutscenes run like shit on PC.
Edit: At first anyway.
Do you mean in Operations?
I think they look really bad. I know I've got a pretty nice PC, but when your gameplay looks exponentially better than the cutscenes, something's wrong.
Well while we are waiting for the servers to come up, what are your guys favorite maps so far?
I didn't get to play but maybe 3 maps but I really liked Aimens and Monte Grappa from what I did play.
Going through the tight alley ways and into the buildings in Aimens, so many areas to run into an enemy.
Monte Grappa was nice because of just how "open" it felt, unlike a lot of usual mp maps that seem to focus on asymmetry it just looks so natural like, playing on the real side of a mountain face.
Jeej working again on Xbox.
Isn't it a little weird that (not really a spoiler I don't think)The black guy was the most prominent character in the marketing, he's on the box but you play him for literally 5 minutes at the start..
Back in on PS4
TDM is pure cancer in BF1
- Map layouts are bad at best
- You automatically win or lose most of maps depending on into which team you get put into
- Your team can get spawn trapped and farmed for duration of whole round
- Hero pickups for some absurd reason are in TDM
Still down here in Sweden on PS4![]()
Same here. btw, add me on psn!
^ I see many full servers
Works on PS4 (EU) now.
Up and running on PS4 UK.
Isn't it a little weird that (not really a spoiler I don't think)The black guy was the most prominent character in the marketing, he's on the box but you play him for literally 5 minutes at the start..
I was expecting a Harlem Hellfighter's campaign. Kinda annoyed we didn't get that.
Is there a better party system than what was in the beta?
Sure whats your PSN ID?
Up and running again too!
Edit: nope, keeps saying maintenance :/
Works for me
Why is this soundtrack so good.
Just played an Operation on Ballroom Blitz... HOLY. SHIT!
That was one of the most intense BF experiences I've ever had. The push and pull narrative, with opportunities to fight back and make up losses with key flag caps is INCREDIBLE. Like, damn. I am amazed at how awesome that was. You get all of the intensity of Rush without being funneled down a gauntlet (at least not in this map) and the structure of the rounds means that the tide can be turned...
I'm pretty blown away. I knew the impressions of this mode were positive beforehand but damn, this is the best thing DICE has done in terms of gameplay loops since the original Rush in BC/BC2.