What is up with the default sniper rifle not firing?
Are you using an Xbox Elite controller by chance? If so, I had to change the right trigger from shorter pull to the longer one (the little toggle on the back of the controller). There's pry a workaround within the app, but I haven't messed with it yet.
And if you're not using an Elite controller then i have no idea
As far as impressions go, that first full mission was incredible! Being able to find so many different weapons and go with the approach you prefer felt great. I took a slow, methodical approach to certain sections and it felt so satisfying in a way shooter campaigns haven't as of late. I can't quite put my finger on it but something about this game has me really excited. The presentation, the setting, it's so well done and feels refreshing. Jumped into a multiplayer match with a buddy and it was the most fun we'd had with Battlefield in a long time.
I added my name to the Xbox One list, so feel free to add me. A buddy and I play pretty regularly.