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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


RbBrdMan said:
The flashlights suck. Even worse that every freaking one is using them. The advantage to that is I can see them very easily from long distances. It sucks getting blinded by your own dumbass teammates though.

And you can see people coming while it's flashing around corners and such. If DICE really wants to fuck with people, they'll put in a "strobe" Hi-Po flashlight in. Those things will really fuck your vision up like how they can in RL.

If you're facing an enemy with it up, just aim just slightly-slightly diagonally down and to the right and you'll kill them if they're standing or crouching. If they're prone, just aim directly to the right just a tad. That's from the center of the "glare".


Binabik15 said:
M249 with scope seems nice, but even with the bipod sometimes people seem to eat half a clip :/ Heavy barrel or not? And in normal encounters I always loose with it.

Shotty sometimes kills reeeeeally well (group of three guys at once, sometimes not at all. Seems it is as unreliable as it was in BC2?

My brother headshoted a fuy behind.sandbags with the MK11 sevrral times without killing him, are they higher than their ingame models? Only the head was poking out and "hit", but not even a single X opped up.

M249 or PKP w/ Extended Mags, Foregrip, Holo is badass


J-Rzez said:
And you can see people coming while it's flashing around corners and such. If DICE really wants to fuck with people, they'll put in a "strobe" Hi-Po flashlight in. Those things will really fuck your vision up like how they can in RL.

If you're facing an enemy with it up, just aim just slightly-slightly diagonally down and to the right and you'll kill them if they're standing or crouching. If they're prone, just aim directly to the right just a tad. That's from the center of the "glare".

I would actually like to see that.

Like that scene in Kick-Ass with the strobe, really fucked em up.

I hate getting flashed in the face with the light, but if people wanna keep using them, that's fine...I'll keep picking you off from far away the second I see a light shining.

So lvl 20+ people, what's your gun of choice right now? I'm playing assault (a medic assault really) and experimenting with F2000, M416 (?), and UMP45.

Oh and Holo > RDS any day of the week.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
J-Rzez said:
And you can see people coming while it's flashing around corners and such. If DICE really wants to fuck with people, they'll put in a "strobe" Hi-Po flashlight in. Those things will really fuck your vision up like how they can in RL.

If you're facing an enemy with it up, just aim just slightly-slightly diagonally down and to the right and you'll kill them if they're standing or crouching. If they're prone, just aim directly to the right just a tad. That's from the center of the "glare".

Thanks for this strategy, I'm sure it is more effective then my previous strategy of spray and pray.


I was out of the house all day yesterday, and had no idea until today that the BF3 beta was open to all. Downloading it right now. This is a great surprise.


I would actually like to see that.

Like that scene in Kick-Ass with the strobe, really fucked em up.

I hate getting flashed in the face with the light, but if people wanna keep using them, that's fine...I'll keep picking you off from far away the second I see a light shining.

So lvl 20+ people, what's your gun of choice right now? I'm playing assault (a medic assault really) and experimenting with F2000, M416 (?), and UMP45.

Oh and Holo > RDS any day of the week.

So far I'm really enjoying PKP/Holo/Ext Mags/Foregrip

I just started playing with the non-scoped SVD last night and it was a ton of fun. Takes me back to my COD2 days.


Going from BC2 to MoH, Vietnam and now Operation Metro and it feels to me that DICE's map design is getting progressively worse. I really hope they prove that wrong with the rest of BF3, but damn.


I don't see how this beta will do anything BUT hurt sales. Potential COD converts are going to be very turned off. So rough.


Massa said:
Going from BC2 to MoH, Vietnam and now Operation Metro and it feels to me that DICE's map design is getting progressively worse.
I used to be a critic of BC2's map design but Operation Metro is giving me a whole new appreciation of BC2.


Trucker Sexologist
JB1981 said:
I don't see how this beta will do anything BUT hurt sales. Potential COD converts are going to be very turned off. So rough.
Maybe it will help if they actually use it to fix bugs and the balance.

Angry Fork

JB1981 said:
I don't see how this beta will do anything BUT hurt sales. Potential COD converts are going to be very turned off. So rough.
I'm really liking the beta but even I'm kind of in that boat right now. I was hoping those typical Bad Company controls would be fixed but it doesn't seem the case. The physics are so wonky you jump around and you have to wait for the whole character animation to go through it's bullshit. Whenever you bump into anything it feels like it takes a lifetime to get your aiming back, etc. In Call of Duty the feel is so good. Everything is quick, you want to prone or jump or whatever it just does it instantly there's no weird'ness about it.

I probably won't get either one, but I'm more interested in MW3 at the moment if I had to choose just based off the controls alone. And I have a PC capable of playing BF3 on medium with 60fps so it's not a matter of low fps or anything. If I put it on high I get 30fps which still isn't bad but I don't like less than 45-60.


I would actually like to see that.

Like that scene in Kick-Ass with the strobe, really fucked em up.

I hate getting flashed in the face with the light, but if people wanna keep using them, that's fine...I'll keep picking you off from far away the second I see a light shining.

So lvl 20+ people, what's your gun of choice right now? I'm playing assault (a medic assault really) and experimenting with F2000, M416 (?), and UMP45.

Oh and Holo > RDS any day of the week.

Yeah, if you experienced a hi-po LED light on strobe in RL, you'd see that it's even way more effective than the light in this game lol.

My best success thus far has been with the HK416. I'm going to put some work into the UMP now, from what I've seen and messed with thus far, it's pretty beast.

I wanted to know if there were a REAL Aimpoint RDS in the game. To me that'd be the most effective. The one Russian RDS with the Chevron is pretty effective to me. I do like the HOLO though too.

Are there still no "Weapon Unlock" guides out there to show what you unlock at what levels and such?

JB1981 said:
I don't see how this beta will do anything BUT hurt sales. Potential COD converts are going to be very turned off. So rough.

I agree. It's going to do more damage than help. Be it turning off people totally, or by reducing the "hype" that this game generated thus far dramatically. Why they released this version in the state it is, with this shit map is beyond me. Caspian should have been the map. Or at least have both up in all versions.


So lvl 20+ people, what's your gun of choice right now? I'm playing assault (a medic assault really) and experimenting with F2000, M416 (?), and UMP45.

Oh and Holo > RDS any day of the week.
So far for me it's been

870MCS w/ Extended Mags, Holo, 12G Slugs

Really broken setup so I've been trying to avoid it lately.

Also the UMP45, AEK-971, and the SKS have been pretty fun for me too.


You know, no matter the time of day, ping or server fullness, I don't think I'm yet to have a round that hasn't had some spots of real rough lag. I've been killed quite a bit for it.

Also yeah, flashlights... I get the pros and cons of them. There certainly is risk/reward in their use (love it when enemies use them outside and just reveal their position), but I cannot stand being blinded by my teammates. I don't mind playing with people who are new and not very good - that happens and I'm not exactly pro myself - but blinding your own teammates is unforgivable behaviour, intentional or not.

Is there any way to click the light off? I don't think I've ever seen someone do that.


Wait, this game comics out in a few weeks and DICE is barely releasing a beta right now? What's the point? And on top of that, they decide to feature a linear map with no vehicles? What a complete joke. I was hoping that this beta would cause me to purchase the game, but so far it's only done the opposite.

And playing BF3 really makes you appreciate the UI of MW2. Holy shit, it's so much easier in those games to put attachments on your guns and see how far away you are from the next unlock. It's so mind-numbingly frustrating in BF3 to even change your loadout.


Jack Scofield said:
And playing BF3 really makes you appreciate the UI of MW2. Holy shit, it's so much easier in those games to put attachments on your guns and see how far away you are from the next unlock. It's so mind-numbingly frustrating in BF3 to even change your loadout.
Have to agree with this one. It's not frustrating per se but rather incredibly convoluted and an obvious step backwards from BC2. Then again, there's a whole lot of backwardsness to the beta (no full map, etc.)
CozMick said:
I must say that being called a beta is an understatement.

At first it was the second coming of christ but the more you play it the buggier it gets.

Invisible floors, trees disappearing, textures flashing, the entire screen turning purple, white and orange. clipping beyond the imagination, unbelievable tearing, ragdolls that make the "kinect avatars" look realistic. urgh!

Stretch armstrong!!!! LOL


Trucker Sexologist
raphier said:
This actually gives a more interesting view of intense warfighting. I'd say it's because of all the smoke and lighting. I only wish the level would stay smoked after some intense AK caressing and tracers like that.
The engineer looked like an MLRS.


Press - MP1st.com
Veal said:
I made the mistake of going to the BF3 forums. Never again.

Dude! Don't go there! Your brain will melt from all the whining, bitching and overall attitude of the people there.

I stopped going over BF3's UK forums a long time ago. Can't say I miss it as Gaf has a (usually) better BF3 discussion going.

By the way, Crash, another DICE CM tweeted this:

"I have a mission for all of you #BF3BETA players - When you go into your respective communities spread the following message:"

"The build the beta is based on was not born on the day it was published. DICE has been hard at work this entire time. #Not"OneMonth"ToFix"

Kinda obvious, but it bears repeating. Who here thinks the beta is doing more harm than good? I honestly am liking it a lot. I'm sick of Metro, but the overall gunplay, recoil, etc. are quite good. I do wish the LAV was in Metro though. Would have made attacking easier.

Also, is it just me or do the US and Russian player skins look a little too similar? I sometimes get confused! The fact that I'm color blind and the names are in RED and ORANGE don't help either.


I must do better.
So can I join a friend in-game from my Origin friends list yet? I added a couple but I don’t see a way, and I just resent a bunch of invites on battlelog but now I have to wait for them to accept me again.
desu said:
Whats the point of the part then? The map could very well be over after part 3 since the chance of winning as defender is like 0.000000000001%.
victory lap.

it's not indefensible, just really hard. like 3rd set on Cold War or White Pass in BC2.


-Yeti said:
At which level do you unlock the UMP?

Or is there a list of the all the unlocks in the Beta?

Look in your stats > Equipment and Guns Unlocks.

I think it was level 16 or 17.


-Yeti said:
At which level do you unlock the UMP?

Or is there a list of the all the unlocks in the Beta?

Check your battlelog, its all there.

UMP is level 16.

The Faceless Master said:
victory lap.

it's not indefensible, just really hard. like 3rd set on Cold War or White Pass in BC2.

Honestly, "really hard" is even an understatement for that.


BatmanBatmanBatman said:
Haha that's awesome, what's that server called? Just tried a 64 player rush and that was chaotic as fuck.

server was Big_l. A helicopter spawned at the cafe and it got REALLY intense but it all went back to normal about 5 minutes after I joined the server. There was a constant "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM" then everything went calm haha.
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