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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]


Got a 2-day from a gaffer, entered a game, and accidentally pressed crouched as soon as a spawned. I of course fell through the map. Even worse than playing on PC.


God I hate Op Metro.

When defending the last leg of the map, there's only a few ways to make it out of the building you spawn in, it's almost impossible to push it out when you've got lead flying towards you, whereas attackers have access to roads, multi-level buildings, rooms, etc. It's just garbage, the game is like crack cocaine for me, but fuck me if it isn't unbalanced.


Ever since they removed ground destruction, I haven't fallen through the ground at all. I've had a couple of bugs still of course but nothing too unbearable. I think my biggest complaint now is just the OP weapons and the hit detection.


All I keep getting is...

"You were disconnected from the login server."


"A generic game error was reported, please try again. ( code: 1 )"

EVERY time I try to join a game :/ is there a fix for this or something? I haven't been able to play for 2 days now!


Sigma Storm said:
God I hate Op Metro.

When defending the last leg of the map, there's only a few ways to make it out of the building you spawn in, it's almost impossible to push it out when you've got lead flying towards you, whereas attackers have access to roads, multi-level buildings, rooms, etc. It's just garbage, the game is like crack cocaine for me, but fuck me if it isn't unbalanced.

EDIT: Just realised you said defenders... yeah, I'd agree with that one tbh.


Deadly said:
Ever since they removed ground destruction, I haven't fallen through the ground at all. I've had a couple of bugs still of course but nothing too unbearable. I think my biggest complaint now is just the OP weapons and the hit detection.
What system? Playing PS3 the same hole in the ground by the first A was still there and getting exploited.
is it possible to select respawn points, a la BF2? If there's the option I havent found it. And honestly, getting killed while stuck inside a train 0,2 seconds after respawn reeks of COD bullshit


Just spent a few games in a superb squad of randoms - two engineers, a support, me as assault medic. We just slowly bullied and brute-forced our way through any choke points we encountered, the pair of rockets pinching the defenders out of their corners and an LMG churning out suppressive fire from behind cover, me keeping out of harm's way, perma-healing and reviving as necessary. +20 squad-heals on never-ending tick-over. Joyous.


Anasui Kishibe said:
is it possible to select respawn points, a la BF2? If there's the option I havent found it. And honestly, getting killed while stuck inside a train 0,2 seconds after respawn reeks of COD bullshit

You can choose between flags in Conquest in addition to squad mates and mobile spawn points.


ColonialRaptor said:
Wow I just used the UMP-45 for the first time - what an amazingly cool weapon! It feels like it could fire rounds a little faster but boy does it put them down at close range! Insanely small recoil, great gun!

I have a brilliant tactic to use while defending, it's a bit cheap, and it pisses the enemy off so bad lol.

Every time a point gets destroyed, make sure you're alive and have the shotgun equipped, then wait for everyone to move on, put down a spawn point behind enemy lines and then move along one shooting the other team in the back lol.

Enjoy it while you can...
Man, this game looks rough on PS3. Just had one game where we made it to the city centre and the game is hardly playable there due to the massive screen tearing and craptastic framerate.. I know this is beta but I still doubt they can get everything running smoothly on day one (not that this a guaranteed day one purchase for me anymore)...

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
excaliburps said:
And do any of you honestly think the DICE/EA will allow the game to be shipped when it's full of bugs and whatnot? I highly doubt it - this is their biggest bet in the FPS space for years now.
To make launch before MW3? They are gonna have to ship it whether it's full of bugs or not.

computers putin' said:
if you're insinuating the ump is overpowered, I don't agree
The UMP is gonna get nerfed.


Jibbed said:
All I keep getting is...

"You were disconnected from the login server."


"A generic game error was reported, please try again. ( code: 1 )"

EVERY time I try to join a game :/ is there a fix for this or something? I haven't been able to play for 2 days now!

Do you have something blocking connections to EA? Something like Peerblock?

and yes the chUMP is OP.


Stallion Free said:
To make launch before MW3? They are gonna have to ship it whether it's full of bugs or not.

The UMP is gonna get nerfed.
See, that's a bullshit release schedule. Even if BF3 was perfect, it wouldn't make a dent in MW 3's hype machine. EA are being complete morons about this whole thing. Release the game when it's ready, don't release it unfinished and try to fix it afterwards.



Best gadget ever.


MNC said:
what level is it unlocked?
4th unlock for the Engineer.

Seriously, I can't play this game seriously anymore, all I do is drive this thing around and play mad scientist. One guy was aiming a shot for me, so I ran the robot up for him going all "PROTECT THE MASTAAAH!", he died a burny painfull death.


AndyD said:
What does it do? Do you remote control i t?
Yeah, TV screen controll, you drive it around, can arm and disarm objectives, burn people with the torch and kill them, repair veichles and disarm mines and bombs.
Keasar said:
Yeah, TV screen controll, you drive it around, can arm and disarm objectives, burn people with the torch and kill them, repair veichles and disarm mines and bombs.
I... I suddenly have a desire to play an engineer.
Surprisingly I am enjoying this game a lot more than I expected after the first 30 minutes. Although I shouldn't be surprised because I really liked BC2. I just wish I didn't have to unlock the SV98 and the 12x scope for it. Also more opportunities to play recon would be nice. But I guess shutting down t he opposing team on the first set of M-COMs will have to do.
Is there a website at all which tells you the unlocks for the different classes and so on. If not can anyone copy and paste the info from Battlelog? I cant access it unfortunatly.
Did the hit detection feel better on Caspian for anyone else? I swear I didn't have any issues there, but I get the occasional cover kill in Metro.

I do feel that this is the best infantry combat Battlefield has ever had, though. I just wish more people on PC would actually fucking spot dudes.


bobs99 ... said:
Is there a website at all which tells you the unlocks for the different classes and so on. If not can anyone copy and paste the info from Battlelog? I cant access it unfortunatly.
Press your soldier(active soldier)-> Weapons & Unlocks
Having never played a BF before (I'm a TF2 vet *cues the hissing and booing*), I decided to dive into this the other day. Can someon tell me what I'm doing wrong? If I stay in one place, I can't see a damn thing and I end up dead in 2 shots. If I try to be aggressive and move into enemy positions I still can't see a damn thing and I end up dead in 1 shot. I try to follow teammates and cover their back and they end up dead in 2 shots and the same shots go through him and kill me. Maybe I'm not used to more tactical shooters like this, but I just couldnt get a damn thing done. I wanna like this game, getting a lot of praise and such. What do, gaf?

frustrated as fuck
AndyD said:
Tried the PS3 version last night to compare.

I fell through the ground in the first 5 seconds. Suicide/respawn, fell through the ground within 3 seconds. Then 2 squadmates spawned on me and we were all sitting below the map. So we had a short coversation as we shot up the enemy passing above.

Exited beta, played something else.
Wait, you were able to talk to your squadmates on PS3? Because my PS3 clan has had about 30 guys playing the Beta constantly in squads and mics have never ever worked once we're in games together. They only work at the squad setup screen in the main menu prior to entering a game.


CrunchyFrog said:
Having never played a BF before (I'm a TF2 vet *cues the hissing and booing*), I decided to dive into this the other day. Can someon tell me what I'm doing wrong? If I stay in one place, I can't see a damn thing and I end up dead in 2 shots. If I try to be aggressive and move into enemy positions I still can't see a damn thing and I end up dead in 1 shot. I try to follow teammates and cover their back and they end up dead in 2 shots and the same shots go through him and kill me. Maybe I'm not used to more tactical shooters like this, but I just couldnt get a damn thing done. I wanna like this game, getting a lot of praise and such. What do, gaf?

frustrated as fuck



CrunchyFrog said:
Having never played a BF before (I'm a TF2 vet *cues the hissing and booing*), I decided to dive into this the other day. Can someon tell me what I'm doing wrong? If I stay in one place, I can't see a damn thing and I end up dead in 2 shots. If I try to be aggressive and move into enemy positions I still can't see a damn thing and I end up dead in 1 shot. I try to follow teammates and cover their back and they end up dead in 2 shots and the same shots go through him and kill me. Maybe I'm not used to more tactical shooters like this, but I just couldnt get a damn thing done. I wanna like this game, getting a lot of praise and such. What do, gaf?

frustrated as fuck
camp and let the enemies come to you, or hide in bushes. i've seen quite a few successful spawn campings on metro which you can do if you have a good team.
Keasar said:

Best gadget ever.

Playing on one of the Metro 64 player conquest servers somebody had some kind of UAV unlocked that would fly about 20 feet off the ground. Not sure what kind of weapons it had though, I lost track of it when it went into the subway.


I H8 Memes said:
Playing on one of the Metro 64 player conquest servers somebody had some kind of UAV unlocked that would fly about 20 feet off the ground. Not sure what kind of weapons it had though, I lost track of it when it went into the subway.

C4. It's got a radius of a nuke as I've found out many a time.
GraveRobberX said:
I wish squads worked, I wish mics worked, cause with 4 smart BF players, you can takeover the whole fucking game

This so many fucking times.

With one competent squad you can absolutely DESTROY the other team.


Spookie said:
C4. It's got a radius of a nuke as I've found out many a time.

It only has C4s if a support guy plants one on them. I know cause I'm always the one planting them on my friend's MAV ... and then he tells me when to detonate. SO FUN.
Coldsnap said:
Anyone else agree that the xbox 360 version looks better than ps3 version?

are you trying to convince yourself that? because no, the ps3 looks better. doesn't matter though to me cuz I am playing the master race version.


Chinner said:
camp and let the enemies come to you, or hide in bushes. i've seen quite a few successful spawn campings on metro which you can do if you have a good team.
How can people honestly crap on CoD when this is the sort of winning strategy you take for Battlefield games?

I'm having a good time with the demo, dont get me wrong. The sound and intensity during the firefights is amazing, but I dont know how on earth Battlefield fans can act so elitist against CoD.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Seanspeed said:
How can people honestly crap on CoD when this is the sort of winning strategy you take for Battlefield games?

I'm having a good time with the demo, dont get me wrong. The sound and intensity during the firefights is amazing, but I dont know how on earth Battlefield fans can act so elitist against CoD.
It helps them sleep at night.


Fersis said:
The funniest bug is the 'auto suicide'. You go walking around ... and BAM! SUICIDE'D
I hopped a fence last night and popped up 20 feet in the air. Confused the hell out of me as I was all alone. Killcam came up and said I committed suicide. Between this, sinking into the park like quicksand, and being one shotted by non snipers, I'm getting a little frustrated. I still have my preorder, but dice seriously chose a shit map for the beta.


I discovered today that I'm an idiot using C4, I keep pressing the wrong mouse button to detonate/throw and end up killing myself (and usually an enemy) by accident. Still though I'm having a lot of fun with this support class I'm using the first unlock LMG with extended mags and just firing like crazy in any direction.


Keasar said:
Yeah, TV screen controll, you drive it around, can arm and disarm objectives, burn people with the torch and kill them, repair veichles and disarm mines and bombs.

Same as the engi torch or what? You can kill with that, too?

I know that I defibed people in their face a few times and died, worked in BC2 :/

I´m trying to get better with the M249, I don´t know, sometimes people drop like flies, sometimes they don´t, hehe. Why do I die when people run´n´gun with it, but when I do that I get killed instead? Is there a trick to it or does that only work once you have the holo sight?

What´s the deal with more than half a dozen scopes per gun, away, do they really differ so much?

venom2124 said:
Lol. Forgot about that. My first thrown grenade hit a leaf on a tree branch and bounced back to me. Really hoping the retail version is cleaned up big time.

First grenade I threw killed two people at an m-com. I think I never got a double kill with grenades in BC2? I´m much better with grenades in BF3 than in BC2, but yeah, brushes suck.
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