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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Ayo said:
is it me or does anyone hate the flashlight with a vengeance?
I would be fine with it if teammates don't keep blinding me with it and the thing has some sort of fusion reactor in it that makes it shine with the power of the sun.
Ayo said:
is it me or does anyone hate the flashlight with a vengeance?

I'd imagine it'll be toned down, it's currently brighter than the in game sun... outdoors...

It needs to have a much smaller range and only work indoors.


KingOfKong said:
are you trying to convince yourself that? because no, the ps3 looks better. doesn't matter though to me cuz I am playing the master race version.

I have master racer version as well but Xbox 360 looks better than Ps3
Imagine if there was an overhead map like that in-game. Imagine how easy that'd be to implement.

Why don't I understand this ugly, ink-blot minimap?

Oni Jazar


Haha. Someone just took me out from Dumbshit Island and I had to return the favor.

Oh and I've done the Victory Crawl many times but it unfortunately leads to the Clusterfuck zone.


It's crazy how much more fun this game is when you're on a squad that doesn't blow.

Recons that actually use the mobile spawn points are so so effective.
I fell through the ground near MCOM B during the first phase of Rush. Not the first time it's happened, but frustrating enough that I decided to stay down there and kill any planters without any fear of repercussion. Suddenly I'm killed, and the killcam cuts to an enemy who's also clipped underneath the map.

I think that about sums up this absolute clusterfuck of a game.


Trucker Sexologist
Jack Scofield said:
I fell through the ground near MCOM B during the first phase of Rush. Not the first time it's happened, but frustrating enough that I decided to stay down there and kill any planters without any fear of repercussion. Suddenly I'm killed, and the killcam cuts to an enemy who's also clipped underneath the map.

I think that about sums up this absolute clusterfuck of a game.
Yeah, that one glitch pretty much defines BF3. I'm sure it will never be fixed.


Is it true that the netcode of a game cannot be changed/fixed after release?

Thus if it's bad on day one it will be bad for the rest of the games existence?

My friend said he will not be buying the game because the netcode is "terrible" thus he said even if they do all the patches and balance changes in the world it will be all for nothing as the netcode is bad it won't matter if everygame is laggy and hit-detection is messed up...

So is it true? Bad netcode = impossible to fix? My friends example was Gears of War 2...
F#A#Oo said:
Is it true that the netcode of a game cannot be changed/fixed after release?

Thus if it's bad on day one it will be bad for the rest of the games existence?

My friend said he will not be buying the game because the netcode is "terrible" thus he said even if they do all the patches and balance changes in the world it will be all for nothing as the netcode is bad it won't matter if everygame is laggy and hit-detection is messed up...

So is it true? Bad netcode = impossible to fix? My friends example was Gears of War 2...

Anything can be fixed through patches. If they wanted they could turn BF3 into BF4. The question is, will they bother?

I think the netcode is pretty good for BF3 already though.


aka andydumi
F#A#Oo said:
Is it true that the netcode of a game cannot be changed/fixed after release?

Thus if it's bad on day one it will be bad for the rest of the games existence?

My friend said he will not be buying the game because the netcode is "terrible" thus he said even if they do all the patches and balance changes in the world it will be all for nothing as the netcode is bad it won't matter if everygame is laggy and hit-detection is messed up...

So is it true? Bad netcode = impossible to fix? My friends example was Gears of War 2...

Not true. Can be fixed just fine. And BF3 netcode is pretty solid already. Its other bugs that are big issues now.


F#A#Oo said:
Is it true that the netcode of a game cannot be changed/fixed after release?
Well, BC2 had some pretty bad hit registration in it's beta. It is noticeably better after post-release patches but still kind of awful.

I think the netcode for BF3 will be improved post-release but don't expect it to go from what it is now to something gloriously functional.
AndyD said:
And BF3 netcode is pretty solid already.
This is not true.


Jack Scofield said:
I fell through the ground near MCOM B during the first phase of Rush. Not the first time it's happened, but frustrating enough that I decided to stay down there and kill any planters without any fear of repercussion. Suddenly I'm killed, and the killcam cuts to an enemy who's also clipped underneath the map.

I think that about sums up this absolute clusterfuck of a game.

Okay i will own up and say i have been hiding in glitchy sinking pit near MCOM B to rank up my Shot gun, i felt dirty doing it i got over 20 kills :(

On another note, i will be getting this game but just not Day 1, i don't care what DICE community manager Daniel Matros saying that all the bugs will be fixed by time of release, because if this map is buggy just imagine all the bigger maps it will be a glitch-fest, this will take months to fix and patch! :(

rdrr gnr

Mr. Snrub said:
I am officially raging at the UMP + IRNV combo. I think that was the ONLY thing I was killed by the last two rounds.
Haha, I use that in the tunnels a lot. It's pretty damn good.
MuseManMike said:
Haha, I use that in the tunnels a lot. It's impossible to beat.

Fixed. I feel dirty using it, knowing that it's better than just about every other weapon.

I DID get to pick up an AS VAL--it's pretty sick, as well.


Just out of curiosity, I've never touched a Battlefield game, and got the Beta on 360 the other day.

It actually wasn't THAT glitchy to be honest, but what concerned me more was how it looked. Is this game meant to look like an Xbox 1 game?

I mean, the lag and stuff I was willing to ignore given it was a buggy beta build, but surely it shouldn't look so dated should it?


Neo Member
I'm trying to play this beta on xbox 360. I haven't been able to play this game. I've been trying for days but it keeps asking me to create an EA account, even when I try to create the account it gives me an error.

I select multiplayer from the main menu, I then immediately get 2 dialog boxes asking me to accept terms, then the 3rd dialog box is asking me to create an EA account. I can enter information, leave it blank, select continue, select cancel, no matter what it says error after that and I can't continue.

I've tried everything. Re-downloading the beta, deleting my game save, restarting the xbox, signing up for an EA account with several email addresses, and nothing works. Any ideas?


aka andydumi
vidal said:
This is not true.

I dont know about consoles, but on PC it feels pretty good. Not perfect, but certainly what I expected based on previous games and this being an older build beta. On low ping servers anyway. Playing on Euro servers from the US has been pretty horrific.

I am starting to believe whoever said that this beta is designed to see performance on consoles rather than PC. Map is console oriented, so is the 32 player limit.


AndyD said:
I dont know about consoles, but on PC it feels pretty good. Not perfect, but certainly what I expected based on previous games and this being an older build beta. On low ping servers anyway. Playing on Euro servers from the US has been pretty horrific.
I play on servers that are in my city and experience some really horrible hit registration, particularly the ones dealing with lag compensation when going into cover.
tried it ONE more time on ps3 (well, for two rounds) but this beta is actually unplayable.
The times i just fell through the ground, was shot by a sniper HIDING in the goddamn floor, etc.

I'll wait for reviews and reactions a couple of days after release. In no way will i preorder this game.

mr_nothin said:
I have proper AA + SGSSAA working in BF3
And I upped some other graphics settings. Looks like the trailers :O

what's your exact set up? I want to buy it.


Always-honest said:
tried it ONE more time on ps3 (well, for two rounds) but this beta is actually unplayable.
The times i just fell through the ground, was shot by a sniper HIDING in the goddamn floor, etc.

I'll wait for reviews and reactions a couple of days after release. In no way will i preorder this game.

what's your exact set up? I want to buy it.

I have been playing the PS3 beta just fine, as have lots of others.


some first impressions:

-The browser-in-yo-browser is infuriating. I'd much rather have all of this in-game...
-Such a beautiful game, but it absolutely destroys my PC. Upgrade time.
-Flashlights are brighter than the sun

I'm gonna hold off on the beta until I can play some conquest, because Metro doesn't really do the series any justice at all. Otherwise, it's lookin' pretty good.
Jburton said:
I have been playing the PS3 beta just fine, as have lots of others.
that's near impossible imo. You haven't experienced any of these problems? cause we're playing the same version you know...

edit: wtf? you're just gonna say that these issues are NOT THERE?... come the fuck on.


Now played 2 rounds of 64 Conquest on Metro and I can safely say its a complete disaster...watch as 60 people cue by the escalators throwing grenades, yikes...never again.


F#A#Oo said:
This issue can be fixed right?
It can be alleviated but I don't think DICE is capable of completely resolving it. It's still present in BC2 to a smaller degree but now, with BF3, they've got a more ambitious engine with servers that are processing more data. My pessimistic ass believes that DICE will fix a many things post-launch but the netcode? Don't expect it to be fixed any time soon.

this guy

The beta has been fun so far, and the fact that it can be played with a Silver account makes it all the sweeter for me. Recon has definitely been by class of choice so far. Unfortunately, my 360 has frozen up when I was spawning right towards the end of two of my games, and I was going something like 35-15 in both of them. :(


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
All this talk about getting the game to "look like the trailers"

Am I missing something? What about some compressed youtube .flv is so mindblowing that it can't be reproduced in this beta?
BF3 is a beast I know metro might be my least favorite map but but damn is this game fun. My best combo is assualt with smoke nades and IR scope. I set a trap in the subway by feeling the area with smoke and waited for my prey lol I get so many kills doing that thanks the IR scope.


F#A#Oo said:
This issue can be fixed right?

I don't think so. What happens there is that while you're just behind cover, on your enemies computer you're actually still out in the open and if the enemy has reasonable ping and his client says he shot at you than the server counts that as a hit even though you're really behind cover at this time.

If there was no compensation than the enemy will be shooting at you and hitting nothing, he'd actually have to lead his shot based on lag.

Neither situation is ideal, far from it, but that's reality with latency. Not much you can do about it.


i guess fixing the login issue of passwords containing special characters isn't on the 'to do' list at DICE.

its been like that for days now.

good job guys.
Nice to see spawn camping has not gone out of style.


Just played a game where a group of defenders were spawning off to the right of the subway tunnel and sniping the attackers before they ran into the tunnels.


SalsaShark said:
mantainance or something going on? keep getting "found 0 servers"
What's your Battlelog name

I love the Mod0. Oh my God the funs I have with the weapon. Also got like 3 knifekills instead of either zero or one.

Still hate the weapon specific unlocks. I didn't notice at first, but the first time GAF made such a mention I thought it was class restricted, so I just unlocked a bipod on mod0, wanted to use it on my svd (both recon) no can do :(

Gonna make a suggestion list sometime, even though it'll get lost in the sea of things.
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